Gamerace said:
The problem here is all these declining industry #'s include 3DS and WiiU not merely PS360/(Vita). So how can you argue the 7th gen is dead when Nintendo's so-called 8th gen system (which I still maintain history will consider Nintendo's second 7th gen system) is in the same boat. 3DS is also in decline.
I LOVE it! Good discussion going on. Hey guys, don't let me & Gamerace have all the fun. Jump in here! Anytime.
Let's see here.
How many major console manufacturers are on the market right now? Let's count 'em.
There's Nintendo. That's 1.
There's Microsoft. That's 2.
There's Sony. That's 3.
How many consoles are there on the market right now? Let's count 'em.
There's the 3DS. That's 1.
The Wii U. That's 2.
The XBox 360. That's 3.
The PlayStation 3. That's 4.
The PlayStation Vita. That's 5.
(Since the Wii are DS are effectively discontinued we won't count them)
So you're expecting 1 console maker out of 3 to prop up the entire videogame industry??? One-third of all makers??? 1/3???
So you're expecting 2 consoles out of 5 to prop up the entire videogame industry??? Two-fifths of all consoles??? 2/5???
Well, of COURSE you are.
Because that's EXACTLY what Nintendo & their consoles did ALL OVER the 7th generation.
And when Wii U comes off the rocky road, that's EXACTLY what you're gonna see all over the 8th generation.
The 3DS is on fire after its rocky road period & the Wii U will soon join its handheld sibling on that smooth-as-silk asphalt.
Oh & one more thing.
This whole thing about generations.
Generations are not about tech.
The console generations speak of MARKET Generations not Tech Generations.
When certain products compete in the same market for buyers.
•That's why the Atari 2600 & the Mattel Intellivision were both considered to be part of the 2nd generation even though the Intellivision was miles ahead of the 2600 in technological prowess.
•Same reason why the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System & the SNK Neo Geo were all considered to be part of the 4th generation even though the Genesis's 512 color palette was embarrassed by the SNES's 32,768 color palette & the Neo Geo made them BOTH look like tinker toys since it could give 100% arcade-to-console conversion.
•Same reason why the Atari Jaguar, the 3DO, the Sega Saturn, the Sony PlayStation & the Nintendo 64 were all considered to be part of the 5th generation even though the Jaguar & the 3DO were trounced by the Saturn & the PS1 technologically & the 64-bit N64 was above even those two 32-bit platforms.
•Same reason why the Nintendo DS & the Sony PlayStation Portable were both considered to be 7th generation handhelds even though the DS was about the same as the 5th-gen N64 graphically & the PSP was about the same as the 6th-gen PS2 graphically.
•Same reason why the Nintendo 3DS & the Sony PlayStation Vita are both considered to be 8th generation handhelds even though the 3DS is just little beyond a 6th-gen Gamecube graphically & the Vita is pretty much a 7th-gen PS3 graphically.
Now that you understand what is meant by the term 'Generations', you will naturally understand that the Wii IS a 7th gen console despite being comparatively weaker than the 360 & PS3.
AND you will naturally understand that the Wii U IS an 8th gen console despite being comparatively weaker than the One & the PS4.
I'm sure you had no problem calling the PlayStation 2 a 6th gen console despite it being comparatively weaker than an XBox & Gamecube, did you?
I assume the same for the comparatively weaker Sega Dreamcast...
The other problem is if you add mobile gaming - then the situation is reversed. Revenue and players are at an all time high. It's not the 7th gen that's dying (which is surely is) it's the console industry as we know it, WiiU et al. Although we won't really see the full decay of it until 2015 after the burst from PS4/XB1 has worn off.
I'm sure real estate developers were just as estatic in the late 1990s/early 2000s before the housing bubble burst.
Zynga was one of the forces behind this mobile gaming boom but now the company better call Tom Petty 'cause they're FREE...Free Fallin'.
A sampler:
Zynga loses $15.8M in Q2, nearly half its daily users year-over-year
After Losing Nearly Half Its Users In A Year, Investors Dock Zynga's Valuation By $400 Million
Zynga lays off 18% of staff, closes a few offices
Troubleville: Zynga Lays Off 5% Of Its Workforce, Scraps 13 Games
Zynga reportedly had three top executives resign in July
Zynga in trouble as gamers turn away from Facebook
Zynga's financial troubles worsen, company falling faster than before
Ironic excerpt in last article from everybody's favorite know-nothing Michael Pachter:
"They suck at forecasting," said Michael Pachter, an analyst at Wedbush Securities. "Nine weeks ago they thought they’d got [their estimates] down to as low as they could be and now they’re down another 20 percent, which means that their monetization is deteriorating faster than we thought."
