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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

pezus said:
Incubi said:
Seece said:

Awesome post, now that's how you write a long post and stay engaged!

Last bit, his excuses for leaving the site are indeed weak and I've no doubt when he leaves again he won't be back (Because then more than ever it'd take a miracle to put Nintendo back on top).

He evidently thinks a lot of himself as well, I find it funny GAF laughed him out of town, and now only VGC and Nintendo sites will entertain him, despite being wrong 99% of the time.

Looks like you got yourself a fan in seece, Mummelmann. For better or for worse, its going to be fun reading John Lucas's rebuttal sometime in the future - i'm sure you're looking forward to it, as well:)

He won't respond, obviously. Or rather, he won't respond to what's important.

On the contrary, i'm pretty sure he's going to make quite a detailed rebuttal. Mummelmann obviously have quite some knowledge and know how to debate properly. He and John Lucas go way back, and Mummelmann offers a real challenge.

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Incubi said:

Looks like you got yourself a fan in seece and fusioncode, Mummelmann. For better or for worse, its going to be fun reading John Lucas's rebuttal sometime in the future - i'm sure you're looking forward to it, as well:)

But the thing is: HOW is he going to respond to that?  This time it's admittedly very difficult ... it seems that they got him ... Well, I linked this post on his wall. Hope he will SOMEHOW react as soon as possible! Ignoring is no way out anymore ;) He should do something :O

Yakuzaice said:
impertinence said:

I've said three times that I don't think the predictions he makes will come true. I am just calling some people out for completely failing to discuss the real topic of the thread.

So which specific arguments of his do you think need to be addressed?  You mentioned that he was correct about many things such as Nintendo being the last gamemaker.  However the title of this thread wasn't "Nintendo: The Last Gamemaker", it is "Unity - Nintendo & Wii U Finish the Revolution".  Those ideas are very much focused around his prediction of the Wii U being a sales behemoth.  He begins his OP with his past sales predictions and caps it off with new ones.

Also we are over three months and 1600 posts into this thread.  I haven't really seen Lucas change his rhetoric significantly, so I'm not sure what new discussions can be had about his arguments.  We could have an endless back and forth like zod and final-fan, but you don't seem to want that.  What has changed is we have new sales data which continues to make his predictions less and less likely, and the arguments supporting those predictions less grounded in reality.


Talking about Unity, I found a very interesting information at their website about the compute shaders

As you recall, compute shaders are listed in the wii u sdk specs taken from an early development kit, and well, things like multi threaded rendering (a new feature in directx11 and opengl 4.xx) have been confired thanks to project cars builds, but this info should prove to be even  more interesting

here, this is very interesting


Compute Shaders

Compute Shaders are programs that run on the graphics card, outside of the normal rendering pipeline. They can be used for massively parallel GPGPU algorithms, or to accelerate parts of game rendering. In order to efficiently use them, often an in-depth knowledge of GPU architectures and parallel algorithms is needed; as well as knowledge of DirectComputeOpenCL or CUDA.

Compute shaders in Unity are built on top of DirectX 11 DirectCompute technology; and currently require Windows Vista or later and a GPU capable of Shader Model 5.0.

Compute shader assets

Similar to normal shaders, Compute Shaders are asset files in your project, with *.compute file extension. They are written in DirectX 11 style HLSL language, with minimal amount of #pragma compilation directives to indicate which functions to compile as compute shader kernels.



From the updates i have read around, wii u is receiing the Unithy 4 pro engine which will have all the features found in the Unity 4.x


Details from Nintendo’s Unity GDC 2013 session

Posted under General NintendoNewsWii U 
8 months ago by Brian (@NE_Brian)

Nintendo’s Takeshi Shimada just wrapped up a Unity-related session at GDC 2013. Details from the event are posted below.

