JGarret said:
Mummelmann said:
Dv8thwonder said:
Seece said:
Dv8thwonder said:
So many flaws in Zod95's rebuttal. I await Lucas' response to see if he addresses them all. Which he most certainly will, seeing how glaringly obvious they are. If not, I will.
Far less flaws than the OP and predictions, you gonna talk about those? Or are you on the wagon of believing WiiU is going to start selling 1.3m a week starting .. last week?
The only flaws in the OP are the crazy predictions.
The crazy predictions are a culmination of his theories, i.e; flawed predictions equals flawed theory. He's eloquent but not insightful, there's a huge difference. There are even people who can argue fairly well for creationism even if it is mere hogwash.
The whole "Nintendo conspiracy" is getting old, they aren't any less deserving of their troubles than anyone else, mistakes cost over time and Nintendo makes them just like everybody else.
He had a bunch of followers in here before, during the Wii era. When the predictions failed miserably and the blue ocean talk turned sour, both John Lucas and his disciples left the site. Sean Malstrom also kept quiet a while after this, neither him nor JL saw the phone/tablet revolution staring them in the eye because they wanted Nintendo to remain top dog, they are every bit as blinded by personal desire as every other, biased member on this site. If you want to cling to his cloak and stand in the limelight for a bit, go ahead, but you should know that he'll simply discard that cloak once everyone sees he's made a terrible miss again and then he'll show up a couple of years later with a new one which others will cling on to. The circle is complete.
For a perfect reference of someone else who clung to this cloak, visit this profile and browse some threads and posts, this might be where you're headed; http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/profile/2613/avinashtyagi/
Here's another guy who very recently removed his sig where he was mocking one of my primary predictions for the 8th gen; http://gamrconnect.vgchartz.com/profile/37372/phenom08/
PS: You're gonna label me a "hater" now, aren't you? That's what people with opposing viewpoints are to some.
I remember Avinash...who were the others?
Malstrom has been ripping on Nintendo since 2010, I think.He got pretty disappointed Nintendo never really followed through with their 'revolution', and left the Wii to dry for two years.
That's the most comical part of it; Malstrom was so busy praising Nintendo for their brilliant disruption that he never saw that Nintendo themselves were being disrupted. They had the whole casual userbase slowly (at first) stolen by the true, lasting revolution of browser and social games and phones/tablets and just stared blankly as the rug was swept from under them. Even if Nintendo had maintained support, the same thing was bound to happen, albeit a bit more slowly. That's the thing about casual markets and viral products; someone is going to find a cure or a new disease will show up sooner or later. Since phones and internet browsers and social networks were already an integrated part of out everyday life (to an extreme degree, not comparable to consoles at all), making them gaming platforms lead to the spread of an autoimmune disease, it might mutate and change but it's here to stay in some form.
These things alone show that Nintendo aren't the most brilliant company in the world and certainly not infallible. They stick to tradition and often lack a plan B, they don't know how to follow a market or keep the lead, this is their greatest weakness. This leads to them having only two engage modes; utterly brilliant or painfully poor, there isn't much middle-ground here. Their failure to see the importance of online features and functionality (even today), as an example, speaks of a company that refuses to adapt, they demand that the market adapts, and that's fine if you're in a position to dictate, which they currently are not.
There was a bunch of members with low post counts that joined from other sites just to dote on John Lucas and Malstrom, some are doing the same thing now, this very thread has been linked in several threads on several sites, you'll find it if you google around a bit. Avinash was the most prominent of them and the loudest, consequently he was also the one that looked the most foolish when the shit hit the fan, thus he left the site.
If you make a silly prediction that fails, own up to it, no one can retain any kind of credibility if they simply avoid the subject and keep making new fantastic claims, it's like a video game theory Munchausen or something. I've said a lot of stupid things too, and made some desperately poor predictions, one which can be found in my current sig. I woke up one day and stopped caring about consoles as a whole, suddenly things were crystal clear, I was able to see things for what they are when I tossed my console-goggles out the window. I wish more people would do the same, they could avoid looking silly in the end and perhaps even gain the ability to admit fault. One thing to note is that a lot of users, OP among them, write their posts as facts rather than opinion and people like Malstrom wishing "hardcore" gamers to go away because he doesn't like them and don't think they deserve to enjoy their hobby, smacks of elitism and stupidity, not to mention bigotry.
PS: I'm not happy that tablets/phones and browser/social gaming is stealing so much attention and dollar, I personally hate smartphones and tablets and I've never played a social game in my life.
PSPS: Liam Mcintyre looks like Nathan Fillion in your avy!