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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Despite all the X1 Improvements, geographical bias will be its biggest problem.

oniyide said:
MS did try to get Japan on board with those JRPG timed exclusives but to be fair they were a)timed freaking exclusives, if you were Japanese and had no interest in getting 360 and you knew those games were going to come eventually with bonus content, wouldnt you just wait for it to come on the system you already have/want? I would and b) those games werent even that great to begin with, nothing to go gaga over.

To be fair most of those games didn't have the PS3 version announced until after the game settled on the 360 for a period of time. A lot of marketing from 06-10 period. And 360 had amazing Japan exclusive XBLA games from indie devs in the country, notable ones were Cave shooters.

Point being, 360 deserved better for the effort they put in. Not saying it should have truly taken off, but it deserved more sales.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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ViktorBKK said:
It is not bias, it is common sense. If I have to choose between a foreign and a domestic product, I will go domestic 100% of the time. The money has a better chance of coming back to me that way. The Japanese are smart people.

If they were so smart then they wouldn't be in a 1.009 quadrillion yen debt which is $10.44 trillion (more than twice their GDP). 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

sales2099 said:
Osc89 said:

The bias actually seems to be in NA. This week, the PS3 and 3DS outsold the 360 in Europe, Japan and in the rest of the world. However, in NA the 360 outsold them both and makes up more than half the sales. No other console had more than half the sales come from one region (except the DS in NA).

Well there is the little detail of PS2 selling the most last gen, and Wii selling a shit ton, until 360 took its place in the last few years.

I can't speak for the Japanese in non gaming, but in gaming there is a clear cultural bias.

I'm just pointing out the facts. Technically the anomaly is NA, which had a disproportionately strong response to the 360. We can't really say for sure whether it is a cultural bias, just that there is a statistical bias in favour of the 360 in NA.

PSN: Osc89

NNID: Oscar89

sales2099 said:
oniyide said:
MS did try to get Japan on board with those JRPG timed exclusives but to be fair they were a)timed freaking exclusives, if you were Japanese and had no interest in getting 360 and you knew those games were going to come eventually with bonus content, wouldnt you just wait for it to come on the system you already have/want? I would and b) those games werent even that great to begin with, nothing to go gaga over.

To be fair most of those games didn't have the PS3 version announced until after the game settled on the 360 for a period of time. A lot of marketing from 06-10 period. And 360 had amazing Japan exclusive XBLA games from indie devs in the country, notable ones were Cave shooters.

Point being, 360 deserved better for the effort they put in. Not saying it should have truly taken off, but it deserved more sales.

and you know this how? WE didnt know about it but that doesnt mean that our Japanese counterparts didnt know about it, im sure they did, especially on the bigger titles. like Star Ocean and Tales of Vesperia, sure they knew those were going to PS3. Hell Star Ocean was announced as a timed exclusive and even then as I stated most those games werent that good in the first place. So why would they spend money on a console they probably dont want to play some mediocore games? XBLA? im sure that feature isnt anywhere near relevant over their, so it doesnt matter what they put on XBLA, hell its not like they are even paying for Gold to access that content?(could be wrong about that)

Doesnt deserve anything, the market determines what it deserves.

Torillian said:
sales2099 said:
Osc89 said:

The bias actually seems to be in NA. This week, the PS3 and 3DS outsold the 360 in Europe, Japan and in the rest of the world. However, in NA the 360 outsold them both and makes up more than half the sales. No other console had more than half the sales come from one region (except the DS in NA).

Well there is the little detail of PS2 selling the most last gen, and Wii selling a shit ton, until 360 took its place in the last few years.

I can't speak for the Japanese in non gaming, but in gaming there is a clear cultural bias.

"Games, price, and mmarketing matter. Xbox caters to American tastes. That ain't bias, thats earning customers"

Couldn't it just be that in Japan X360 didn't earn its customers?  I mean you just specified that Xbox caters to American tastes, maybe it just didn't cater to Japanese tastes as well.

They did....until early 2010. Thats when MS stopped trying. 360 deserved more then what it got. I genuinely believe the cultural bias the origional XBox set held back 360 sales when MS was really giving them Japanese centric content.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


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Darth Tigris said:
Only people that think there is an American bias when buying game consoles are those that don't live here. Seriously, you have no idea. American consumers don't care.

Are there any gamers that live in Japan in the community that can give us an accurate current representation of how things are there now?

