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Goatseye said:
allblue said:
Goatseye said:

How can you be so willingly blind?
MS is the leading out of the 3 on Arcade and Indy sales. Microsoft has dozens of hit Arcade and Indy hits that Sony and Nintendo combined I believe don't have.


Your obsession with anti-Americanism is deceiving your brain. Do you know who is the leading character on Crackdown and State of Decay? Do you know that MS owns MSNBC and it's included in Xbox app store? Xbox pro Apple?

Did you quote the wrong person? Because you seemed to have answered nothing with your post especially the last paragraph. My post in its entirety is to call OP a hypocrite, you cannot accuse other regions of bias while xbox's success in america for the most part is fueled by patriotism and protectionism. 

Anti-american? You seem to be implying that there is something fundamentally so great about america that even remotely criticizing its hyprocrisy is deemed as being antagonistic to it. I don't hate America, it is a great land, some great scholars that I admire originate from there. I just like to take every opportunity to dish out that stinking hypocrisy in your government and a small minority of the population who has their heads in the cloud. 

Is everything fair and just in America? The whole presidential veto thinig in apple vs samsung case screams protectionism. I wonder what happened to those China hacking america headlines after the whole NSA fiasco? 


Where are you from?

Did you that PS2 sold more than original Xbox?

Did you know that most PS3 games are sold in US?

Yes America is great, it's the ninth wonder it's cloud 9!

Tell me how that question is relevant and I'll answer it.

Do you know that Hollywood movies regularly tops the box office in Japan?

Did you also know US has five times the population of Japan and is more culturally diverse? 

The general population in Japan has no sense of protectionism as most Americans do. They don't discriminate against American products, not on the grandscale most Americans do to chinese, korean, japanese products. Can you picture an average japanese going "oh its made in America I'm going to boycott that and buy Japanese products instead to help the economy." In short in majority of the cases, the general Japanese population would eat up most of western brands without a second thought.

Can you deny American protectionism? Don't you have one yourself? Can you answer this question? 

Oh and you have avoided answering my last paragraph again.

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