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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 78.2 million Xbox 360 sold.

Very nice when you think what the original Xbox did.

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

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Off topic but does anybody know if the 360 is the best selling home console of all time in North America? I'm just wondering. It's done pretty well considering it's only really popular in certain parts of the world and totally shunned in others.

attaboy said:
Off topic but does anybody know if the 360 is the best selling home console of all time in North America? I'm just wondering. It's done pretty well considering it's only really popular in certain parts of the world and totally shunned in others.

Nah, still behind Wii and PS2, will pass Wii this holiday and if it passes PS2 it'll be during 2015 or onwards.

Off the top of my head

360: 39.2m
Wii: 40.1m
PS2: 46.2m


If only the PS3 had some good exclusives, like a modern Indiana Jones kind of game, or a game where you can make you own plataform levels or even a pos-apocalipse kind of horror survival. Then it would sell... If only...

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

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One more question: How is 78.2 a milestone? It's a pretty random ass number. Why not 69.4 or 97.3? I'd consider something like 80 Million a milestone. Otherwise, unless it's losing sales, it's hitting a milestone every day.

attaboy said:
Off topic but does anybody know if the 360 is the best selling home console of all time in North America? I'm just wondering. It's done pretty well considering it's only really popular in certain parts of the world and totally shunned in others.


attaboy said:
One more question: How is 78.2 a milestone? It's a pretty random ass number. Why not 69.4 or 97.3? I'd consider something like 80 Million a milestone. Otherwise, unless it's losing sales, it's hitting a milestone every day.

It is not a milestone lol

pezus said:
Zappykins said:

Oh, noes! you mean it is still ahead world wide?!? That will make some people very upset.

Very, very upset. If you listen real closely, you can hear their screams and tears.

No, lol. Sony has yet to announce their shipments for the quarter.

You are just wishing the 360 didn't overtake Ps3

Zappykins said:
riderz13371 said:

Y u say dis...


I don't know, I guess cause it's true.

Oh, the gloating, all the gloating that has been going on, the massive gloating, has all been faked!

But they should look at it this way, they will get to gloat all over again soon - maybe.  But it will be diminished because Xbox 360 is about to pass Wii in North America, and there will probably be a X360 price cut in the near future.  They will not like that one bit, but say some thing about 'gaming in North America' it isn't important or 'true gaming.'

You do realize the 77m units for PS3 this article talks about is VERY old right? It uses an article from January 10th lolz...