He said that while Zynga has added more and more overall users, it is struggling to make money off of them.
Let me tell you why I know everything ain't what it seems on this mobile gaming situation.
Input & Interface. Let's start with that.
The form factor of the tablet is PERFECT for what it needs to do.
TOO perfect. Which means it probably won't undergo any major changes.
The big tablet & the mini-tablet AKA the smartphone are respectively the size of a sheet of notebook paper & the size of a baseball card.
You whip out your easily concealable smartphone from your pocket, from your purse, from your holster & slide your fingers all over that multitouch touchscreen.
You hold your comfortably portable tablet in your lap, on the table, on the bed & slide your fingers all over that multitouch touchscreen.
It can never get any better than this! Don't have to have that hingey awkward contraption known as the laptop with keys that get missing over time.
Not stuck to a computer room like I was with overgrown desktop. This perfect touchable rounded rectangle is all I need it to be.
For most things this is not a bad thing to be.
For videogaming it's the WORST thing to be.
The tablet/smartphone will ALWAYS be that rounded rectangle form with the multitouch touchscreen.
Which means the games on it will ALWAYS end up playing more or less the same.
Videogaming DEPENDS on new ways to play to keep viable.
We went from Odyssey's & Atari PONG's turnknob dials to Atari 2600 joystick on the square with the red action button... NES's plus-sign shaped Control Pad & 2 action buttons on hand-fitting rectangle to SNES's L & R shoulder triggers with 4 color-coded action buttons in diamond layout on an ergonomic dogbone... N64's rumble-ready analog stick with a host of different-sized action buttons, camera buttons, & Z trigger on a 3-grip shape to Gamecube's wireless 2-grip summary version of this design with camera analog stick... Wii's SUPER-VERSATILE remote control-reminiscent motion-controller that doubles as an infrared 'Zapper' that functions as a broken-halves controller when connected to a 1-grip Nunchuk housing an N64 stick, button & trigger that becomes the NES design all over again when turned sideways...
Each one of those input device changes changed the type of games that could played on each respective platform.
Graphics & horsepower at one time added new possibilties to how a game could be designed but input & interface governed WHAT COULD BE better than anything else.
Each controller always had a degree of imperfection. Something that it was missing that could be refined & improved upon later.
The controller was excellent for the games it was designed to play but not so good for other games to be created in the future.
So the change took place when most of the potential was squeezed out of the old design.
And each new change breathed new life into videogaming possibilties. Which inspires new pioneering game design.
Nintendo remains at the forefront of pioneering game design with Wii U & 3DS.
Another reason I know there are limits to mobile gaming's long-term viability is History.
Tablets & mini-tablets AKA smartphones are the latest edition of the PC Market.
The old edition of the PC Market got wrecked decades ago by Nintendo & the PC developers wrecked what was left of it with their policies & practices.
It's an ununified anarchy-based platform.
Some PC developers got so caught up chasing power games that they made themselves boutique—expensive & niche.
You had to become a rocket scientist just to play a game. Rigging your computer with a never-ending set of costly cutting-edge components that would be outdated within months of purchase.
As they became boutique, they tried to protect dwindling sales numbers by controlling how the game was purchased.
The disc has a ticket inside to verify the game & the disc only installs the game. You don't play the game from the disc.
And of course the PC guys think their system is perfect so keyboard & mouse is the preferred way to play. Even though keyboard & mouse are best suited for office functions (data entry, typing text) not playing.
Most PC developers found it so hard to make money purely on the PC platform that they migrated to consoles to actually make a living at this thing.
Other PC developers left behind in the wreckage went away from the powerlust but put out games that sold slowly & in much MUCH MUCH smaller numbers.
Your '100,000 Games' or your 'Train Simulator' style games.
Videogame making on the PC was returning into more of a hobby than a profession.
The fallout was so bad that a new PC market emerged from the World Wide Web accessed through the Internet Browsers of the PC platform.
