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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Someone please explain 'HARDCORE'......what does it mean?

Just to put my comments into some (hopefully) perspective:

You're not a hardcore music fan if you don't like Tool.
You're not a hardcore Rap fan if you hate Dr. Dre.
You're not a hardcore gearhead until you've suped up a Model-T.
You're not a hardcore student until you've taken Bio 4301 - Subatomic Biology.

Bullshit exclusionism for no reason, well, it's exclusionism when hardcore are taken as "good" or "right". It's laughable that the debate has lasted for a long time, and I am ashamed of the fact I have commented on it with my psuedo insight before.

See Ya George.

"He did not die - He passed Away"

At least following a comedians own jokes makes his death easier.

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kingofwale said:
>How does graphics make a hardcore game? Graphics is not really a factor. As for reading reviews before buying games, if you are really passionate about games, you'll play the game regardless of the reviews and simply make your own opinion, not make others force their opinions on you.

How does running out buying NinjaBread Man on Wii regardless the review score make YOU a hardcore gamer?

If you are passionate enough about games, you should at least read other people's opinions. I never said you should treat them as Bible. There's nothing wrong with finding out what the rest of the world thinks.

And graphics is a part of what makes a good game great. Okami's art direction was one of the best feature of the game. Same goes for Shadow

 Did I say that buying games compulsively makes you a hardcore gamer?

 Yes, reading other people's opinions is important, but if you follow them all blindy, you'll miss out on a lot of good games.

 Graphics makes a nice game, but not make it necessarily hardcore.

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Fuzzmosis said:
Just to put my comments into some (hopefully) perspective:

You're not a hardcore music fan if you don't like Tool.
You're not a hardcore Rap fan if you hate Dr. Dre.
You're not a hardcore gearhead until you've suped up a Model-T.
You're not a hardcore student until you've taken Bio 4301 - Subatomic Biology.

Bullshit exclusionism for no reason, well, it's exclusionism when hardcore are taken as "good" or "right". It's laughable that the debate has lasted for a long time, and I am ashamed of the fact I have commented on it with my psuedo insight before.

I agree.  The only problem is when public statements get made, such as Iwata's, you have to try to figure out what he is refering to (and unless I am horribly mistaken, was the intention of the post)

I think any one who really enjoys games, and appreciates them as an artistic medium doesn't really care if they are labeled 'hardcore,' they just want to play good games.

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Urban Dictionary FTW!!!

Hardcore Gamer

One who spends in excess of more than 4 hours in one sitting. Realises that graphics, story, fun and all the other shit are all equally important. One offsetting the other will affect the game adversely

Many people claim to be hardcore gamers, but they are just posers. as stated above, all of the mentioned above are needed equally in order to make a kickass game.

My own def since Urban Dictionary FAILs

Hardcore game

A game with a perfect balance of graphics, gameplay and sometimes story and multiplayer gameplay that drags a gamer into the world. The game drags a gamer into the virtual world where they feel the emotions and/or feel that they are apart of the adventure of the characters they play. For some games, like World of Warcraft or Halo, the depth of the online experience drags players into the game through the need to improve yourself ability to pay better and become as close to the best that you can.

The games don't have to be AAA titles, they just have to give an experience that engulfs the payer in a fantasy land.

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To me hardcore gamers are like the elites found within any other form of art or entertainment. They are very familiar with the topic and have been around it for a significant amount of time. They know what makes a game great, and can look past the more obvious conclusions and evaluate a game as it is in its entirety.

A hardcore game is a game that is agreed upon by hardcore gamers as great.

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Hardcore to me is that playing games is your main form of entertainment. To me "hardcore" is just another way of saying "my main hobby."

You can also look at the term hardcore gamer almost as an insult. I still think theres that stigma of being considered a "hardcore gamer" (at least in my family, it's still looked down upon as some childish thing, but the times are changing and my parents don't exactly like changing).

This is why I hate calling games hardcore. You can't put a single definition to it. It's different for everyone. Someone might only consider long, deep and complex games hardcore. Some might consider engaging storyline/graphics/gameplay hardcore. Others might consider old school games like Metroid or Mega Man hardcore. 

What's worse is when people start acting like their definition is the only right one. That the only way a game can be "hardcore" is if it offers 20 man online multiplayer with voice chat and stat tracking. These same people are usually the ones proclaiming themselves to be "hardcore" gamers because they play 30 hours of CoD4 a week.

Now, a hardcore gamer is a bit easier to define. I'd say a hardcore gamer is just someone who's hobby is video games, who plays many different kinds of video games, and who has knowledge of the industry. Still, it's a lame term that needs to go away.

Katilian said:
Hardcore gamers are generally teenagers (or atleast that's what they act like) who are obsessive over a single console. They will fight to the death about how their console is superior to everything else on the market, and often completely defy logic to try and get their point across. This includes making posts about how any other console is aimed at casuals or is kiddie (i.e. is not hardcore).

Hardcore gamers also defined by the games they play. Any game which does not involve killing tens of thousands of enemies in a brutal bloodbath is a game for kiddies and therefore is not considered hardcore. This is because they need to prove they are mature to everyone else, despite the fact that most adults, while considering most of the games to have content only appropriate for adults, actually consider them to lack any maturity at all. Also, any game which is not rendered in high definition, or involves large flat shaded polygons (particularly anything brightly coloured) must be terrible and they will make sure to let you know about it.

Hardcore gamers also tend to not have any real friends. This is why online gaming is so important to them. When they are not out trolling around game forums proving their system is better, they are gaming online. This is where they get to flex their gaming muscle and prove their superiority to all those kiddie gamers.

Hardcore gamers are also industry experts. In fact, they know exactly what is happening in the industry (even before it happens) and if they were in charge of their favourite company, would know exactly what to do better. Many of these claims also defy logic and lack any sort of business sense.

Finally, hardcore gamers are noted by the fact that they control the definition of hardcore. This often changes with each generation of console as they need to back their favourite companies ideas, no matter how terrible they are. If their company's next console is "Dog-poo-on-a-stick" then any other hardcore console would need to also contain dog poo. If a competing company then produces "Dog-poo-in-a-can", then this challenges this definition and the stick now becomes a factor in making their console more hardcore.

I hope this helps clear up what is meant by a Hardcore Gamer.

/sarcasm (for the sarcastically challenged)

 No.....No.., there is no need to lie, there is no sarcasm in your post whatsoever 

my signature went on strike, it's demanding 3% raise

Fuzzmosis said:
Just to put my comments into some (hopefully) perspective:

You're not a hardcore music fan if you don't like Tool.
You're not a hardcore Rap fan if you hate Dr. Dre.
You're not a hardcore gearhead until you've suped up a Model-T.
You're not a hardcore student until you've taken Bio 4301 - Subatomic Biology.

Bullshit exclusionism for no reason, well, it's exclusionism when hardcore are taken as "good" or "right". It's laughable that the debate has lasted for a long time, and I am ashamed of the fact I have commented on it with my psuedo insight before.

 don't bring TooL into this you dope 


my signature went on strike, it's demanding 3% raise