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Forums - Gaming Discussion - UNITY - Nintendo & Wii U Finish The REVOLUTION

Wow at the parrots.

It seems that this 12m by year end is a thorn for some. I don't see how the wii u can sell that much by the 31st of Dec and totally disagree with Lucas (hell, I don't see it doing half that) but John Lucas has up to that date to be proven wrong.

If he chooses not to respond until that time that's his choice. Come the 1st Jan I expect a response to why his predictions (concerning at least this one issue) failed.

I am not defending Lucas, I don't think he needs anyone to do that for him, but a date is a date. He has until the 31st to "repay the loanshark".

At least Lucas will achieve something spectacular. Possibly the longest thread in the history of the site.

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impertinence said:
Seece said:
impertinence said:
Seece said:
Lucas has decided not to answer anyone's questions about how WiiU is going to start selling 1.5m weekly for the rest of the year, and is now stating this thread is here for the long haul not just 2013. How obvious, already changing the goal posts. Predictable.

You, and a few other people, are missing the point of the thread by chasing down a pretty irrelevant path. The premise in itself is interesting, it's a little annoying to constantly have a few people pop in with the same comparissons of how far off the first prediction is. In fairness, it's not as irritating as the Zod/FinalFan side show, but still pretty irritating. If I was one of the people who love to report users left and right for the smallest of triffles I'd report you for spamming the thread.

It's immaterial if the Wii U sells 12 million by the end of the year or not, that's not the point of the thread. I know you think that by discrediting that prediction, somehow the whole arrgument will be invalid, but of course that assumption is just a fallacy. The predictions themselves are nothing but window dressing anyway. Stop focusing on the hard numbers, start focusing on the argument. The argument of course being if Nintendo will dominate this current generation based on the strength of their gamemaking abilities and if this generation will be the final nail in the coffin for overspending third parties or not.

I don't think John Lucas is right in his prediction of this being the last console war, but he is correct in many of the things he says about Nintendo being the last gamemaker. I admire his optimism, but I think it's more likely that videogames will go the way of the movie and music industry and that true craftmansship will be forced into a niche of the market and shallow, easy to consume, content will rule the majority of the commercial market. Ironically, you see scores of self proclaimed 'gamers' cheering on as the industry is devoured by commercial interests that will destroy the creative elements that makes videogames fun to begin with.

Go ahead, and learn what spamming is in the meanwhile because all my posts have been on topic. This thread is about his insane 240 mill prediction, all the guff in the OP is just wall-o-text that means very little much.

Me and others, point out how ludicrus the first part of his prediction is, because that's the only evidence we can provide for right now. Obviously the rest of the prediction is wrong too but lets focus on the here and now shall we.

The argument falls flat if the numbers don't match up, christ it's 1+1, not difficult to fathom. WiiU isn't selling well now, which does nothing but the opposite to suggest it'll sell well in the furture thus WiiU won't 'dominate'.

The argument is not hard to fathom at all, that's why it's annoying to have you and others fail to address the argument and instead focusing on a completely irrelevant topic. This topic is NOT about the 240 million prediction. It's about the potential of this generation being the last generation of PlayStation consoles and by extention the XBox as well.

Obviously the numbers are completely irrelevant. IF the console market totally collapses on itself and the Wii U sells say 35 million units, the PS4 and XBox One sell 8 and 7 million and both Microsoft and Sony are forced out of the industry, will you be dancing on the rubbel of this thread calling out the OP when in that case it has proved itself to be 100% accurate?

That's what this topic is about, weekly updates on the gap to the immaterial sales prediction from a hundred years ago is completely irrelevant and brings nothing of value to the topic.

That does not deserve to even be discussed, if it were soley about that the thread would be locked anyway. It's not worthy of debate as it isn't going to happen, and then if it did, people would never flock to WiiU because it doesn't magically change the system.

That's not what he has based his predictions on either, unless he thought MS and Sony were gonna pack up game THIS holiday.


justinian said:
Wow at the parrots.

It seems that this 12m by year end is a thorn for some. I don't see how the wii u can sell that much by the 31st of Dec and totally disagree with Lucas (hell, I don't see it doing half that) but John Lucas has up to that date to be proven wrong.

If he chooses not to respond until that time that's his choice. Come the 1st Jan I expect a response to why his predictions (concerning at least this one issue) failed.

I am not defending Lucas, I don't think he needs anyone to do that for him, but a date is a date. He has until the 31st to "repay the loanshark".

At least Lucas will achieve something spectacular. Possibly the longest thread in the history of the site.

You're right, he doesn't. But it's cheap to make predictions and not own up to them failing.

Also, highest thread on this site is like 35k posts I think.

This thread will die in Jan when it becomes evident none of it is going to happen and there is solid proof on the table.


I agree with the arguments. I don't take any numerical predictions seriously. It just seems logical that Sony might not last very long after that comment made by Andrew House on how the playstation 4 has to be success from the beginning. If it is, then Sony is safe. If it slows down after launch.....who knows how long they'll last.

Microsoft, on the hand, has never made money with the xbox brand. They have tons of money, of course! Impossible to run out of business!....but there's a limit on how willing you are to lose money.

Metalheadgamer said:
While I don't agree with the numbers, however, I agree with his arguments. It just seems logical that Sony might not last very long after that comment made by Andrew House on how the playstation 4 has to be success from the beginning. If it is, then Sony is safe. If it slows down after launch.....who knows how long they'll last.