Gaming portals full of Flash-based, Java-based, & Shockwave-based games; PopCap with their catchy hits, the collections on AOL Games, Yahoo! Games & MSN Games (formerly known as The Village).
Trial plays for free, full game for a price.
With nearly everybody but Amish using the Internet, they make some money based on the sheer numbers of people who play games by website.
But this money pales in comparison to what console gaming brings in & the type of games on browsers have limitations on type of content compared to console games.
Then the phones get smarter & bring this new breed of PC gamemaker to the platform in app form.
Still no physical form, all digital & virtual, but now they are free from the constraints of the browser standards.
Since they priced themselves so low in the browsers with their free trial, they said why not just charge a little bit for the true purchase price & work on the Impulse Buy mentality. It worked for supermarkets so why not us?
But remember the PC is an ununified anarchy-based platform.
These developers are reducing themselves to cheap chocolate bars at the supermarket checkout aisle.
What happens when a clever developer says 50¢ for my games instead of $1? What happens when another says 25¢?
A race to the bottom & before you know it people will think a penny is too much to pay. No price is better than 0. FREE!
Will videogame-making become hobby over profession once again?
Apple's phones are not the same as Windows-powered phones are not the same Android-powered phones.
Apple's computers are not the same as Windows-powered computers are not the same Android-powered computers.
The solid platform really ain't so solid. It's the PC after all! ANARCHY! CHAOS!
Take a look at this:
Angry Birds price slashed to $0.99 on Windows Phone, 6 other title join in promo
Excerpt from article:
"On Android Angry Birds is ad-sponsored and free, but on iOS you need to pay a dollar. On Windows Phone? Three dollars. Up until now that is - Microsoft takes action and slashes the prices of seven popular titles including the Birds and that’s more than welcome."
It's one thing to have a hit or even a few hits. It's another to have a long term STABLE business plan that will ensure you be around for decades instead of a few years.
It doesn't get more stable than Nintendo & that's why console gaming endures. They're the captain of that ship in the creative sense AND the business sense.
Wii U continues this tradition.
The social games bubble is bursting and mobile is next
Choice excerpt:
"I am not a stock market analyst, I am not a professional pundit and I’m certainly not any kind of journalist so why does it feel like I’m one of the few who actually saw this coming? I certainly didn’t see it happening this fast but I was laughed at when I said this type of growth was unsustainable. When companies grow too fast, they tend to crash down hard. It’s the ones that have measured, controlled growth that tend to survive and thrive."
So they are just going to stick GTA VI on WiiU which has no base for it instead of Sony's/MS's 8th and/or 7th gen systems? Hell mobile has more of an existing base for GTA games than Nintendo's systems. And if the HD AAA whole gaming paradygm fails on Sony's/MS machines it will likewise fail on Nintendo's. Why wouldn't it? If it's the same games and same attitude it's the same problem for 3rd parties. WiiU isn't going to fix it. Mobile (which includes home consoles like Ouya, Gamestick, Gamepop, Razor, etc) might but forcing them to reduce the game and work on gameplay more than bigger/badder/prettier.
Why not? They put Grand Theft Auto on the DS without a previous base for it. Same with the GBA.
I wish Rockstar WOULD work with Nintendo more.
Rockstar while different in their subject matter takes after Nintendo in the best ways.
They space their games out & only deliver them when they have something fresh to put down.
They even delay games when they're just not ready as was the case with Grand Theft Auto V.
They also try fresh ideas & settings. Not the same ol' same ol' all the time.
The Western Red Dead Redemption, the 1940s L.A. Noire, even Rockstar Table Tennis.
I'd LOVE to see a Grand Theft Auto on Wii U. Think back to The Godfather: Blackhand Edition & then imagine possibilities with Gamepad.
I await the day Rockstar & Nintendo work together. So many good things can come out of it.
Nintendo isn't Sony or Microsoft or any of the 3rd Party Establishement. Nintendo has always been wise with their money.
They know where to strike the balance. They can make excellent high-quality games without breaking the bank to do it.
They were the ones cautioning against that AAA blockbuster mentality from the beginning—since at least the Gamecube era.
Mobile could help mediate the AAA blockbuster mentality but it's the nature of the platform. Too volatile to put all your chips on.
Might as well work with the stable surefire Nintendo who will ensure you get the revenues you need.
I don't dispute MS while having the right hardware is the least likely to use it effectively. However, the possibility is there. I don't see WiiU ever having mass appeal with the Upad.