- Unity Wii U tools free to all developers
- Based on Unity 4 Pro and will be updated with all 4.x updates
- Unity for Wii U will take care of some of the development guidelines
- Open beta starts today
- Gunman Clive on 3DS outsold the iOS and Android versions
- Nintendo is inviting all developers to try and make their current game available running on Wii U GamePad only, for starters
- Tomorrow at 3.30pm there will be a Miiverse session, including future developments of the service
- Business Policy update for Wii U from the Unity session: 1. No concept approval, 2. Price and date set by the developer, 3. Freemium is support, 4. Royalty share is industry standard
- A special introductory program for new developers will be introduced
- Nintendo and Unity booth are right next to each other at GDC
- Tomorrow at 2pm there will be a new developments framework announced; supports web tech such as HTML and Javascript

Nintendo has two more sessions at GDC 2013 tomorrow. We’ll post details from both as we get them




There seems to be a game that will coe to PC, Wii U and ps4 using the Unity 4 Engine



Nintendo approached us last autumn, immediately after Dreamfall Chapters was announced – they were, in fact, the first console manufacturer to do so. At that point, however, we weren’t ready to make any commitments regarding engine and platforms, so we decided to wait. We got back in touch with Nintendo in late May of this year, and they were very interested in working with us.”

The studio has just received its first Wii U dev kit, and is still in the process of getting the game up and running on Wii U. It is aiming to release Dreamfall Chapters on Nintendo’s home console complete with Gamepad functionality. “So far, they’ve been very helpful and supportive, and it’s been a painless and surprisingly rapid process.



cant wait


Mummelmann said:

many things


I agree with a lot of the things you are saying, and I disagree with a lot of it too. I'll leave it to John Lucas to respond since the post is directed at him, but I wanted to aknowledge the contribution. That's the type of on topic rebutal I was calling for, ask and you shall recieve I guess.

Now the gauntlet is down for you Seece: How about you post something in this thread that is worth reading twice?

Zod95 said:

"The point is, if your objective criteria don't actually prove anything about how much work went into the game, then it's not really a filter for quality.  It's just a filter that some games are more likely to pass than others irrespective of their quality.  That renders the whole exercise pointless.  We could instead talk about things that, while being subjective, actually directly have to do with the quality of the game.  But I respect if you don't like to do that for whatever reasons you stated earlier that I don't recall offhand. "

First let me tell you the definition of quality: "conformance with the specifications". The same view claims: "the specifications are defined by the client". The client is the gamer, so for each one of us quality means a different thing. If I want an arcade racing game with big jumps and loops, then TrackMania has quality and Forza MotorSport doesn't. But if I, as a gamer, am looking for different things and both an arcade stunt racing game and a semi-simulator-RPG-style racing game are what I'm searching for, then both TrackMania and Forza have quality. And then I can look for many different things and thus many different games will have quality for me. But if I'm not looking for hard controls and if an endless list of repetitive and mostly japenese cars annoys me, then Gran Turismo 5 won't have quality, despite the 80M dollars invested in that game that are translated into a very large list of cars, tracks and championships created with huge depth. And that's what you get when you assess quality pure and simple.

I know different gamers will have different tastes than me, which will make the list of quality games to vary a lot depending on the gamer that is assessing it. Even game experts do so and at the end of their reviews they put a number they call "score", which is nothing more and nothing less than the measurement of the quality of that game (in their view). And it won't be surprising to find in most of quality lists games that no one was expecting, either because it's about a low-budget game or a game that sold few copies or a game that sucks in details (but somehow manages to be very appealing for someone). All of this may sound weird but this is what we get when we just assess quality. Because quality is a personal matter, not something we can freely share in an attempt to gather consensus.

I may dislike Gran Turismo, but I don't ignore the fact that the game is able to achieve marks few games do. And the reason those marks are very rare to be acomplished by games in general is because they require a lot of investment / effort / time. Now I'm talking about something objective / substential and thus it will not vary from gamer to gamer (as quality does). Plus, I'm talking about something that makes some gamers to tell the game has quality. It doesn't have for me, but it has for others. In a sense, I'm talking about quality, but by means of something substantial that no one can deny. It's not something like "an amazing story of a RPG" that can't be quantified and doesn't necessarily means investment / effort / time.

That's what I tried to do in this forum. To create objective requirements that would be more universal than our tastes and that somehow could be related to quality. To do so with a person that thinks very differently from me, I had to blindly accept any game that would fall into any of those requirements regardless the fact a game falling into a requirement to be proof of quality for some gamers or even proof of investment / effort / time. But it would be already a filter. Then we could make an assessment of what would come from that filter in order to separate the "legitimate" from the "illegitimate" games. And that's what I began to do when telling you that the 3 Nintendo games were qualified throught only 1 requirement, always the same one and that only 1 of the 3 was actually developed by Nintendo...and that game was a ballon-based-game (much easier this way to fulfill the requirement). This assessment of mine would translate the Nintendo's score 3 (objective number) into something like 0.5 (subjective number). As for Sony, it has 11 games qualified (objective number) through 13 requirements (2 games of the 11 are qualified under 2 requirements) from which 6 are unique (unlike Nintendo, which only had 1) and only 1 game isn't first-party, which would give them a score around 10 (subjective number). So, regardless of my tastes, I estimate Sony to be 20 times better than Nintendo. You can challenge my reasoning (my opinion) but you can't relate it to my tastes. And you can't ignore the objective numbers either.

