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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Despite all the X1 Improvements, geographical bias will be its biggest problem.

allblue said:
Goatseye said:

How can you be so willingly blind?
MS is the leading out of the 3 on Arcade and Indy sales. Microsoft has dozens of hit Arcade and Indy hits that Sony and Nintendo combined I believe don't have.


Your obsession with anti-Americanism is deceiving your brain. Do you know who is the leading character on Crackdown and State of Decay? Do you know that MS owns MSNBC and it's included in Xbox app store? Xbox pro Apple?

Did you quote the wrong person? Because you seemed to have answered nothing with your post especially the last paragraph. My post in its entirety is to call OP a hypocrite, you cannot accuse other regions of bias while xbox's success in america for the most part is fueled by patriotism and protectionism. 

Anti-american? You seem to be implying that there is something fundamentally so great about america that even remotely criticizing its hyprocrisy is deemed as being antagonistic to it. I don't hate America, it is a great land, some great scholars that I admire originate from there. I just like to take every opportunity to dish out that stinking hypocrisy in your government and a small minority of the population who has their heads in the cloud. 

Is everything fair and just in America? The whole presidential veto thinig in apple vs samsung case screams protectionism. I wonder what happened to those China hacking america headlines after the whole NSA fiasco? 


Where are you from?

Did you that PS2 sold more than original Xbox?

Did you know that most PS3 games are sold in US?

Yes America is great, it's the ninth wonder it's cloud 9!

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Goatseye said:
allblue said:
Goatseye said:

How can you be so willingly blind?
MS is the leading out of the 3 on Arcade and Indy sales. Microsoft has dozens of hit Arcade and Indy hits that Sony and Nintendo combined I believe don't have.


Your obsession with anti-Americanism is deceiving your brain. Do you know who is the leading character on Crackdown and State of Decay? Do you know that MS owns MSNBC and it's included in Xbox app store? Xbox pro Apple?

Did you quote the wrong person? Because you seemed to have answered nothing with your post especially the last paragraph. My post in its entirety is to call OP a hypocrite, you cannot accuse other regions of bias while xbox's success in america for the most part is fueled by patriotism and protectionism. 

Anti-american? You seem to be implying that there is something fundamentally so great about america that even remotely criticizing its hyprocrisy is deemed as being antagonistic to it. I don't hate America, it is a great land, some great scholars that I admire originate from there. I just like to take every opportunity to dish out that stinking hypocrisy in your government and a small minority of the population who has their heads in the cloud. 

Is everything fair and just in America? The whole presidential veto thinig in apple vs samsung case screams protectionism. I wonder what happened to those China hacking america headlines after the whole NSA fiasco? 


Where are you from?

Did you that PS2 sold more than original Xbox?

Did you know that most PS3 games are sold in US?

Yes America is great, it's the ninth wonder it's cloud 9!

Tell me how that question is relevant and I'll answer it.

Do you know that Hollywood movies regularly tops the box office in Japan?

Did you also know US has five times the population of Japan and is more culturally diverse? 

The general population in Japan has no sense of protectionism as most Americans do. They don't discriminate against American products, not on the grandscale most Americans do to chinese, korean, japanese products. Can you picture an average japanese going "oh its made in America I'm going to boycott that and buy Japanese products instead to help the economy." In short in majority of the cases, the general Japanese population would eat up most of western brands without a second thought.

Can you deny American protectionism? Don't you have one yourself? Can you answer this question? 

Oh and you have avoided answering my last paragraph again.

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Goatseye said:
Troll_Whisperer said:
Goatseye said:

Do I have to make a thread on this Nipponophiles?

Have a good read.


Mr Chang is an international authority now?

Japanese electronic brands have a long history here. Of course it's gonna be hard to beat them. 

Similar to how Europeans don't buy American cars.

Apple managed, Samsung didn't. How the hell is that nationalism? They're only nationalistic against Korea? But yet Korean cosmetics and TV dramas are super-popular here.

Honestly, very poor choice of a "proof" and it shows some desperation.


List of countries by number of McDonalds:

Japan 2nd by far (why no rejection?)

List of most popular theme parks:

Japan's Disneylands no. 2 and no. 3 (why no rejection?)


Plus Korean products (not phones), Apple computers, Windows OSs... why are they so successful in Japan?

Heck, why do the Japanese travel abroad so much? Practically every Japanese person has been abroad and is interested in other cultures, much more so than in the US.


Whatever companies struggle in Japan have other reasons for struggling, cultural or historical.

Again, it's NOT nationalism. You can't explain some companies struggling and others not with nationalism. "Selective nationalism" makes absolutely no sense.


You have absolutely no clue of what you're talking about. Drop it.

Please do not misquote me.

Who are you also? International authority now?

Most Korean appliances are not well regarded there also not just phones.

Poor comparison with American automobiles in Europe. Europe's urban life does not allow American extra sized vehicles to freely roam. Plus the vehicles disregard for fuel consumption is another reason. Futile comparison.

