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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

I was surprised they knew where Arakawa lived. So many people who took charge of so much are working at the Tetris Company today.

It's been a theory of mine that Yamauchi began to move away from the yakuza run companies as best he could. He hired people for their merits, and not their connections. He gave the company to an upstart, and took many of the older guard with him. Nintendo is 100 years old, and considered pretty young for Kyoto. When people say it is 'run old style' they mean the older organizations fund it. Yamauchi himself was given the position as head of the company while working at a manufacturing center. He was not on any A list, but because of his family ties, was given the company.

Not a joke, many of the Japanese videogame companies have ties to the Yakuza. Even if they don't, the Yakuza act as if they run the place. When 1941 -an arcade game depicting the destruction of Japan- was made, the game creator, and president of Capcom had to escape through a back door because men with tattoos, and megaphones were at the front door. When Iwata took power, he used American understanding of business ethics, and where companies should go. He used a Harvard professors book on how small businesses beat out big businesses to promote the Wii. He does English interviews. The entire time he was doing this, Yamauchi was giving advice.

Iwata was doing a lot of things Yamauchi would have done. For example, there was a cousin of his that worked at the same plant as him when offered the position as chairman. Yamauchi had his cousin fired. He made sure there was no competition for the chairman position. Iwata seems to be doing the same thing.

A fascinating look at the upper management of the company.

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RedPikmin95 said:

loooooool, Sony, you little naughty boy :P

I remember when me and my dad went to pick up a new console around 10-13 years ago, there were guys who kept telling us that we should get a PS2. Eventually I bought a GC in 2002 :P

cheesecake said:
gooch_destroyer said:
'Sup Nintendo guys

Sup Sony man.

How's it hanging?


I like that Shokio pic. lol

Alfred909 said:
I was surprised they knew where Arakawa lived. So many people who took charge of so much are working at the Tetris Company today.

It's been a theory of mine that Yamauchi began to move away from the yakuza run companies as best he could. He hired people for their merits, and not their connections. He gave the company to an upstart, and took many of the older guard with him. Nintendo is 100 years old, and considered pretty young for Kyoto. When people say it is 'run old style' they mean the older organizations fund it. Yamauchi himself was given the position as head of the company while working at a manufacturing center. He was not on any A list, but because of his family ties, was given the company.

Not a joke, many of the Japanese videogame companies have ties to the Yakuza. Even if they don't, the Yakuza act as if they run the place. When 1941 -an arcade game depicting the destruction of Japan- was made, the game creator, and president of Capcom had to escape through a back door because men with tattoos, and megaphones were at the front door. When Iwata took power, he used American understanding of business ethics, and where companies should go. He used a Harvard professors book on how small businesses beat out big businesses to promote the Wii. He does English interviews. The entire time he was doing this, Yamauchi was giving advice.

Iwata was doing a lot of things Yamauchi would have done. For example, there was a cousin of his that worked at the same plant as him when offered the position as chairman. Yamauchi had his cousin fired. He made sure there was no competition for the chairman position. Iwata seems to be doing the same thing.

A fascinating look at the upper management of the company.

Thats the first thing I noticed. Iwata seems to want to carry on his spirit

Loool guys, I recently found this pic:

Yes, it's Forza 5, an Xbox One-Game, not Forza 4 or so...

No wonder it's bascially the only game that can run at 1080p-60 fps...look at dat graphics...

...dat aliasing....dat mountains...dat textures etc.

It doesn't look really clean..some people even think Forza 4 AND 3 looked a bit crispier...


-Mr Khan

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Why are you guys using this thread to trash the competition? What's that got to do with WiiU's magical comeback??

Those that have played Forza in person have said it's impressive FYI :P


Like IGN said Sonic Lost Worlds was^ ? Mhm lol.

I agree this thread doesnt need to be a pissing contest. Lets keep it within the strait and narrow of reality.

As for Forza. Well its just a screen shot.

Dr.EisDrachenJaeger said:
Like IGN said Sonic Lost Worlds was^ ? Mhm lol.

I agree this thread doesnt need to be a pissing contest. Lets keep it within the strait and narrow of reality.

As for Forza. Well its just a screen shot.

IGN / People. I'm talking about tradeshows and the Xbox One tour MS are doing atm.


Well yes, its a racer, things look better in motion.

Ok, sorry. Won't do this anymore.