The definition you provide is only one definition of quality, and not the most appropriate for applying to a video game.  A game isn't like a nut or bot, to be judged by having the same size and shape of threading as all the others so as to be interchangeable.  Photorealistic graphics (to give one example) isn't a necessary attribute of a good game and doesn't necessarily contribute to whether a game is good or not. 

At first I was disagreeing with your definition of quality.  And strictly speaking, I do.  But it seems to me that the point you're driving at in the first paragraph is that "quality" is "what gamers like to play", and that's something I can work with.  More on this later.  (If you disagree with that assessment, then perhaps you should look at the above text in strikethrough and see if it is a better response.) 

You say that reviewers sometimes give good scores to little-played games, which you appear to be claiming is a sign that the their reviews reflect an opinion of game "quality" (as defined above) not shared by most gamers, because all gamers have their own personal and different judgments of game quality.  Although technically speaking "consensus" in the sense of 100% agreement can't be achieved in judging game quality, I believe we certainly can and do have collective majority opinions which can be identified, and it's not slim majorities either.  Generally these judgments are hashed out among people who like the type or genre of game that is in question, i.e. people who only play FPSes will contribute to the collective judgment of FPSes and not, say, LittleBigPlanet. 

I understand your desire to do something a little more scientific, to try to identify certain measurable properties that games have, but the problem is that at the end of the day your objective is to tell how "good" the games are.  That is by definition a question of quality.  Your criteria only muddied the waters by introducing bias for the types of games that happen to have more of the specific things you chose to measure, out of all the possible choices; and your method also inherently has bias against games that are stronger in qualities that have less association with numbers that can be easily quantified.  (I continue to disagree that a great in-game story doesn't reflect time and effort on the part of the developer, and you have yet to really say anything to back up this claim.)  And ignoring quality carries its own risks, which you acknowledged with the idea of the game that had a million empty square miles of playable area, or a thousand cookie cutter characters that didn't really add to gameplay. 

Spare me your list.  Aside from what I said above, it is heavily disputed; you don't want to continue that debate, which is fine, but you don't get to turn around and act like those numbers are not in dispute.  (Side note:  johnlucas was kind enough to point out the game WarioWare DIY which indisputably fills the content creation/sharing, and you make your own minigames which is analogous to making your own levels.  But we aren't debating that any more )

Back to "what gamers like to play".  There is a very easy way to measure this.  It's not perfect but it should be pretty good, on average, if we take certain things into account.  It's called SALES.  I think that there are plenty of games that fans of the genre who played them would agree are great games which don't have great sales; this can be attributed to the following reasons. 
1—Type.  If the genre or type or style of game is not as popular, even though people who like that type of game like that particular game, there are not as many people who like that type of game in the first place, so less overall people will buy it. 
2—Cost.  People will pay more for a thing they like more; if a thing costs less, more people will buy it even if they like it less.  So cheap games can sell more than more expensive games that are more well-liked. 
3—Knowledge.  If there is poor marketing, not as many people will be aware of the game that they would like, and they will lack the opportunity to buy it. 
4—Availability.  If people don't have the platform, they can't play the game.  This overlaps with cost.  Games on platforms people already own (such as computers) have a lower cost than games that require the purchase of a console.  However, people can spread the cost of the console between all the games on it they want to buy, so they are likely to buy a console that has a lot of games of types they like, especially if the games aren't available on computers. 

If we keep those factors in mind, we should be able to use sales as a good way to judge the collective opinion of all gamers as to how the "quality" of various games, in the eyes of the ENTIRE population, and not just the fans of that type of game.  Therefore it is a more objective measure than if we were to rely on the opinions of people who like game type A telling people who like game type B about how good game A1 is, especially if people are arguing about whether game A1 is better than game B1. 

