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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Boom Blox, Steven Speilberg's Wii game...

tokilamockingbrd said:
the guy is a genious, and the idea he came up with himself. He must love the Wii, and wanted to make something for it.

Yes one of the greatest film directors of our century infact history, a master of story boarding special effects and epic productions. Brings us a game where we stack blocks, a block based puzzel game. So new so innovative!

I am dissapointed I expected a story driven special effects pocked AAA+ game, not a block based puzzle game. Spielberg has so much talent in producing high performance visuals and great storyboards. He does a great job bringing things to the big screen!

Spielberg is a visionary capable of far greater things then a simple block based puzzel game. I don't see what everyones exited about. I count this as his first strike out and only worries me about Peter Jacksons future in gaming.

Can movie directors other then Goerge Lucas truly develop or be the head of developing a great game. Can they match their film performance on a games console or will they all go from epic dinosaur and espionage/war films to building blocks!


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


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This is a must own for me.

The trailer made me giddy like a 13 year old school girl.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



I watched the trailer and umm.. it looks interesting, but I don't think I'm getting it. Cool basic idea, but the'll need to really strech it in order to build an entire game around it.

Definitely agree that stuff like this would definitely work better as a downloadable Wii Ware title.

I still don't get it after watching the trailer. Can anyone explain what the point of this game is?

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This game serously looks fantastic! I watched the trailer and it came off as a very accessible game. The style reminded me of Zack and Wiki but from the co-op online and level design prospects this one could be a sleeper hit.

But I'm definitly going to check this out. I wonder is this going retail at 49.99 or lower? - It is what it is!

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hmm, looks like a casual's wet dream...

Steven Spielberg will give it the name recognition to sell millions to the casuals(if carnival games did, this will)

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

This looks promising.
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I think this looks cool - I quite like puzzle games every now and then, Korinpa was just a fantastic game whilst it lasted. Here's hoping this game pulls you in just as much as that did.


Doesn't excite me at all. Its just too simple - a basic physics engine, with some nice Wiimote interaction, and user created content.

Definitely needs to be a $10 WiiWare title - they *should* be able to get this running in 10MB-20MB of space.

Heck, there will almost certainly be WiiWare titles similar to it.

Reminds me a lot of Elebits - just less interesting in some ways.


And its nothing compared to Little Big Planet - that has lots of different components, rather than just ONE (blocks).

Screams cash-in every step of the way IMO.

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