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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Anyone else pick up Culdcept Saga?

played the demo but it didn't keep my attention



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I want to pick it up at some point. Really interested, as I dont have any TCG-type games. Loved the demo.

How much did you pay for it, TW? I had heard it was $39.99 USD new, but am unsure.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

I'm pretty sure it was $40 game, I forget because I also bought Phoenix Write: Ace Attoryney too (going to Illinois tomorrow and wanted something for the plane).

Yeah, it's $39.99.

I greatly enjoyed the PS2 version and was planning on picking this up... until I heard they were also making a version for the DS. I'm going to wait for that one instead, as a portable version would be way better.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

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Crap, I never heard about the DS version. When does that come out? I was thinking while playing this on the 360 it would work so much better as a portable.

I might get it when it hits $30 it looks like a solid game.

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twesterm said:
Gnizmo said:
I am picking it up soonish. I loved the last one and have been anxiously awaiting this ones release. This is one of the few games that has me tempted to pick up a 360. I just hope the computer doesn't cheat as badly as it did the last time.

It's funny you mention that because I always had at least one land that was like my boardwalk that was worth a shit load of money and the computer *never* landed on it. They always land either one before it or one after it. It's also funny how the computer seems to roll the perfect number to get the one empty land on the board but that one could be just me being crazy. It also manages to draw the damn slings (+10STR, +10HP, First Strike) whenver it needs them too which always pisses me off.

I read a review this morning for it and they actually mentioned the same thing how it always seems like the cheats or gets the exact roll it needs to.

It was also a little scary to read the review and see that an hour is actually a short match and games can last a good four to five hours which sounds painful. That seems fine for single player since you can just suspend the match at any time and return but unfortunately it looks like you can't do that for multiplayer.


 You can have really short games or really long one depending with multiplayer. So long as you keep the resource number relatively low and a semi-small map a game might not take more than a half-hour to an hour. If it is anything like the last game you can also play 4 player so you can use it with a few people over supposing they know how to play. It also helps a ton that you will have people land on your super expensive territories rather than just bounce from fort to fort while skipping over anything that might actually cost them some money.

 Funny story about how my friend got fed up with the blatant cheating on the PS2 version that seems to still be around. At one point there was a map where you can go any number of different directions and never had to pass the castle and could thus prolong the match to your hearts content. So after he had secured his victory he set down two Kelpies (they force you to land on them) maxxed them out and waited until the computer went bankrupt. After that he made sure he kept a hand full of defensive cards and laughed as the computer was forced to go over them again and again getting restarted everytime it made a roll. He spent a good three hours laughing at the computer as it kept on getting slammed for max toll again and again and again. He has some revenge issues.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Gnizmo said:
twesterm said:
Gnizmo said:
I am picking it up soonish. I loved the last one and have been anxiously awaiting this ones release. This is one of the few games that has me tempted to pick up a 360. I just hope the computer doesn't cheat as badly as it did the last time.

It's funny you mention that because I always had at least one land that was like my boardwalk that was worth a shit load of money and the computer *never* landed on it. They always land either one before it or one after it. It's also funny how the computer seems to roll the perfect number to get the one empty land on the board but that one could be just me being crazy. It also manages to draw the damn slings (+10STR, +10HP, First Strike) whenver it needs them too which always pisses me off.

I read a review this morning for it and they actually mentioned the same thing how it always seems like the cheats or gets the exact roll it needs to.

It was also a little scary to read the review and see that an hour is actually a short match and games can last a good four to five hours which sounds painful. That seems fine for single player since you can just suspend the match at any time and return but unfortunately it looks like you can't do that for multiplayer.


You can have really short games or really long one depending with multiplayer. So long as you keep the resource number relatively low and a semi-small map a game might not take more than a half-hour to an hour. If it is anything like the last game you can also play 4 player so you can use it with a few people over supposing they know how to play. It also helps a ton that you will have people land on your super expensive territories rather than just bounce from fort to fort while skipping over anything that might actually cost them some money.

Funny story about how my friend got fed up with the blatant cheating on the PS2 version that seems to still be around. At one point there was a map where you can go any number of different directions and never had to pass the castle and could thus prolong the match to your hearts content. So after he had secured his victory he set down two Kelpies (they force you to land on them) maxxed them out and waited until the computer went bankrupt. After that he made sure he kept a hand full of defensive cards and laughed as the computer was forced to go over them again and again getting restarted everytime it made a roll. He spent a good three hours laughing at the computer as it kept on getting slammed for max toll again and again and again. He has some revenge issues.

 That's both really funny and really sad.

twesterm said:
Crap, I never heard about the DS version. When does that come out? I was thinking while playing this on the 360 it would work so much better as a portable.

It hasn't been announced for NA release as yet, so it may never end up coming here. I'm hopeful that it will though. The release date for Japan is supposed to be some time this year, but nothing specific has been said.

Here are a couple screens:

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.