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My local video store has a pre owned 40GB PS3 for £220 and I'm really tempted, so bored of my 360 now and I've been enquiring.  I could get £110 for my 360 and games from local game store - this means the PS3 is only costing me £110 but I am concerned about it coming from a video store, it could have been to dozens of homes  if it's one they rent out to people.

 other questions I have are (if anybody can help me)

DS3 - is it likely to be bundled with new 40GB any time soon?

There's a 60GB for £250 and although i'm not interested in PS2 backwards compatibility - is there any other benefits to having the 60GB other than the obvious more hard drive space.

Is there likely to be a range of classic games out any time soon (read on a post somewhere they were but is this legit).

 Many thanks for your help as I would have had one at launch personally - the wife needs a lot of persuading and this cheap price point along with the BR player (we've just bought a brand new HD TV) and the free online play can win my case.

I just feel i'd be stupid not to with most of my mates having PS3's and only one having a 360 so online play would be much more fun I assume and there's a lot more diversity coming in the PS3's range of games but on the other hand do I wait until say MGS4 launch and get a new one?