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Forums - Sony Discussion - Preowned 40GB PS3 for £220 - should I buy it?

My local video store has a pre owned 40GB PS3 for £220 and I'm really tempted, so bored of my 360 now and I've been enquiring.  I could get £110 for my 360 and games from local game store - this means the PS3 is only costing me £110 but I am concerned about it coming from a video store, it could have been to dozens of homes  if it's one they rent out to people.

 other questions I have are (if anybody can help me)

DS3 - is it likely to be bundled with new 40GB any time soon?

There's a 60GB for £250 and although i'm not interested in PS2 backwards compatibility - is there any other benefits to having the 60GB other than the obvious more hard drive space.

Is there likely to be a range of classic games out any time soon (read on a post somewhere they were but is this legit).

 Many thanks for your help as I would have had one at launch personally - the wife needs a lot of persuading and this cheap price point along with the BR player (we've just bought a brand new HD TV) and the free online play can win my case.

I just feel i'd be stupid not to with most of my mates having PS3's and only one having a 360 so online play would be much more fun I assume and there's a lot more diversity coming in the PS3's range of games but on the other hand do I wait until say MGS4 launch and get a new one?


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get it, thats pretty cheap.

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The DS3's aren't bundled with systems in Japan, as far as I know, so I don't see why that trend would change for the other territories.

The only console that is even rumored to be bundled with a DS3 is whatever will be replacing the 80gb here in NA.

As for the quality of the system, I'd just ask to see it before purchasing. Make sure it's not beat up, etc. If it has problems when you get it home, you can either return it, or ship it off to Sony. They'll send you a replacement for a relatively cheap price ($140 USD here), which would still be far cheaper than buying a new 40gb.

Of course, that's assuming you're okay with owning a used system in the first place, but considering the fact that you made this thread, I guess that you are. Personally, I generally avoid buying used stuff, but that's because of my OCD more than anything else.

As for the classic games, they've already hit Japan, and I'm sure they'll be hitting NA and PAL sometime soon.

never had a problem with used stuff and I may be reading too much into it - it may not have been out to different homes - I mean it's a 40Gb version, by the time they got released the PS3 price was way more affordable and I cant see too many people hiring out that version.

If it was one of the others then you would think this is one of the originals since launched and been on the move so much for over a year now.   You say Sony will sell you replacement cheap if it breaks, surely this would by more than the extra £80 to buy a brand new 40Gb.

 I may just say to the wife I'll save my game budget through Feb and get a new one in March.


How many 360 games do you have? If you have a lot, it might not be a good idea, because you might have to sell them for way less than you paid. Paying attention to what games are going to come out that you want on the 360 vs. the PS3 this year is a good indicator as well of which you should go with.

If you at all are interested in Blu-Ray, that is another consideration.

If you are worried about how well the thing runs, it wouldn't be a bad idea to see if they have a replacement plan or something. Check out the return policy for sure.

If you like the PS3 games that are coming out more than the 360 games coming out and don't have a ton of 360 games, its definitely not a bad deal.

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

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akuma587 said:
How many 360 games do you have? If you have a lot, it might not be a good idea, because you might have to sell them for way less than you paid. Paying attention to what games are going to come out this year is a good indicator as well.

If you at all are interested in Blu-Ray, that is another consideration.

If you are worried about how well the thing runs, it wouldn't be a bad idea to see if they have a replacement plan or something. Check out the return policy for sure.

If you like the PS3 games that are coming out more than the 360 games coming out and don't have a ton of 360 games, its definitely not a bad deal.

I got the 360 last march cos I love FPS and thought it would be a good 2nd console to the Wii but in only a year I'm soooo bored of FPS and the 360 library.  The PS3 library does appeal to me so much more with MGS4 and GT5 being the main ones, I love the PS controller for pro evo and cannot enjoy it as much on the 360, LBP is the type of game I just know the wife would lap up (she's never played a non driving game for the 360 yet but clocks more than 10 hours a week up on the Wii). 

The returns policy is a good idea - i'll ask them in more detail about it.

Dont have that many 360 games - i'm one of those that trades them in when finished, currently only have PGR3, PGR4, Mass Effect, COD3 and COD4


i say save up and get it. ima sonyfanboy but dont sell your xbox. all systems will have good games so i say save up and get a new one it is really worth it

Cant see a justification to have all 3 to be honest - I mean how many 360 steller exclusive titles will be out next year?

may miss one or two but i'll get over it with titles like MGS4, GTA4, LBP, Home, Mario Kart Wii, SSBB, NMH

They'll be more than enough in PSWii lineup to ensure I dont covet the 360 titles I reckon.


Me said:

There's a 60GB for £250 and although i'm not interested in PS2 backwards compatibility - is there any other benefits to having the 60GB other than the obvious more hard drive space.

Where is this? I can't find a 2nd hand 60GB anywhere in my area and if they do have one it's near £400.

Hmm, pie.

EDIT: Why has this posted twice?


Weird....anyway, I think it's a good deal. £220 for a PS3 is good 2nd hand or not. As long as it's in full working order. If you are concerned about the HD space, you can get a 120 or 160GB  for about £30-50, depenpending on where you look.

Hmm, pie.