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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

Yakuzaice said:
impertinence said:

Is my language really that difficult to understand? I never said that the sales are not related to the topic, what I am saying is that the completely arbitrary benchmark of 12 million units sold by December 31st. is very irrelevant to the discussion. All you masters of discussion should recognize that prediction for what it is: a rethorical tool known as hyperbole. Or in other words, an exaggeration to put emphasis on the point. In bickering about this very immaterial part of the post, the entire point of the discussion gets lost.

In my ivory tower I sit and assume that when people act that way, it is because they lack the mental agility to be able to read an argument and understand what it means. Now Mummelmann has provided a much stronger rebutal already in this thread after you posted your quip, so I know there are people in this thread who can digest the topic. I don't agree with everythig he has come up with, but a lot of it makes sense. Seeing his response is refreshing, but it's also perplexing why he (seemingly) puts so much emphasis on this 12 million units and sales at the end of 2013 as he is definietly aware that the failure of that prediction has no (or very, very little) implication on the validity of the main argument.

Other posters again have nothing to bring to the table except "the claim is so ridicolous that it's not worth discussing" which is a gutless cop out and should be an obvious cue to get out of the thread as soon as possible.  

I'm really not sure why you keep pressing this idea that the predictions were irrelevant to his arguments.  Again, he got his original notoriety from a prediction, he uses that history as a jumping off point, and he concludes his post with new predictions.  Pretty much all the contents of his original argument lead back to sales numbers. 

Let's look at it in another light.  Say I am a political commentator back in 2004.  I predict that Bush will win the election and it will lead to Republican domination in politics.  I manage to get the first part right, but then 2006 rolls around and Democrats are swept into congress.  Now it is 2012 and I make a big argument about why Romney is going to sweep the election with 80% of the popular vote and it would spell the end of Democrats and Independents.  Then the election rolls around and Romney loses.  Do you think people would be talking about how good my arguments were?  I don't know why you place so much more emphasis on an argument (that has already been discussed over and over these past months) rather than actual results.

What exactly have you brought to the table?  Over the last day you have made a dozen posts in this thread, pretty much all of them whining about other people's posts.  Even when Mummelmann made a huge post of what you wanted, your response was basically you agree and disagree with some things without saying what they were or why you felt that way.  You did manage to complain about him addressing the 12 million prediction though.

Read what I write!

Sales numbers are not irrelevant, the 12 million by the end of the year prediction pretty much is. To understand the idea of this thread you have to realize that it is about relative sales between the three main consoles, not if the Wii U will sell 12 million by the end of the year or not. It's also a benefit to realize that the topic is not really about how all three consoles perform in the first year of release. The topic is infact pretty interesting since it touches on some of the main threats to the health over the overall industry. The predictions in this thread and in the initial thread a million years ago both serve the same purpose: They are window dressings, an illustration if you will. If you take them litterally and want to make the discussion about that, then you are missing the whole point of the thread. As someone else has said before, yet in a bit of a different context: It really isn't hard to fathom. Yet, here I am 24 hours later still posting why fixating on December 31st. is missig the point while getting blinded by minutae.

As for Mummelmanns post, it is styled directly to John Lucas so I'll hold off on commenting until he has had first cracks. He might have similar points to bring up as I would or he might not. In any case I am going to give him a fair shake to answer himself and not potentially steal any of his thunder. 

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Oh, golden! I see JL has the TIME to talk about .. people calling out his predictions, but doesn't have the time to explain that here.

"johnlucas posted something on impertinence's wall:

Thank you for your words on the UNITY thread.

It's very clear what the point of the thread is but they don't want to see my proclamation come true so they work hard looking for anything to discredit me.

They think by discrediting me, they discredit the possibility of what I proposed.

So if Wii U goes from 4 million to 10 million in the span of a month then my prediction of 12 million is "wrong". But would that make my prediction that Wii U would have a massive turnaround wrong too?

No. I just missed the exact figure by a couple of million or so.

