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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CBOAT is a dirty liar!: PS4 late October, One SDK not ready yet (hence delay), Platinum Games making exclusive for One?

Yes, I hope he's wrong on Xbone getting a PG exclusive too! Because otherwise I will lose my self and go rampage like during the Bayonetta 2 meltdown.

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CGI-Quality said:
He was wrong by 2 weeks on the date. Hardly an issue.

This two weeks bleeds into a whole other month. If it's not an issue now then it shouldn't have been an issue before. 

tiffac said:

But he is not suppose to be making predictions. Unless CBOAT became the insider version of Pachter. lol!

Or CBOAT is Pachter.

CGI-Quality said:
TheSting said:
CGI-Quality said:
He was wrong by 2 weeks on the date. Hardly an issue.

This two weeks bleeds into a whole other month. If it's not an issue now then it shouldn't have been an issue before. 

It never was an issue, so I'm not sure what you're on about.

It's an issue because if he's wrong about the release date, then he's also wrong about the negative xbox rumor confirmations. FYI. Jeeze cgi, wasn't that hard to figure out.

Vanquish 2. I want it.
And this time have Western type of marketing.

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I think this confirms that CBOAT is a MS guy, and he just releases what he hears coming out of Sony.

An interesting post over on Reddit about CBOAT:

1) He said PS4 will launch in October as a "truthfact,' meaning it's fact. False, middle and end of November for NA/EU.

2) He said there is no final indie solution, and that it will come post launch. False, we got a coherent self-publishing statement at Gamescom, taken into effect immediately; you can tweet or email ID@XBOX to get your independent game on Xbox One.

3) He said indie devs will be limited to 3GB RAM total. False, as said at Gamescom indies will get FULL access to Xbox One and all it's RAM/power.

4) He said indies on Xbox One will be published through the "windows store ghetto." False on multiple accounts.

5) He said PSN will have no paywall. False, it was announced you need to pay to play online with PS4 right after.

6) He said he saw an exclusive Prince of Persia for Xbox E3 conference. False, he got the desert from Halo mixed up with PoP, especially because Master Chief was wearing a poncho to hide his appearance from his enemies. He has since apologized, but this goes to show his position within Microsoft, not even knowing something as big and staple as Halo from PoP.

I've seen a few more things in another comprehensive list on NeoGAF, but this week alone drastically affected his percentage rate. Sure he's obviously a whistleblower within MS, but it's funny that he gets to be wrong so many times and have no repercussions on a site that was built on banning people even if wrong one time, all because he's leaked some info in the past. He's able to troll Xbox fans and call them "xbotz" or "xbottlez," and even say he enjoys their "tears."

The vast majority of his "leaks" never end up being proven and/or are extremely vague, and yet people (usually with agendas) take it as gospel. You can tell that over the years he became a disgruntled employee through his post history. Why only post negative info? He can say something like Gamescom announcement not being streamed because the hardware isn't ready, but not because its at 5AM EST? Not because there IS no conference, really? Even though there was tons of game play and UI navigation showed, and over 100 Xbox One consoles to be played by gamers there? Riiiight.

I wonder if he was leaked the wrong info on purpose and caught out. ;)

Funny thing is (as Ethomaz was wrongly shouting at people) MS did have a conference and you can watch it online now.

No idea why they didn't stream it, but not streaming is not the difference between showcase and press conference.

Edit - The CBOAT being wrong loads is funny for people that kiss his crazy buttocks.


OP should replace all "TRUTHFACT" with "LIEOPINION"

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)

OMG, this should shut many people's mouth. And the ridiculous gifs... Man, some were really too confident on CBOAT.