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Forums - Sales Discussion - HD Consoles just bouncing back from Christmas (Wii 50% of Market??)

The wii began regular sales about three weeks after christmas, the PS3 has just started, and it looks like even with the small amount from Japan, 360 won't be recovering at all this week.

What does this say about 2008? If the wii can get back into it's regular cycle 3 weeks after christmas, how long will it be untill it reaches 50% Market Share??

(My guess is at the very latest, the beginning of christmas 09)

Discuss and Guess!! 




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Wii will reach 50% in early 2009

I don't think the Wii will ever reach 50%. Not saying it can't, but I think suppy issues hinder it too much.

End of AUGUST 08 folks! Wii will have it's 50% market share at that point! You can take it to the bank!

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

I seriously doubt Wii will ever reach 50 % of total sales for this generation. I'd say 48 % will be it's highest overall marketshare, and it will reach that level sometime in early 2009. Beyond 2009 the PS3 will slowly eat into Nintendos market share. However, I don't believe PS3 will ever catch up on Wii.

My prediction as of March 31 2009 is like this:

Wii 45,0 - 48,5 million
PS3 25,0 - 27,5 million
Xbox 360 24,5 - 27,5 million

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I agree with hamister 100%.

Makes the most sense.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

The Wii will reach 50% shortly after Holiday 2008.

So your reason for that Wii will reach 50 %, is that during christmas time, Ps3 + X360 sold 7.5M while Wii sold 7?

Geniously, if I have to say it myself! Use Wiis weekest time to prove it!

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

I'm with Hamister and Zackblue. I guarantee that the Wii will have

wii is the only console that stands a chance of doing it, but i think supply issues will prevent it from doing so