Going by the sales of games with similar cost that had good marketing, Nintendo games have high quality.  This compares Nintendo games with Sony games and Microsoft games, by an objective measurement.  Nintendo games actually often continue to sell well at full price at times when the Sony/MS games would have long since been given price cuts!  Remember, higher cost means people have to like it more in order to buy it than if it had a lower cost. 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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impertinence said:
Mummelmann said:

many things


I agree with a lot of the things you are saying, and I disagree with a lot of it too. I'll leave it to John Lucas to respond since the post is directed at him, but I wanted to aknowledge the contribution. That's the type of on topic rebutal I was calling for, ask and you shall recieve I guess.

Now the gauntlet is down for you Seece: How about you post something in this thread that is worth reading twice?

I've contribuited plenty to proving the OP's figures wrong, it doesn't take a million words to type out 82k bud.

As for the rest of what's in the OP (which I don't have to talk about, it's only one part of the thread) I think it's all mumbo jumbo with no meaning and has nothing to do with the here and now and the future. So why bother wasting my time.

What have you added other than your incessant whining?


Seece said:
impertinence said:
Mummelmann said:

many things


I agree with a lot of the things you are saying, and I disagree with a lot of it too. I'll leave it to John Lucas to respond since the post is directed at him, but I wanted to aknowledge the contribution. That's the type of on topic rebutal I was calling for, ask and you shall recieve I guess.

Now the gauntlet is down for you Seece: How about you post something in this thread that is worth reading twice?

I've contribuited plenty to proving the OP's figures wrong, it doesn't take a million words to type out 82k bud.

As for the rest of what's in the OP (which I don't have to talk about, it's only one part of the thread) I think it's all mumbo jumbo with no meaning and has nothing to do with the here and now and the future. So why bother wasting my time.

What have you added other than your incessant whining?

I have added the catalyst that moved this thread back on topic. I know that is in contrast to what you want to achieve, but so be it. Also, your obsession with 82 000 units sold last week is well documented across the website. It brings nothing to the topic at hand.

Again, if you find the topic to be nothing but mumbo jumbo, then why do you insist on bumping the thread? Are the multitude of diffeernt threads where you point out the weekly Wii U sales not enough to cover your need for pointing it out? I can understand not buying into John Lucas reasoning, I disagree with his conslusions myself. Another thing is to repeat the same useless information over and over and over. Sure, you can talk about whatever you like. I don't report people for any infraction, be it being off topic, flaming, spamming or whatever. I do reserve the right to call people out for useless contributions, not understanding the topic, derailing interesting discussions etc. And that is the right I am exercising in this thread. 

impertinence said:
Seece said:
impertinence said:
Mummelmann said:

many things


I agree with a lot of the things you are saying, and I disagree with a lot of it too. I'll leave it to John Lucas to respond since the post is directed at him, but I wanted to aknowledge the contribution. That's the type of on topic rebutal I was calling for, ask and you shall recieve I guess.

Now the gauntlet is down for you Seece: How about you post something in this thread that is worth reading twice?

I've contribuited plenty to proving the OP's figures wrong, it doesn't take a million words to type out 82k bud.

As for the rest of what's in the OP (which I don't have to talk about, it's only one part of the thread) I think it's all mumbo jumbo with no meaning and has nothing to do with the here and now and the future. So why bother wasting my time.

What have you added other than your incessant whining?

I have added the catalyst that moved this thread back on topic. I know that is in contrast to what you want to achieve, but so be it. Also, your obsession with 82 000 units sold last week is well documented across the website. It brings nothing to the topic at hand.

Again, if you find the topic to be nothing but mumbo jumbo, then why do you insist on bumping the thread? Are the multitude of diffeernt threads where you point out the weekly Wii U sales not enough to cover your need for pointing it out? I can understand not buying into John Lucas reasoning, I disagree with his conslusions myself. Another thing is to repeat the same useless information over and over and over. Sure, you can talk about whatever you like. I don't report people for any infraction, be it being off topic, flaming, spamming or whatever. I do reserve the right to call people out for useless contributions, not understanding the topic, derailing interesting discussions etc. And that is the right I am exercising in this thread. 

Off topic? Responding to Lucas' own sales predictions are now off topic. Lucas expected this domination thing to start already, why else would he write 12 milion WiiUs sold by the end of the year? Where is the domination? Why is the WiiU going to suddenly become the biggest console this gen and kick Sony and MS out of the market. Sony and MS have sales numbers on their side, 1 million consoles sold in 24 hours for both. What about the WiiU? What does it have? 

