Seece said:
johnlucas said:
Of course you didn't read the rest of my post. Too much truth in it for you. I back up what I say in everything I write.
WHEN the PS3 & 360 DON'T pass Wii's 100 million in their 10 year plans, will you be humble enough to come here & admit defeat? WHEN the Wii U takes charge of the console scene, will you be humble enough to come here & admit defeat?
You're VERY VERY cocky right now but Nintendo's gonna take the wind out of your sails very soon.
By the way where did you get 79.4 million number for the 360? At the time of this writing October 29, 2013 XBox 360 only has 78.7 million worldwide according to VGChartz.
Boy it's gonna be fun to see your reactions on this forum when Nintendo begins the full-scale Nintendomination.  John Lucas
I didn't read because there is an unncecessary amount of text, you need to learn how to break down your posts. You can't back everything up and expect it to be foolproof, even worse you can't expect things that happened decades ago to have an impact on todays situation.
PS3 will overtake Wii, 360 is less of a certain, and could very well miss it (but will surpass 95m) I'd happily come in and admit I was wrong about that though. WiiU isn't going to take charge of anything, so there is no point even planning for that scenario, there is literally no logic or evidence in any of your posts to suggest it will happen, and the majority of grounded Nintendo fans on this site (Rol ect) agree WiiU concept was a mistake, and that's not something you can change. You've literally convinced yourself with no evidence this will happen and you're going to be very disappointed. I just hope when that happens you don't flee the site again so you don't have to answer to your awful predictions.
79.4m is official shipments, it's what I use, this site uses estimates which are oftentimes off, so it's not reliable enough for me.
Oh & about that "fleeing the site" nonsense.
The reason I didn't post as much here in recent years is because I was tied up with this silly website I used to work with called Popzart/Popzara.
I even arranged for VGChartz & Popzara to cross-pollinate & team up a few years ago.
There's Popzara content on this site—a good bit of it written by me.
Wish I never got involved with Popzara. Worthless site tied up all of my time & for nothing good in the end. I should have just posted here instead.
I apologize to VGChartz for bringing that ignorant Popzara webmaster here. But hindsight is 20/20.
But that's the reason I was not as active in the VGChartz forum.
I don't run from nobody & people have been impressed when I flat out admit being wrong on some of my predictions.
That's why they respect when I get my predictions right.
Many respect the thought process that goes behind my predictions.
And at the very least they enjoy the excitement I bring to the forums with my posts even if they disagree with my conclusions.
Seece: "...even worse you can't expect things that happened decades ago to have an impact on todays situation."
Here's a proverb for you to understand.
You can't know where you're going unless you know where you've been.
ALWAYS reference the past to chart course for the future.
Nintendo did it with the DS when they looked all the way back to 1982 & the dual-screen Donkey Kong Multi-Screen Game & Watch.
Seems to have worked out pretty good for them, I would say.

John Lucas