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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Despite all the X1 Improvements, geographical bias will be its biggest problem.

Goatseye said:
enditall727 said:
I think they did good by actually letting you unplug the Kinect. The tinfoil hat people were right this time around, MLD. It's clear that they were always able to provide the Kinect without X1 so why did they even try to pull that stunt in the 1st place? Why would they try to make the Kinect for the console to function all of a sudden?

You don't find that to be odd, MLD?

Good thread though

It's right from their part to do that in my opinion. That way there would be 100% adherence to Kinect and that would give developers more assurance to develope games for Kinect. Also it would improve the utilization of Kinect and its features. Everybody win, bang. Minus the tinfoil hat people...

If that's the case then all they had to do was just add the Kinect in each X1. What was the purpose in trying to make the Kinect mandatory for the X1 to function? Why even try to go the extra mile? 


Tin foil hat people(lol) had every right to be concerned about that

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enditall727 said:
Goatseye said:
enditall727 said:



Xbox just simply didn't fit in over there. Why would people buy an Xbox when all of their favorite games were on PlayStation? Final Fantasy, Gran Turismo, Yakuza, Metal Gear Solid, Hot Shots Golf, Resident Evil etc


Why would people buy their favorite games on the outside that was the only one that had its online behind a paywall and had the least reliable hardware?


They didn't play online shooters. They had Online RPGs like White Knight Chronicles ,Demons Souls and Dark Souls. Now why would any Japanese person buy a game like Dark Souls on 360 when they get play it online for free on the more reliablereliable PS3?


PS4 has a paywall this time around now with its online so the X1 wont look as bad. Japan has 2 big hits already confirmed for PS4 and X1. Now ask yourself, why would a japanese person buy Final Fantasy 15 or Kingdom Hearts 3 on X1( a system that gave off a HORRIBLE 1st impression and has put MS in the company-least-to-trust category) over the Cheaper PS4?

Let me ask you a question. Why woud you buy Kia and Hyundai today when they were cheap and unreliable a decade ago?

read the link I posted above. ^^

I wouldn't buy them ;)


Also, Xbox was not guaranteed to be getting their favorite games on 360 when it was alone on the market. I believe the only game it had was an old port of Final Fantasy 11


There was simply nothing that would interest them

So a whole nation likes 2-3 genres of games...

I still think they're some ultra-nationalist heads.

People to thank: Gamers (at large), Gamestop and Sony. 

Also, Microsoft dodged a bullet pissing off the wider audience by dropping always online. Now people can game on and offline in peace. :)

Also, why should gamers in Japan respond to the Xbone if it is similar to their home product that is cheaper? The japanese never really respond to outsider products if they dont have their own special thing about it that sets it apart. 

RolStoppable said:
enditall727 said:
I think they did good by actually letting you unplug the Kinect. The tinfoil hat people were right this time around, MLD. It's clear that they were always able to provide the Kinect without X1 so why did they even try to pull that stunt in the 1st place? Why would they try to make the Kinect for the console to function all of a sudden?

You don't find that to be odd, MLD?

Good thread though

I once read an interesting theory on the always-on and required Kinect. It ties in with Microsoft's TV focus and essentially Kinect would capture the reactions of viewers to commercials. This would potentially be incredibly valuable data for marketing firms to improve advertising for all sorts of products, worth billions of dollars.

That sounds like it should have been kept as a perk of having Kinect on. This bitch is so powerful that it can look at you and sense your heart beat. I've also read somewhere that the sensor can also sense the pace of the blood streaming through your veins when looking at you.


I don't see how they could get better than what is done now. If i'm looking up RPGs then advertise RPGs to me. If i'm in the movie section looking up horror films then advertise horror movies to me. I dont think they can get any better than that.


X1 biggest issue now with no question is being being $100 more expensive than the PS4. If they don't announce they are matching PS4 in price before launch they are very likely to lose a lot ground early on to PS4, which they will find to be very hard to regain over course of the 8th Generation.

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Goatseye said:
Lyrikalstylez said:
I think we Americans should boycot Sony and Nintendo also, that'll show em!

I'm being very serious!

I would love to see that happen. But we're better than that.

No, why the hell can't we be patriotic also, that's the problem now a days.....we import too much

I agree, although more expensive, less powerful, American bias will still buy it like crazy. Shameful really.

 Next Gen 

11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)

Create the Xbone in Japan...Problem solved^^

Saeko said:
sales2099 said:
The Xbox 1 has become more gamer centric by the week as MS continues to surprise me for the better. Below is what they have improved and amended:
Improvements over 360 Era

Bluray drive
Standard harddrive with external HD support
Improved gamepad (D-pad and trigger)
No MS points
Live Gold Free Games
Dedicated servers
Region free
Smart Match > Truskill matchmaking
More reliable
Improved 1st party Studio support with increased 3rd party deals

Well, not for down your post, but just want  to point out for me :

- improved gamepad, i need to use this before to know if better or not, same as ps4 new pad
- No MS points, well sorry but here this mean i will pay higher price since i cant buy them in other country for cheaper so not a improve at all.
- More reliable... really ? we not even know atm, this problably will be, but i want to see this first, same for ps4, there can alway may have problem.
- Dedicated server, just PR talk, this was already the case for many game this gen, and not all company will pay for this so, this may or not improve, time will tell.

But i agree, they improving since unveilling, but i still prefere ps4, but now i consider xbox 1 at buy down later :) and its all good for gamer who want play all good game from all company ^^

No, the dedicated server thing is legit. They have 300k servers for the X1 and I remember seeing that virtually ever game on the X1 will have dedicated servers.


OT: They have done an excellent job of being more consumer friendly as a whole (even basically bringing back things that I liked during the DRM phase they had).

psrock said:
I agree, although more expensive, less powerful, American bias will still buy it like crazy. Shameful really.

You are not American are you?