Seece said:
DélioPT said:
They didn`t have the userbase when they were first released. They built one. And now that it`s built, it can move to a new console. How do you know that people aren`t interested in the concept?
Lack of system sellers is only one of Wii U`s problems. Actually the only system seller was NSMB U. And it has a pretty good attach rate. The problem is, the market still doesn`t know what Wii U is different from Wii, and gamers - even Nintendo gamers - haven`t had a good reason to jump in. But as you see, WW HD has made a lot of people buy a new console. Not just the price cut, btw.
NSMB U didn`t aswell as the other games in the franchise because of Wii U`s lack of awareness and the fact that people already played a NSMB game a few months before it was released. One problem is fixed, the other isn`t.
The Wii built the userbase, and fresh software the derived from it like Wii Sports.
How do I know people aren't interested? Have you seen the sales? If they were it'd have sold out and doing gangbusters. And people say a game like Super Mario World 3D is going to shift millions of WiiU's? er yeah because that's exactly what the casuals who bought Wii want ....
The market isn't as stupid as you make out, there was a lot of hype surrounding Wii before it even released. It's not as if when people realise the WiiU system they're going to say "oooh well now we have to get it"
You guys still don't get it do you? The Wii and its simplicity led it to 100 million sales, casuals do not want this tablet it goes against everything the Wii offered. Then you tout all these classic Nintendo franchises as system sellers .... it's just ridiculous.
There´s always been certain software that can sell everytime: sports titles, shooter, racers, party games, etc.
Part of this software is coming to Wii U.
Sales don`t reflect lack of desire for the concept, they show lack of knowledge and interest for a console that for 6 months barely had any game. A console that even Nintendo fans have put on hold until it gets the software they want.
What are the sales of Mario 3D Land? That´s a good basis to guess Mario 3D World`s sales.
I never implied the market was stupid. But when you see a product and have the wrong idea about it, it`s not that appealing. When the correct idea kicks in it does change people`s mentality.
Just because Wii U doesn`t offer the Wii simplicity (which is not entirely true as the software also uses the Wii remote), doesn`t mean it can`t succeed... just like every console before it that succeed without offering simplicity.
And it`s not just casuals Wii U has been going after. In fairness, Wii U has barely done anything in that regard so far.