I live in Japan. I posted above.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

oniyide said:
sales2099 said:
oniyide said:
MS did try to get Japan on board with those JRPG timed exclusives but to be fair they were a)timed freaking exclusives, if you were Japanese and had no interest in getting 360 and you knew those games were going to come eventually with bonus content, wouldnt you just wait for it to come on the system you already have/want? I would and b) those games werent even that great to begin with, nothing to go gaga over.

To be fair most of those games didn't have the PS3 version announced until after the game settled on the 360 for a period of time. A lot of marketing from 06-10 period. And 360 had amazing Japan exclusive XBLA games from indie devs in the country, notable ones were Cave shooters.

Point being, 360 deserved better for the effort they put in. Not saying it should have truly taken off, but it deserved more sales.

Doesnt deserve anything, the market determines what it deserves.

Interesting comment. You never thought that the PS3 deserved more NA sales?

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Goatseye said:
TheBlackNaruto said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
Goatseye said:
Troll_Whisperer said:

What did exactly X360 offer to Japanese gamers that they may have been interested in? When there were some JRPGs coming it didn't sell that badly, most of the 1.6m sales it got were from that couple of years.


And the Japanese go crazy for Apple despite Sony's offerings. They also absolutely love Disney, probably more so than in America. When it comes to clothing and Jewelry European or American brands are very popular. Korean cosmetics are very popular.


So please stop this "the Japanese are nationalistic" bullcrap. Of course they'll more inclined to get things that they have more exposure to and that are more suitable to their tastes.


The 1st Western game in Japan on PS3 is CoD: MW3 at 21st, according to VGC. The first Japanese game on 360 in the US is RE5 at 48th. By this reasoning Americans are more nationalistic than the Japanese. But of course it's just a matter of taste.

Are you serious or really whispering trolling messages?

Very well reasoned post. I guess that's all you have...

Yeah I though tyou made some very good valid points personally....not sure why he made the comment that he made....ehhhh oh well.

Very good post though!

Very good valid points? RE 5 on x360 sold couple of thousands short of PS3 version, when it was the first RE on Xbox system with a physical copy.

You think Americans are more nationalists than Japanese too? Where does MGS series sell the most? Nintendo/Sony consoles sell the most where?

Call of Duty doesn't even sell like a groping game in Japan I think.

Bolded: Irrelevant. It wasn't about how much it sells for each console, but how it sells compared to other kinds of games (Wester/Japanese)

Italics: I never said that. Quite the opposite, I said that none are. It's a matter of taste and not nationalism. Please read carefully and don't make up stuff.

Underlined: CoD sells very well considering how well PS3 games usually perform in Japan and that historically FPSs have never been popular here.


There's no nationalism at play here. People don't go "I'm not buying it coz it comes from abroad". Seriously.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

sales2099 said:

They did....until early 2010. Thats when MS stopped trying. 360 deserved more then what it got. I genuinely believe the cultural bias the origional XBox set held back 360 sales when MS was really giving them Japanese centric content.

But how did you decide how much one or the other console deserves?  The 360 did markedly better than the original Xbox did in Japan so it's making headway.  I don't think they put in so much effort that it should have completely counteracted their past in the region.  


sales2099 said:

They did....until early 2010. Thats when MS stopped trying. 360 deserved more then what it got. I genuinely believe the cultural bias the origional XBox set held back 360 sales when MS was really giving them Japanese centric content.

Umm mister if anything US is the most biased of the three regions. The only reason playstation is taking off in the US is that it is a very culturally diverse nation. Even then Xbox, an american product,k dominates the market. Xbox i s a shooter console, that fact is true and whatever MS  does, it cannot shake off that image. Just look at the top sellers and xbox exclusive to have a clue. 

Playstation has a history,  it has established itself as a console with diverse genre of titles to suit every gamer's taste. It is not that japanese are biased towards Sony in the light of nationalism it is just that xbox isn't appealing and practically unheard in japan before 360 came along. It takes more than one generation to establish a fan base sony did that with playstation one, microsoft tried at the beginning of 360 life cycle,  but the effort was half-assed and died prematurely. Why is it that in Japan iphone has taken off and is still popular despite having the choices of asian alternatives such as Sony, Samsung, Hawei etc?

Admit it OP, you support 360 mostly due to misleaded partriotism. If Playstation was even a European brand you would not have any opposition to it as you do now.  The trend that I have observed in 360 supporters are mostly: male, anglo american, conservative, militarilistic, pro apple, pro nokia, pro NSA and ocassionally storm-front lurkers.

Come and tell me any of these ain't true.

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