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This is why I hate calling games hardcore. You can't put a single definition to it. It's different for everyone. Someone might only consider long, deep and complex games hardcore. Some might consider engaging storyline/graphics/gameplay hardcore. Others might consider old school games like Metroid or Mega Man hardcore. 

What's worse is when people start acting like their definition is the only right one. That the only way a game can be "hardcore" is if it offers 20 man online multiplayer with voice chat and stat tracking. These same people are usually the ones proclaiming themselves to be "hardcore" gamers because they play 30 hours of CoD4 a week.

Now, a hardcore gamer is a bit easier to define. I'd say a hardcore gamer is just someone who's hobby is video games, who plays many different kinds of video games, and who has knowledge of the industry. Still, it's a lame term that needs to go away.