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Forums - Sony Discussion - PS3 Owner Poll - What's the most important for you to buy a game?

ssj12 said:
blaydcor said:
ssj12 said:
blaydcor said:
What kind of lame choice is (E)?
It's like saying,
would you rather be
(5)All of the above.
Cut that shit out, ssj12.

get lost. your making this site look bad. Leave now.

No, I'm not. I'm pointing out that your poll is biased and inherently flawed. Calmly pointing out your mistakes is only making you look bad, not the site.


how is it flawed, out of your poll id take #4 none of the rest. Id rather earn my money and let my uniqueness shine. Also as long as I keep myself healthy I'll live long enough


btw, you need to learn sarcasm

I don't really see any sarcasm for me; please bold it to enlighten me, oh sarcasm master. I guess I'm just too dumb to get this whole sarcasm thing.

And, again, you're twisting my poll to win your arguments. I didn't say ''which you would you rather magically have" I said "which would you rather have", i.e., your richness would be a byproduct of your hard work and morals, etc. But its hypothetical, anyway. You know what I'm saying. I'll break it down one more time

Which would you rather have?
1)Desirable thing A

2)Equally Desirable Thing B



Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

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story and gameplay.

my top 5 right now. 1. uncharted 2 2. assassin's creed 2 3. god of war 3 4. final fantasy xiii 5. blue dragon: awakened shadow.

C B or C A. Story is most important for me, I can endure repetitive gameplay or poor gfx but definitely not a shallow storyline.

Replay value is quite subjective. For me it has nothing to do with extras or achivements or whatever. You can have all that and more in a game, but ultimately if you didn't like said game you will never go through the hassle of replaying it. And if you loved it, the lack of extra content will not prevent you from playing it again. That's why I don't give credit to the so-called "replay value".

GooseGaws said:

Dude, don't wait. FFVI is a game worth buying at least three times over. :)

I own the SNES version. great memories with that game. one of my absolute favs ever.

Im just waiting for DS or Wiimake!!! heheh


I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



The obvious answer is all of the above, but I'll say a mix of gameplay and replay value. of course graphics never hurt.

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this thread should be closed due to wack ass poll.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



no mention of online capablities?

weezy said:
this thread should be closed due to wack ass poll.
this thread should be closed for being regod-damn-diculous, not to mention being more about FF6 than the poll


Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

SSj12 oughtta read a book on how to make a sucessful poll.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



i think the results are clear though; the thing most PS3 gamers want is:

(F)Final Fantasy 6

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.