Plus Korean products (not phones), Apple computers, Windows OSs... why are they so successful in Japan?

Do they have a similar Japanese reliable alternative to compete with them?

Do they have to McDonalds and Coca Cola?

Practically every Japanese person has been abroad and is interested in other cultures, much more so than in the US.

You must be joking right?

Korean TV dramas, cosmetics, actors and music groups are SUPER popular here.

And yes, Apple has reliable alternatives (Sony for computers and phones, NTT and other brands that are only known here). Mos Burger or Freshness Burger to McDonalds and a shit-ton of drinks to Coca-Cola.

Plus, even if there were no competition, since they're "nationalistic", it would be really easy to set up a Japanese alternative according to you.

I'm not joking, are you? If we're talking about americans, only 1/3 even have a passport. Practically all the Japanese do. Where's the joke? European countries probably compare more favourably, but still.


Man, have you been to Japan? There's barely any Japanese flags and they never play the anthem anywhere. Heck, these only became official symbols in 1998! Most people have no clue about what the royalty does and many don't even know their names. And I've never heard a Japanese person show any nationalistic inclination, that kind of behaviour is frown upon.


Please don't talk without knowledge.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

Can you deny the veracity on the link below? You live in Japan let me know.

I don't talk without knowledge buddy! I'm always up on the news and latest trends around the world.

39% or more Americans have passport and that's without counting that people can travel to Canada,Mexico and Caribbean with just a passport card.

Goatseye said:
Can you deny the veracity on the link below? You live in Japan let me know.

I don't talk without knowledge buddy! I'm always up on the news and latest trends around the world.

39% or more Americans have passport and that's without counting that people can travel to Canada,Mexico and Caribbean with just a passport card.

Whatever happened to the other points, you're just changing the subject.

I don't deny it, incidents like these occur in every country. Much more so in, say, France. You chose a very poor example and I could find a million similar articles from other countries. Using certain word 25,000 times online is not saying much.

Most young girls have been to Korea, believe me. (BTW, the hatred from Koreans toward the Japanese is also exaggerated, but that's another story. The governments are the ones interested in annoying each other, common poeple don't give a fuck).

And 39% is a small percentage comparatively.


It really is as simple as this:

Japanese people like Japanese games, Xbox didn't have enough. Sure, they also have more exposure to Sony than MS so that will influence decisions, but the similar cases apply to other countries and it's not nationalism.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

Around the Network
RolStoppable said:

Can we stop focusing so much on Japan and instead evaluate why mainland Europe isn't fond of Xbox either?

We're too nationalistic. Since I'm Spanish and, as you may know, the Xbox has been decimated by the Wii and PS3 in Spain, it must mean we hate Americans. Or Koreans, I'm not sure.

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

I think price is the bigger problem for X1. If PS3's higher price point pushed many PS2 gamers to Xbox 360, i can see many going from Xbox 360 to PS4 just because of the fact it is cheaper.

Also, give up with Japan- Xbox will never do well there. As for Europe, i guess people stick with what they know as Playstation has always done well here.

Also, hears what Japanese gamers though about Xbox One (this was back in May though) ~

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

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Troll_Whisperer said:
RolStoppable said:

Can we stop focusing so much on Japan and instead evaluate why mainland Europe isn't fond of Xbox either?

We're too nationalistic. Since I'm Spanish and, as you may know, the Xbox has been decimated by the Wii and PS3 in Spain, it must mean we hate Americans. Or Koreans, I'm not sure.

You don't fall in love with US like the rest of Europe either...

Goatseye said:
Can you deny the veracity on the link below? You live in Japan let me know.

I don't talk without knowledge buddy! I'm always up on the news and latest trends around the world.

39% or more Americans have passport and that's without counting that people can travel to Canada,Mexico and Caribbean with just a passport card.

Ninja  please, you're trying way too hard. There is discrimination in every country, there are also good people in every country.

Troll_Whisperer said:

Whatever happened to the other points, you're just changing the subject.

I don't deny it, incidents like these occur in every country. Much more so in, say, France. You chose a very poor example and I could find a million similar articles from other countries. Using certain word 25,000 times online is not saying much.

Most young girls have been to Korea, believe me. (BTW, the hatred from Koreans toward the Japanese is also exaggerated, but that's another story. The governments are the ones interested in annoying each other, common poeple don't give a fuck).

And 39% is a small percentage comparatively.


It really is as simple as this:

Japanese people like Japanese games, Xbox didn't have enough. Sure, they also have more exposure to Sony than MS so that will influence decisions, but the similar cases apply to other countries and it's not nationalism.

Korean hatred to Japanese is exxagerated? And Chinese,Phillipino and Guam hatred also right?

39% is not a small percentage. And internal tourism in US is stronger than anywhere else in the world.

I don't deny it, incidents like these occur in every country. Much more so in, say, France. You chose a very poor example and I could find a million similar articles from other countries. Using certain word 25,000 times online is not saying much.

I could find much more for you and their relationship with neighboring countries.