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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - 10-million VC sales an embarrasment!

Fastrabbit09 said:
Joelcool7 said:

Now 50% is a drasticly innaccurate way to look at sales. Considering each download card purchased can be used for up to four downloads. That alone cuts the number of players downloading titles even lower to as low as 25% of the total 10-million are actually gamers who are downloading titles. So your talking at best 2.5 million gamers buying online games.

flaw: not everyone uses those cards. most people with credit cards would simply buy the games using that rather than go to the store and pay more for the card and have to get more points than they may want...considering average age of wii owner is 29, there is likely not an insignificant amount of vc purchasers that have never bought one of those cards

 That is true, but when buying points with a credit card you still buy points in increments of 1000 Wii there almost always are a few points left over after buying games.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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umm yeah. So 10m in vc sales where the profitability margin is probably around 95% for Nintendo owned property, and 45% for NonNintendo owned property.

HAAAHHAHAHA. Nintendo is overjoyed that people like me have purchased 10 VC titles and still have 100 points ($1) sitting in their bank. BTW, I will be purchasing more. Probably have about 20 or so when I stop. All NES and SNES.

Now just wait for the new Wii Ware games to come. That is where the numbers of titles sold really count.

also bearing in mind there were very little games at the start and no real incentive to get online.

Wait until WiiWare and DS Demo Station get launched this year and the choice expands and new online Wii games get released - that figure is only gonna get larger. The larger the install base gets the less relevant the attach rate becomes.

I personally say well done as they've finally getting things right on the online dept.


This is a stupid thread.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Joelcool has a point - somewhat. If this was 360/PS3 then that would be an embarrassing number.

I think what this shows is the casual nature of the Wii. Obviously a lot aren't connected, and even of those that are, a lot don't care about traditional games. GC controller isn't a issue as most games can be played with the wiimote held sideways anyway.

So in a way, 10m is a sort of disappointing number, but on the other hand, it shows their strategy to target the less-then-tech-savy is working very well.


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it's hardly an embarasment when you're collecting almost 100% profit from these 10 million downloads.. And the vast majority of these games are completely unchanged re-released games, so you can't expect that many people to be clamoring for them.

Many Wii owners just aren't interested in VC games, or don't have their Wii hooked up to the internet. Then there's people like me who own 10 VC games. It all evens out..

A few points.

There are a lot of Wiis out there. But as many have said, the system is always connected to the Internet. In Japan, for example, Nintendo had to work with NTT to increase connections.

Second, a lot of other people who don't connect their Wii to the Internet for various reasons. Some have small kids and don't feel the need to be on-line. Some don't like the unfettered Internet access available. Some aren't into playing games on line. And some are in retirement homes playing a limited number of games. (I know of three families with the parents in my age range: mid-30s to mid-40s and none of them are hooked up to the Internet).

Personally, I have bought two VC games. I picked up Kirby's Adventure (NES) for my son. I got Sin & Punishment (N64) because it was an import. But to be honest, I own all of those systems except for the NEO-GEO and have almost all the games offered, so I don't want to buy them again (though I did Kirby for my son).

Finally, I still haven't seen a citation on the VC sales data or comparative information vis-a-vis other systems (at least up to the point when I started writing this repsonse).

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Can't help but laugh at some of the "points" being made in this thread.

Game of the year.

Now Playing: Guitar Hero III (Wii)

First out of the 20 million you have to minus the people who cant be bothered or just cant connect to the internet, then you have to realise that many of the consumers are casual gamers and are completely uninterested with this sort of game and wasnt that number released a few months ago, like before christmas, so surely after xmas there would be a big boost.

Game_boy said:
Cost to set up service and provide games: say one QUADRILLION dollars
Revenue from service: 10m x $5 (minimum) = $50m

Profit: .... hmm whats 1000 billion minues 50 million???
Was it worth it to set up service: NO!

End of debate. <-- Not Really since I just made up all these numbers!!

I actually have no issues with the original post.. I just really hate when people say "end of debate" when they pulled the numbers out of their ass!!!

*goes looking for a .gif of numbers coming out of ass

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