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I was just joking, but thanks wiiforever.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Around the Network
epsilon72 said:
wiiforever said:
carlos710 said:
I want more VGgirls in my profile :O)

there arn't many girls on this site

Relative to the male population there aren't very many, but there are several hundred alleged female users.


 With the majority of them being fake...

lolita said:
epsilon72 said:
wiiforever said:
carlos710 said:
I want more VGgirls in my profile :O)

there arn't many girls on this site

Relative to the male population there aren't very many, but there are several hundred alleged female users.


With the majority of them being fake...

Well, I did say "alleged" didn't I?


Hahaha well true! XD I'm the only one here who's a prouved REAL girl... Unless someone else is, but I didn't notice?

HeY, this thread works!

I got a new VGGirl friend :P

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

Around the Network

Too bad there are no girls on the internet

Video Game Papercrafts

The only reason Sakurai allowed Snake is because he was already a clone

Wii Friend Code: 2854 9908 3926 2816

kinda off topic but is nintendo fangirl a girl?

Well the real question is if he/she/it is a girl or a "girl".... Hmmm...

wiiforever said:
kinda off topic but is nintendo fangirl a girl?

 she could be a guy. Hell, I thought YOU were a girl.

wiiforever said:
kinda off topic but is nintendo fangirl a girl?

 Yeap... and Onna, so there is three Girls in VGChartz (Correct Me if I'm wrong)...

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