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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Am I the only one concerned!

If it supports the gamecube controller then there is no problem. But it is bundled with the Wii wheel, I think, so Nintendo will try and get that to work well

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Mario Kart lives to be played like this... it is the epitome of fun casual racing and the Wii Wheel is perfect for it.

I would actually have agreed with you more had you been complaining about Twilight Princesses control scheme, which apart form the pointer functionsis a step down from GC controller in my opinion. (which is why I am looking forward to the next Zelda as it is supposedly a big departure from the series, though whether it is controls or storyline or general mechanics we don't know yet)

And if it supports the GC controller then you shouldn't be complaining.

Um, JoelCool isn't trolling, he's asking an honest question.

If I understand correctly, this wheel is just a simple piece of plastic. But isn't it possible to "piggyback" on a more traditional wheel, one with centering? Or maybe even make a holder in future wheels for the Wiimote?

Hope it's not too unclear.

^^ You basically want a little Kart to place your Wiimote in ??? Steal one of them kiddie carts that are inmost malls.




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The only thing wrong with mario Kart Wii is the lack of a voice chat when playing online. Granted, it could get crazy with 12 other players. But, meh I still want it.

I agree with the Excite Truck mention, the tilt is FTW.

i would probally try both controls and see what i like best. but i will probally stick to the GC controller.

Have faith in Nintendo, they make good games. Besides, maybe it is time they start pushing the whole motion controls. Lets see what it can actually do. It might be more fun using the wheel than traditional controls.

El Duderino said:

^^ You basically want a little Kart to place your Wiimote in ??? Steal one of them kiddie carts that are inmost malls.


I meant that you took a traditional console wheel controller and attached the Wiimote to it. But it sure would look crazy playing in that thing!


I love the controller in Excite Truck so if it's anything like that I'll probably play with thw Wii Wheel instead of GC-controller.

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