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Forums - NSFW Discussion - I need some sexy anime.

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I would recomend

Highschool DxD

Highschool of the Dead

Seikon no Qwaser

Queen's Blade



Sora no otoshimono

Those are pretty ecchi and have plots that are followable.

Mr Khan said:
bugrimmar said:
Mr Khan said:
Queen's Blade if you want something as close as possible to being hentai without being hentai.

For hentai recommendations... eh, it'd take me a while...

we've got all day my friend.

-Viper GTS

Silly mod, that's a car.

highschool of the dead

'Video games are bad for you? That's what they said about rock-n-roll.'
-Shigeru Miyamoto

Just draw your own ^^ that way you can do whatever you wish.

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MDMAlliance said:
Mr Khan said:
bugrimmar said:
Mr Khan said:
Queen's Blade if you want something as close as possible to being hentai without being hentai.

For hentai recommendations... eh, it'd take me a while...

we've got all day my friend.

-Viper GTS

Silly mod, that's a car.

One sexy car.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
MDMAlliance said:
Mr Khan said:
-Viper GTS

Silly mod, that's a car.

One sexy car.

Looks like it has a lot of mileage.

high school of the dead isn't hentai, is it?

bugrimmar said:
high school of the dead isn't hentai, is it?

No but its really close. Its an anime with zombies!!!


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

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