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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

nin10do said:
35-37 million 3DS

so what happens in 48 hours?

Wii Party U is released in Japan I think.

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Nope, not in Japan, but here in Europe and in the US! In Japan it will release on October 31st together with some bundles (+ price-cut?) and also the download version of Wii Fit U. As far as I know Wii Sports Club will also already come out there at this date! Only a little more than 1 week, guys, until the power unleashes in Japan too! This is gonna be HUGE, people! But on the day after tomorrow Wii Party U will provide another boost in the West! And it will go on and on! And Super Mario 3D World is going to be the final step of Operation Turn-Around especially after they showed us that new 6 min trailer! 

100 % Gameplay ! Only at Nintendo

Sony certainly wants people hyped up for their shit lol

And then you have stuff like this
Those VR headsets going to fit in that key chain bub?

People sure do love their power trips. I find them unhealthy XD

Well, they seem to do EVERYTHING they can do to sell their system! Allegedly the PS4 marketing budget is the biggest in their history..there are some other vids like:

- A Day with Playstation:

- A Perfect Day:

- For the Players (not official I think, but also hyped ^^):

So if you go by the views and thumbs....there is A LOT of Hype!...Nearly 50.000 Thumbs....millions of views...the PS4 Reveal video from Feburary already has OVER 30 million views....we'll see how much hype will be left next year...I just can't imagine all this hype will suddenly dissolve...


Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
The PS2 had a terrible first year^

No it didn't.  Europe alone had more production shipments as of Oct 10, 2001 than the Wii U has had shipments worldwide.  It would need 1.02m in the Jul-Sept quarter to catch up.  Now of course production shipments aren't equivalent to retail shipments, but this notion that you and RedPikmin are pushing that the PS2 was doing poorly is ridiculous.

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johnlucas said:
RedPikmin95 said:

John Lucas, that was incredible! Deserves definitely Pure Platinum :P

So the best selling console of all time, the PS2, got a 100-200 euro price cut already after roughly 10 months in Europe? LOL the struggling Wii U also got not until 10 months a price cut, but only of 50 euros! ^^


Seece said:
Nintendo report their quarterly financials this time next week.

What are you guys expecting?? Shipped for the Q? Lifetime shipments?

Well, I think it's will be roughly the same level of Q1 this year. Maybe a bit higher because of the new Bundle and price cut already in the Americas. Could be 500k shipped, thus 4.11 m lifetime by the end of September. (Wii U)


By the way: Dawn of the second day. (Less than) 48 hours remaining....;)

It's amazing what you find out when you look for facts, isn't it?
Perhaps the PS2 had to fight off the PS1 before it got on its own two feet, hmm?

Nintendo won't have that problem with Wii U.
They killed Wii to make sure that didn't happen.
As Wii U awakens in the fall, Nintendo announces the end of Wii production in Japan.
It was a heartbreaking decision no doubt but Wii lives on through Wii U.
The Revolution continues...

John Lucas

That is a fair example of the principle of equivalent exchange: For Nintendo to achieve their master plan, they had to sacrifice the Wii

They have got themselves a fine weapon though.

Yakuzaice said:
Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
The PS2 had a terrible first year^

No it didn't.  Europe alone had more production shipments as of Oct 10, 2001 than the Wii U has had shipments worldwide.  It would need 1.02m in the Jul-Sept quarter to catch up.  Now of course production shipments aren't equivalent to retail shipments, but this notion that you and RedPikmin are pushing that the PS2 was doing poorly is ridiculous.

No you're inferring. Compared to the PS1 it was doing just Okay, in meh teritory.Sony turned it around, they were out early, they had the DVD trojan and that combination gave them a good boost of momentum. The software for the PS2 in the first year was shit though

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:

No you're inferring. Compared to the PS1 it was doing just Okay, in meh teritory.Sony turned it around, they were out early, they had the DVD trojan and that combination gave them a good boost of momentum. The software for the PS2 in the first year was shit though

The PS2 got off to a much faster start than the PS1, and was handily outselling it in 2001 (9.68m production shipments for the PS1, 18.59m for the PS2 [24.99m LTD]).  How was that just doing ok or meh territory?  Or terrible which was apparently just me inferring when you said it.

DVD and being out early were factors from day one, so I'm not sure how that helps your argument.

First year comparisons

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
First year comparisons

What is this even referencing?  The PS2 smashed the first year sales of the PS1.