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

impertinence said:

Is my language really that difficult to understand? I never said that the sales are not related to the topic, what I am saying is that the completely arbitrary benchmark of 12 million units sold by December 31st. is very irrelevant to the discussion. All you masters of discussion should recognize that prediction for what it is: a rethorical tool known as hyperbole. Or in other words, an exaggeration to put emphasis on the point. In bickering about this very immaterial part of the post, the entire point of the discussion gets lost.

In my ivory tower I sit and assume that when people act that way, it is because they lack the mental agility to be able to read an argument and understand what it means. Now Mummelmann has provided a much stronger rebutal already in this thread after you posted your quip, so I know there are people in this thread who can digest the topic. I don't agree with everythig he has come up with, but a lot of it makes sense. Seeing his response is refreshing, but it's also perplexing why he (seemingly) puts so much emphasis on this 12 million units and sales at the end of 2013 as he is definietly aware that the failure of that prediction has no (or very, very little) implication on the validity of the main argument.

Other posters again have nothing to bring to the table except "the claim is so ridicolous that it's not worth discussing" which is a gutless cop out and should be an obvious cue to get out of the thread as soon as possible.  

I'm really not sure why you keep pressing this idea that the predictions were irrelevant to his arguments.  Again, he got his original notoriety from a prediction, he uses that history as a jumping off point, and he concludes his post with new predictions.  Pretty much all the contents of his original argument lead back to sales numbers. 

Let's look at it in another light.  Say I am a political commentator back in 2004.  I predict that Bush will win the election and it will lead to Republican domination in politics.  I manage to get the first part right, but then 2006 rolls around and Democrats are swept into congress.  Now it is 2012 and I make a big argument about why Romney is going to sweep the election with 80% of the popular vote and it would spell the end of Democrats and Independents.  Then the election rolls around and Romney loses.  Do you think people would be talking about how good my arguments were?  I don't know why you place so much more emphasis on an argument (that has already been discussed over and over these past months) rather than actual results.

What exactly have you brought to the table?  Over the last day you have made a dozen posts in this thread, pretty much all of them whining about other people's posts.  Even when Mummelmann made a huge post of what you wanted, your response was basically you agree and disagree with some things without saying what they were or why you felt that way.  You did manage to complain about him addressing the 12 million prediction though.

impertinence said:
Seece said:
impertinence said:
Mummelmann said:

many things


I agree with a lot of the things you are saying, and I disagree with a lot of it too. I'll leave it to John Lucas to respond since the post is directed at him, but I wanted to aknowledge the contribution. That's the type of on topic rebutal I was calling for, ask and you shall recieve I guess.

Now the gauntlet is down for you Seece: How about you post something in this thread that is worth reading twice?

I've contribuited plenty to proving the OP's figures wrong, it doesn't take a million words to type out 82k bud.

As for the rest of what's in the OP (which I don't have to talk about, it's only one part of the thread) I think it's all mumbo jumbo with no meaning and has nothing to do with the here and now and the future. So why bother wasting my time.

What have you added other than your incessant whining?

I have added the catalyst that moved this thread back on topic. I know that is in contrast to what you want to achieve, but so be it. Also, your obsession with 82 000 units sold last week is well documented across the website. It brings nothing to the topic at hand.

Again, if you find the topic to be nothing but mumbo jumbo, then why do you insist on bumping the thread? Are the multitude of diffeernt threads where you point out the weekly Wii U sales not enough to cover your need for pointing it out? I can understand not buying into John Lucas reasoning, I disagree with his conslusions myself. Another thing is to repeat the same useless information over and over and over. Sure, you can talk about whatever you like. I don't report people for any infraction, be it being off topic, flaming, spamming or whatever. I do reserve the right to call people out for useless contributions, not understanding the topic, derailing interesting discussions etc. And that is the right I am exercising in this thread. 

I am on topic, just because you don't think I am doesn't mean I'm not. I'm sorry you can't even read the OP all the way to the bottom. and I shall continue to keep it on topic when this weeks numbers are posted.

There are no interesting discussions to be had with Lucas's rambling, you simply don't like the facts and people pointing them out. Touch luck, you're in for a heck of a lot more of it over the next ... forever?

So far the only useless contribuitions are coming from you.

So yeah, I'm calling you out. You're derailing the thread, you're off topic and you're not contributing at all.