Microsoft, on the hand, has never made money with the xbox brand. They have tons of money, of course! Impossible to run out of business!....but there's a limit on how willing you are to lose money.

They made money on Xbox over the last 5/6 years FYI.

Overall they've lost money, but that's a sunk cost. As long as they don't regress heavily now they're fine in that regard.


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Seece said:

That does not deserve to even be discussed, if it were soley about that the thread would be locked anyway. It's not worthy of debate as it isn't going to happen, and then if it did, people would never flock to WiiU because it doesn't magically change the system.

That's not what he has based his predictions on either, unless he thought MS and Sony were gonna pack up game THIS holiday.

This basically confirms that you don't understand what the topic is even about. No wonder you think you're being logical and on topic.

impertinence said:
Fusioncode said:

I'm not sure how much more simple I could make this. The entire point of this thread is a sales prediction for the WiiU. Lucas was WRONG. If his prediction is wrong, then his argument does not hold up. If it did, the WiiU would be on fire right now. It's not. Lucas has ignored everyone asking him for an update and defending him isn't doing any good. It's his prediction and he should come defend it. Or at least acknowledge that he was wrong. 

You are WRONG. This thread is about how Nintendo will dominate the compatition and force unity to the market by forcing Microsoft and Sony out of the market. The predictions are over the top and frankly more of a homage to his original (and legendary) Wii predictions. In the post that started this whole thing he was completely off on the scale, while the argument he made was still proved to be correct 5, 6 or 7 years later. And yes, the original crazy prediction caught as much flack then as they do now, and yes, people failed to see the argument and argued about immaterial details then as they do now.

Here is how you need to approach the numbers John Lucas has presented:

They are not actual numbers, they represent a meteoric rise and domination of the market for the Wii U. The point of the thread is to show how Nintendo will force third parties to accept their hardware and force Sony and Microsoft out of the market. That's the point of the thread. Not seeing that is pretty unimpressive to be brutally honest.

As I said before, if Nintendo ends up completely dominating this generation and forces Sony and Microsoft out of the console business, will you still say that this thread has failed because the final numbers were off by 100 000 000 units or whatever the case might be?

The entire argument Lucas made was to back up his sales prediction. I'm not sure why you don't understand that. If you actually looked at his first prediction then you'll realize that Lucas predicted the "meteoric rise and domination of the market" would have already begun. Why else would he predict 12 million in sales before the year's end. I'm not seeing Sony and Microsoft being forced out of the market, in fact, I see them breaking records while the WiiU clings to pathetic sales.  

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

impertinence said:
Seece said:

That does not deserve to even be discussed, if it were soley about that the thread would be locked anyway. It's not worthy of debate as it isn't going to happen, and then if it did, people would never flock to WiiU because it doesn't magically change the system.

That's not what he has based his predictions on either, unless he thought MS and Sony were gonna pack up game THIS holiday.

This basically confirms that you don't understand what the topic is even about. No wonder you think you're being logical and on topic.

I know what the topic is about, WiiU dominating the 8th gen and selling ludicrus numbers. I don't care what his reasoning is, it isn't happening. Face the facts, you just don't like people calling out his predictions when they're failing.


Fusioncode said:

The entire argument Lucas made was to back up his sales prediction. I'm not sure why you don't understand that. If you actually looked at his first prediction then you'll realize that Lucas predicted the "meteoric rise and domination of the market" would have already begun. Why else would he predict 12 million in sales before the year's end. I'm not seeing Sony and Microsoft being forced out of the market, in fact, I see them breaking records while the WiiU clings to pathetic sales.  

You are wrong again. The point of the thread is not to make a prediction about life time Wii U sales, it's to predict the evolution of the videogame market to where it will be completely dominated by Nintendo.

It's a fair thing to disagree with this prediction, as I have said myself, I share your pessimism that Sony and Microsoft will continue grinding the market down to the lowest possible denominator and leave it as impotent and bland as the movie industry. However, don't pretend that the sales of the three systems through this holiday has much impact on the points in the OP. What you and others are doing in this thread is basically hacking away at a strawman, the funny thing is that the strawman was set up by John Lucas himself :D

impertinence said:
Fusioncode said:

The entire argument Lucas made was to back up his sales prediction. I'm not sure why you don't understand that. If you actually looked at his first prediction then you'll realize that Lucas predicted the "meteoric rise and domination of the market" would have already begun. Why else would he predict 12 million in sales before the year's end. I'm not seeing Sony and Microsoft being forced out of the market, in fact, I see them breaking records while the WiiU clings to pathetic sales.  

You are wrong again. The point of the thread is not to make a prediction about life time Wii U sales, it's to predict the evolution of the videogame market to where it will be completely dominated by Nintendo.

It's a fair thing to disagree with this prediction, as I have said myself, I share your pessimism that Sony and Microsoft will continue grinding the market down to the lowest possible denominator and leave it as impotent and bland as the movie industry. However, don't pretend that the sales of the three systems through this holiday has much impact on the points in the OP. What you and others are doing in this thread is basically hacking away at a strawman, the funny thing is that the strawman was set up by John Lucas himself :D

Yes it is, your weak excuses to defend this thread are hilarious, keep at it.

We'll just keeping posting the sales news as it comes in which completely destroys any chance of anything in the OP happening.

Latest being XB1 in 48 hours = WiiU in a year in the UK.