less than a week left
What will 3DS sales be the week of Pokemon Release WW? | |||
No more than 300k | 19 | 3.64% | |
300-400k | 25 | 4.79% | |
400-500k | 25 | 4.79% | |
500-600k | 45 | 8.62% | |
600-700k | 36 | 6.90% | |
700-800k | 28 | 5.36% | |
800-900k | 13 | 2.49% | |
900k-1mil | 15 | 2.87% | |
1mil+ | 316 | 60.54% | |
Total: | 522 |
between 3 - 3.5 million depending on the digital sales, which we wont know for some time sadly .
Who is John Galt?
3DS Friend Code : 2535-4338-9000
AMD FX 8150 , 8 GB DDR3 Kingston Memory, EVGA GTX 560 TI 2 GB superclocked, Samsung 256 GB SSD
I bought two copies for my nephews. I predict 5,000,002.
3.1 million
I suck at making these predictions.
All I know for an absolute fact is that Japan will sell the most, America second, and Europe 3rd.
Japan is going to do their part, but we need to do ours!!
https://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/SliferCynDelta.png%5B/IMG%5D">https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/SliferCynDelta"><img src="https://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/SliferCynDelta.png
5.3 million physical, and I think we can safely add another 1 million or so on top of that for retail download cards/ eShop downloads.
By region:
Easily 1.2 milllion + in US
Probably over 750k Europe
Japan: Beastly 3 + million wouldn't surprise me.
Crazy that 3DS is getting another giant release four weeks after MH4 in Japan in September. No one can say Nintendo isn't trying! If this kind of 3DS activity can't net them at least a decent profit come next year, then the old tried-and-true Nintendo business model is truly broken. Iwata is right, though. The video game console business is all about momentum. Pokemon releasing six weeks before Black Friday, on top of the November titles...Zelda/ 3D World, etc, Nintendo should have an incredible holiday this year. Everything ought to fall into place, assuming there is a large enough public appetite for the hardware and software.
*Something to note, guys*:
Went into my local Gamestop today to pick up a copy. They had stacks and stacks of Y, and only one copy of X left. Clerk told me Y was a "really slow seller", and I made him laugh by suggesting the reindeer couldn't possibly be that appealing to people. He said he's heard it's because people say that some of the Mega Evos in X are "better" than in Y, and that the player character "looks cooler" in X? Can anyone verify that? I've not watched much media for the game, I wanted to go in with very little expectation, seeing as this is the first Pokemon game I've played in seven years.
Screamapillar said: 5.3 million physical, and I think we can safely add another 1 million or so on top of that for retail download cards/ eShop downloads. By region: Easily 1.2 milllion + in US Probably over 750k Europe Japan: Beastly 3 + million wouldn't surprise me.
Crazy that 3DS is getting another giant release four weeks after MH4 in Japan in September. No one can say Nintendo isn't trying! If this kind of 3DS activity can't net them at least a decent profit come next year, then the old tried-and-true Nintendo business model is truly broken. Iwata is right, though. The video game console business is all about momentum. Pokemon releasing six weeks before Black Friday, on top of the November titles...Zelda/ 3D World, etc, Nintendo should have an incredible holiday this year. Everything ought to fall into place, assuming there is a large enough public appetite for the hardware and software. |
5,5mil just for the first estimative
Screamapillar said:
Went into my local Gamestop today to pick up a copy. They had stacks and stacks of Y, and only one copy of X left. Clerk told me Y was a "really slow seller", and I made him laugh by suggesting the reindeer couldn't possibly be that appealing to people. He said he's heard it's because people say that some of the Mega Evos in X are "better" than in Y, and that the player character "looks cooler" in X? Can anyone verify that? I've not watched much media for the game, I wanted to go in with very little expectation, seeing as this is the first Pokemon game I've played in seven years. |
The player character is the same in both versions and the Version exclusive Mega evolutions for X that most people would know, Mega Charizard X and Mega Mewtwo X, look arguably cooler but aren't exactly better. Mega Charizard X is more of a single threat while Mega Charizard Y is a support. And as far as I can tell the Mega Mewtwos are just ridiculously powerful that it doesn't really matter who's better since they are banned from competitive play
I'm updating my prediction to 5 million
2.5 million in Japan
1.5 in America
1 million across PAL