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Forums - General Discussion - oh man im so screwed...i have to serve

gorgepir said:
Why are all of you trying to find ways of getting out of jury duty??
You guys are spoiled.
You should live in Iran and try one of our courts so you appreciate your jury duty better.

Seriously.  I get really pissed off when people say that Americans are a bunch of fat, stupid, lazy slobs, but this "say whatever you can to get out of doing your civic duty" attitude certainly doesn't help change that perception.

Around the Network
Entroper said:
gorgepir said:
Why are all of you trying to find ways of getting out of jury duty??
You guys are spoiled.
You should live in Iran and try one of our courts so you appreciate your jury duty better.

Seriously. I get really pissed off when people say that Americans are a bunch of fat, stupid, lazy slobs, but this "say whatever you can to get out of doing your civic duty" attitude certainly doesn't help change that perception.

huh what did I miss ???




SamuelRSmith said:
@Hawk - Isn't it illegal to discuss your case that you had to do during dury duty?

Yeah, during the trial, you are not allowed to talk about it at all. My wife was going crazy because I couldn't talk to her about it. I told her it was interesting and I had plenty to talk to her about, but had to wait until the end of the trial. She was just going nuts, and everyday, she tried hard to pursuade me to tell her.

But after the trial, you can talk about it all you want. You can even show people your notes and such. AND the lawyers can finally talk to you opening about everything.

There were a couple people on the jury that felt pretty bad, that they may have made the wrong choice. But after the trial, we got to talk to the DA, and they didn't feel bad anymore. There was plenty that the DA knew, that they couldn't say during the trial.

Hehehe, and on a side note. The DA looked EXACTLY like Michael J Fox. It was hard not to laugh every day when you see Marty McFly as the procecutor.

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

I didn't say that americans are a bunch of fat, stupid, lazy slobs, I just said heshould be happy he lives in a country that trusts its own people.
Oh and a country that has a real jury in their courts.
I was suggesting that the original poster go and do his duty, because he owes this to the system.

gorgepir said:
I didn't say that americans are a bunch of fat, stupid, lazy slobs, I just said heshould be happy he lives in a country that trusts its own people.
Oh and a country that has a real jury in their courts.
I was suggesting that the original poster go and do his duty, because he owes this to the system.

 Ahhh.  If he doesn't want to do jury duty so bad, then he should try to get out of it. The reason is because the courts don't want his type on the jury anyway.  They don't want someone who's just wishing they were not there the whole time.  They actually try to get rid of them.  And that makes sense.

There are plenty of people who are happy to do jury duty.  You just hear about the ones who whine. 

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Around the Network
Entroper said:
gorgepir said:
Why are all of you trying to find ways of getting out of jury duty??
You guys are spoiled.
You should live in Iran and try one of our courts so you appreciate your jury duty better.

Seriously. I get really pissed off when people say that Americans are a bunch of fat, stupid, lazy slobs, but this "say whatever you can to get out of doing your civic duty" attitude certainly doesn't help change that perception.

 When half the people don't vote it doesn't inspire much confidence in people doing their civic duty. I hear where you're coming from.

Hawk said:
gorgepir said:
I didn't say that americans are a bunch of fat, stupid, lazy slobs, I just said heshould be happy he lives in a country that trusts its own people.
Oh and a country that has a real jury in their courts.
I was suggesting that the original poster go and do his duty, because he owes this to the system.

 Ahhh.  If he doesn't want to do jury duty so bad, then he should try to get out of it. The reason is because the courts don't want his type on the jury anyway.  They don't want someone who's just wishing they were not there the whole time.  They actually try to get rid of them.  And that makes sense.

There are plenty of people who are happy to do jury duty.  You just hear about the ones who whine. 

 I think that courts want people who are fair. And unless he has a specific thing against one of the parties, I can't see a logical reason why he shouldnt do it. Just because he doesn't want to is not a valid reason.

What I think is that everyone should try to understand why it is important to do this duty. My way of doing it? I invite you to attend a court in Iran. I bet you will be attending every jury you can.

Well one way to get out of it is if they start asking you questions, be very bias about everything, and pretty much act like you want to see people get punished, they dismiss you cause they need unbias people.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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gorgepir said:
I didn't say that americans are a bunch of fat, stupid, lazy slobs, I just said heshould be happy he lives in a country that trusts its own people.
Oh and a country that has a real jury in their courts.
I was suggesting that the original poster go and do his duty, because he owes this to the system.

I'm not saying you said that, but other people do say it all the time.  And when we get the opportunity to prove them wrong, we often don't.  I didn't mean to put words in your mouth.

gorgepir said:

I think that courts want people who are fair. And unless he has a specific thing against one of the parties, I can't see a logical reason why he shouldnt do it. Just because he doesn't want to is not a valid reason.

What I think is that everyone should try to understand why it is important to do this duty. My way of doing it? I invite you to attend a court in Iran. I bet you will be attending every jury you can.

I'm not arguing that he shouldn't want to do it. Because he should.

And I'm sure the courts want people who are fair. But it's the lawyers that choose the jury. And each lawyer tries to get a person they are sure will vote the way they want. And when we got to talk to the DA after the trial, we also had some laughs with him over the ridiculous excuses some people made during jury selection. Regarding them, the DA said he just gets a laugh off of them, and gets rid of them anyway. He didn't want them on the jury at all

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)