ps4tw said:
Even the 360 and PS3 are down week-on-week, the PS4 and One are eating most of the home console market and will keep on doing so. Based on normal percentages and weekly boosts during holidays, the Wii U is following a fairly typical pattern (massive advertising only helped it remain somewhat normal as far as sales trends go) but the baseline is just so low that the results are underwhelming. I wonder what it can do during Black Friday week, I think I had my sights on 350-400k max, that could be hard given that only one major retailer even has a Wii U special offer and the Europe and Japan numbers are terrible, it hasn't even sold one million in Europe yet. If Super Mario 3D World, Black Friday and massive advertising won't amount to more than one decent sales week this year, I long for John Lucas' explanation in here.
There's just no room for the Wii U on the market, squeezed between news value and longevity and with poor support. Of course, a lot of people are going to make a huge deal out of the totals being above the PS4 and about on par with 360. Nintendomination indeed.