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Forums - General Discussion - oh man im so screwed...i have to serve

I served as the forman of a jury trial against a logging company last month. I was picked out of 255 people.

Got paid 185 dollars, and bought 3 Wii games and Phoenix Wright 3.

Not a bad deal, for 3 days work.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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Just tell them you hate every race except the ones you are of course.
If that doest work? Write them a letter and tell them you dont live in state anymore.

I ve weazled my way out of a couple mwahahah

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



Most interviewers during the selection process will ask some variation of, "Do you have any biases or preconceptions that might unduly affect your judgment in this case?"

Simply answer, "yes," and you're most likely free. It's as easy as that.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



I got summoned to Jury duty in California and got out of it by ....

Taking the bus.
They can't transfer you to another district (as they will do if they don't have immediate use for you) if you can show that you don't have means of transportation readily available. They tried to get tricky by making us answer a survey about how we got to the courthouse, but they really used it to dismiss all two of us who didn't respond that we drove ourselves to the courthouse.

More standardly, I've heard that lawyers will generally try to excuse jurors who seem to have (1) high education or (2) appear to have authority. The reasoning for this is that the lawyers want to minimize who besides themselves can persuade the jury. The common advice from here tends to be wear your college paraphernalia if its prestigious, or very formal office attire if you're a lawyer, businessman, doctor, etc.

Good Luck.

Just so everyone is aware -- if the judge thinks you're lying to try to avoid jury duty, he can hold you in contempt. You don't want that to happen. Do your civic duty for crying out loud, how bad could it really be?

Around the Network

so just tell them you have exams. i would think that would work. and dont you get paid like EXTREMLY low money or something.

I got summoned and got out of it because I was in college. I went to college in Ohio and I'm from NJ so that may have been it, but I think you may be able to get out of it by saying your in college? Worth a shot.

I got a jury duty notice three times now. First time I got one, they had more people than they had cases. They sent me home when they fulfilled the case requirements and people were left over.

Second time, I called the number you are supposed to call the night before, and I was told my number didn't need to go.

Third time I actually got selected for the Jury. Which I was mad about at the time. Because the lawyers only have so much time to select the Jury. And I filled in for the last guy they kicked out, and then they had no more time to ask me questions and were stuck with me.

The trial ended up to be fun though. Was this drug dealer that killed his two best customers. Who he was also living with. His best friend is the one who actually proved his guilt. His best friend was there that night, but had already been sent to prison for something else before this guy was caught. So they didn't get to get their story straight.

So his best friend was brought into the court room all chained up and escorted by prison security guards. And the guy tried to cover for his friend, but since their stories were completely different, he exposed his friends guilt. It took use 3 days of debating, but we unanimously decided he was guilty.

The whole thing took 7 days. 

Tag: Hawk - Reluctant Dark Messiah (provided by fkusumot)

Why are all of you trying to find ways of getting out of jury duty??
You guys are spoiled.
You should live in Iran and try one of our courts so you appreciate your jury duty better.

@Hawk - Isn't it illegal to discuss your case that you had to do during dury duty?