The 12 million by end of 2013 is not even the most important part of the topic.

But that's OK. I look forward to seeing them cluck like hens in the coming months & years.

This UNITY post was ALWAYS a long-range call."

So Johnny boy still thinks 10mill is doable? He has seen the numbers right??? What about when it just about hits 6m Lucas, will your opinion still be that WiiU is about to dominate?


impertinence said:

Read what I write!

Sales numbers are not irrelevant, the 12 million by the end of the year prediction pretty much is. To understand the idea of this thread you have to realize that it is about relative sales between the three main consoles, not if the Wii U will sell 12 million by the end of the year or not. It's also a benefit to realize that the topic is not really about how all three consoles perform in the first year of release. The topic is infact pretty interesting since it touches on some of the main threats to the health over the overall industry. The predictions in this thread and in the initial thread a million years ago both serve the same purpose: They are window dressings, an illustration if you will. If you take them litterally and want to make the discussion about that, then you are missing the whole point of the thread. As someone else has said before, yet in a bit of a different context: It really isn't hard to fathom. Yet, here I am 24 hours later still posting why fixating on December 31st. is missig the point while getting blinded by minutae.

As for Mummelmanns post, it is styled directly to John Lucas so I'll hold off on commenting until he has had first cracks. He might have similar points to bring up as I would or he might not. In any case I am going to give him a fair shake to answer himself and not potentially steal any of his thunder. 

You're wrong, the 12m figure shows that Lucas expect his ideal scenario to kick in NOW, not in a years time. Funny he doesn't even have to change the goalposts himself he has you doing it for him.

When that prediction fails miserably (it will) it throws his entire OP out of the window, unless like I said he moves the goalposts. So at what point do the numbers start to matter? hmm?

I don't think you quite graps that nobody values JL's point. It's complete hogwash that won't come true, and we use numbers to prove him wrong.


Fusioncode said:

Off topic? Responding to Lucas' own sales predictions are now off topic. Lucas expected this domination thing to start already, why else would he write 12 milion WiiUs sold by the end of the year? Where is the domination? Why is the WiiU going to suddenly become the biggest console this gen and kick Sony and MS out of the market. Sony and MS have sales numbers on their side, 1 million consoles sold in 24 hours for both. What about the WiiU? What does it have? 

Ok, so if you insist that it's on topic, do you prefer I call it irrelevant instead? Shortsighted and lacking understanding of the topic? I'm fine with either.

I don't feel I need to answer for John Lucas' own predictions for the path of the market, but I would suspect that he was expecting a much more robust salles boost by now.

Here is the disconnect between me and the rest of you: I realize that even if the Wii U sells 3 million units this year, the overall scenario is still very much possible. John Lucas is predicting an outcome, you guys are arguing scale of numbers. It's missing the point completely.

Or to put it in plain language: If the Wii U sells thorugh 10 million units by the end of 2014 it could still be in a position to dominate the market if the PS4 and XBox One has only sold 3 million each. It's a matter of scale. And as unnecessary as it should be to point out: please don't take this as me predicting anything about the actual sales for any of these consoles.

pezus said:

I think JL needs to read seece's posts at least once before seece has to bother making them re-readable, that would just be a waste.

There are other people on this website than John Lucas. It could be a worthy strategy for Seece to post something that others might find re-readable.

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I'm all for Lucas getting crap for his predictions not coming true. That's what happens to every other user ever, why should he be any different just because he made a full novel-long post and made bad predictions for years and years to come? Seems silly to me. His predictions aren't allegory, they aren't exaggerated, they're specific things he said would happen that haven't. On a site that looks at sales, the comeuppance of poor predictions is pretty standard. Until he predicts something that actually comes true in this thread I see no reason people shouldn't focus on the things he already got wrong.  It's true that he could end up right in the long run by some act of God, but as of right now everything that is happening in the real world points towards him being wrong, and that's what bringing up these initial sales and 2013 predictions shows.  


impertinence said:
pezus said:

I think JL needs to read seece's posts at least once before seece has to bother making them re-readable, that would just be a waste.

