impertinence said:
You are wrong again. The point of the thread is not to make a prediction about life time Wii U sales, it's to predict the evolution of the videogame market to where it will be completely dominated by Nintendo. It's a fair thing to disagree with this prediction, as I have said myself, I share your pessimism that Sony and Microsoft will continue grinding the market down to the lowest possible denominator and leave it as impotent and bland as the movie industry. However, don't pretend that the sales of the three systems through this holiday has much impact on the points in the OP. What you and others are doing in this thread is basically hacking away at a strawman, the funny thing is that the strawman was set up by John Lucas himself :D |
Yes Sony and Microsoft are destroying gaming. Sigh, so you're one of those fans. Well I'm done arguing with you, not much point in it anymore. Last words, yes sales of a system does have an impact on it's success. The fact that the WiiU is completely bombing even with several high profile titles shows exactly why this system isn't going to dominate this gen. I look forward to this thread being bumped in a year or so when WiiU has fallen to a distant third place.
Sigs are dumb. And so are you!