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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - HD-DVD add on for XBOX 360 price drops!

Microsoft's XBOX 360 HD-DVD add-on has dropped in price.  The MSRP has fallen from 179.99 to 129.99.  And affects U.S. Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.  Kotaku reports that there is also still the five free HD-DVDs for buying a HD player out so you can still get the betamax of the generation with five free HD DVDs.

Around the Network

Maybe if they moved that decimal one to the left I'd take notice.

well, I have to greet this with an

Looking a bit desperate

Yeah, I heard it was going down to $80 bucks, which is still too much for an obsolite format.

Around the Network

At this point, anyone that buys a HD-DVD player is just stupid and completely ignorant about the market.

I had someone try to sell me a used (read stolen) one for like $50. I said, umm no. He was all, it's $300 in stores! I said, yeah but its a dead format. At this point its just a nice upconverting dvd player.

who would buy it?


Too little too late I say.

@ elnino334

Oh yeah, they are about six to twelve months too late.

and still about a hundred bucks too expensive.