There are other people on this website than John Lucas. It could be a worthy strategy for Seece to post something that others might find re-readable.

I'm not here your entertainment, and the waffle in the OP has been discussed and buried now, it's meangingless and won't happen thus isn't worth a second thought of anybody's time. All there is to focus on is the numbers. And that we will.

The fact you think the WiiU can still be gen leader after the past year tells me all I need to know.


Seece said:

I am on topic, just because you don't think I am doesn't mean I'm not. I'm sorry you can't even read the OP all the way to the bottom. and I shall continue to keep it on topic when this weeks numbers are posted.

There are no interesting discussions to be had with Lucas's rambling, you simply don't like the facts and people pointing them out. Touch luck, you're in for a heck of a lot more of it over the next ... forever?

So far the only useless contribuitions are coming from you.

So yeah, I'm calling you out. You're derailing the thread, you're off topic and you're not contributing at all.

You think you are on topic because you think you understand what the topic is about, but as I have said, it doesn't matter. I am not a forum nazi who insist everything is on topic always. Pretty funny though that it's so difficult to grasp the essence of the thread. 

And while we're trying to guess peoples motivations for posting what they do: You simply don't know how to properly refute the main argument so you cop out by declearing it not discussion worthy and attacking a strawman instead.

Here's an interesting thing I have noticed. You have said many times over that the scenario laid out in the OP is not going to happen, but so far I have not seen one line of reasoning as to why. Nothing beyound "it's mumbo jumbo" in any case. You were quick to jump in with a "me too" when Mummelmann offered his thoughts though. Again, it's ok, you have your thing you do. I have mine. So, next week feel free to jump in again with your glee at the subpar Wii U numbers, and if I can be bothered I'll offer up my snarky commentary on your contributions. By that time, maybe I've even covered some of the things in the OP that makes sense and what I think is unrealistic?

pezus said:

True, but isn't this thread just glorified JL appreciation thread? His word is the one word that matters here.

No it isn't and even if it was, it is still worthwhile to post things of value.

impertinence said:
Seece said:

I am on topic, just because you don't think I am doesn't mean I'm not. I'm sorry you can't even read the OP all the way to the bottom. and I shall continue to keep it on topic when this weeks numbers are posted.

There are no interesting discussions to be had with Lucas's rambling, you simply don't like the facts and people pointing them out. Touch luck, you're in for a heck of a lot more of it over the next ... forever?

So far the only useless contribuitions are coming from you.

So yeah, I'm calling you out. You're derailing the thread, you're off topic and you're not contributing at all.

You think you are on topic because you think you understand what the topic is about, but as I have said, it doesn't matter. I am not a forum nazi who insist everything is on topic always. Pretty funny though that it's so difficult to grasp the essence of the thread. 

And while we're trying to guess peoples motivations for posting what they do: You simply don't know how to properly refute the main argument so you cop out by declearing it not discussion worthy and attacking a strawman instead.

Here's an interesting thing I have noticed. You have said many times over that the scenario laid out in the OP is not going to happen, but so far I have not seen one line of reasoning as to why. Nothing beyound "it's mumbo jumbo" in any case. You were quick to jump in with a "me too" when Mummelmann offered his thoughts though. Again, it's ok, you have your thing you do. I have mine. So, next week feel free to jump in again with your glee at the subpar Wii U numbers, and if I can be bothered I'll offer up my snarky commentary on your contributions. By that time, maybe I've even covered some of the things in the OP that makes sense and what I think is unrealistic?

No, I am on topic, the moderator and site admin above you agrees with me, as does everybody else. Like I said, you're the one off topic not me. I can graps the essence of the thread, you just fail to acknowledge that I think it's meaningless to discuss his ramblings.

@ Bold, you've seen plenty, not my fault if you chose to ignore them. And with that I'm done with you, if you continue with this off topic BS it'll be you reported for spam, either contribute or get out.