We'll meet back here next September & see if you don't see the mass appeal then.
It's possible that I could win Mega Millions tomorrow but how faint is that possibility?
Your best bet in seeing Microsoft actually use Kinect right is in an alternative universe. That's your possibility right there.
PS4 failure might indeed pull Sony out from console gaming. But the other LIKELY prospect is if the home console business collapses (and it ultimately will including Nintendo's) they will move to cloud gaming service business and you will play PS/XBL games on any and every possibile device. THIS is the future of gaming. Play on our TV, mobile, PC, whatever, whenever, however. No barriers. Nintendo's needs to get on this ship before it's too late. MS/Sony are already positioned for this transistion.
The home console business cannot collapse because it is Nintendo's baby.
This is THEIR business. Everybody has forgotten that.
They created this machine from the ashes that Atari & Co. left behind.
They reshaped this business into their image & that's why they have steered console gaming's direction over the decades.
The other guys are the Visitors. Nintendo is the Home Team. Always has been, always will be.
The Visitors will one day leave the field & go home but the Home Team will always be there.
The Cloud won't save you. Input & interface once again. No unity between devices.
That's why consoles succeed. It gets rid of all that extra formatting crap. It's unified & solid within itself.
Microsoft created the XBox to become their own PC/Set-Top Box.
The Cloud destroys them because it removes the need for the actual XBox machine & all its associated devices like Kinect.
And since they're not really gamemakers what are they gonna get from becoming a hosting site for 3rd party games, one of many?
The 3rd parties would probably host their own games themselves & bypass Microsoft altogether.
Makes Microsoft obsolete.
Same with Sony. Sony created the PlayStation to be the gateway for their new media formats like DVD & Blu-ray.
They're here to sell everything Sony produces (like movies & music) using the PlayStation as the front door to Sony's House of Goods.
The Cloud destroys them just the same because they are married to physical formats. They co-created the CD, the DVD, the Blu-ray (UMD was all theirs).
Remember they're the guys who were infamous for DRM. Has everybody forgotten the Sony Rootkit scandal?
They're not full-fledged gamemakers either so they just become one of many services to host 3rd party games which would probably go off on their own.
Removing the need for the actual machine & the associated discs to play in them won't help a struggling Sony in the LEAST.
Makes Sony obsolete.
But I wouldn't be surprised if Sony & Microsoft WERE doing what you just said.
These guys never truly understood console gaming. They never understood what a console is really supposed to be.
Let them put themselves right out of the videogame business with their heads in the clouds.
Nintendo's fine right where they are. Right on solid ground...instead of leaky ships.
We've seen pretty much everything in Nintendoland before from Pac-Man Vs to Kirby Returns (shierken). Panorama vision? Serious? Had that for years on my phone. OLD news dude, real old. Unless you only do Nintendo devices. TVii is very cool for the markets that have it but people are moving away from cable slowly but surely.
No, I don't see it. And sales indicate neither does anyone else. That's a huge problem.
Well, panorama vision was new to me. And I don't think no phone ever used that in gaming. Let me know if I'm wrong on that by giving me some examples.
Nice example using Pac-Man Vs.—a Nintendo/Namco collaboration. You're right on that point with the blinded play function.
You'll see that concept further developed on Wii U along with many others.
AND you're right about people moving away from cable slowly but surely. I'm one of them. I cut the cord 3 years ago.
But Nintendo TVii isn't just about regular TV users. It tracks Hulu & Amazon Instant Video too.
And while cable may be eroding you would be surprised at how many people still watch broadcast.
Everybody hasn't left TV solely for the internet yet.
It's more than Nintendo's TV Guide. It fits in with Wii U's viral community-based nature. That Miiverse.
People watching Miley Cyrus twerk at an awards show can send real-time messages to other Wii U friends & share in the reaction.
It brings this part of the internet experience closer to the console. Nice that you admit it's "very cool" because it is.
You WILL see it. Mark my words. And this time next year you'll see that many more people will too with those impressive sales figures Wii U will have.
While I love your passion/enthusiasm and boldness, I'll stick to my own predictions - WiiU 30m lifetime sales and replaced by 2016 by a true Wii successor. I have a better accuracy rating.
You would be better off using my predictions. I'll see you at this spot come 2016.
We'll see who got it right. 
John Lucas