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Forums - Sales Discussion - "Sony cut the PS3 price twice" line is getting old... Read and find out why

DMeisterJ said:
@ FishyJoe

Hmm... I would expect more poise and tact from a mod. Sad really.

You shouldn't go around saying things like that. You'll lose respect quickly.

Perhaps there was a more diplomatic way to say it but its asbolutely true. As a fairly blunt person myself I appreciate the bluntness from mods and Fishy gets +1 respect for it.

Back when they mixed up the prices and discontinued the 20Gb etc...Sony fans insisted that the PS3 was getting a price cut..then later when the real price cut hit and the entry point was lowered to $400 they insisted it was 2 price cuts now.

Now that sales with "2 price cuts" don't look as good as most expected there is backpeddling and it was "only 1 price cut!!". As I said though I agree that there really has only been one price cut but it doesn't change the back and forth behavior of a number of PS3 fans.

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@ sqrl

Where was I at when this happened. I have always acknowledged the Sixty and eight gig as the only real price points, and how it's only moved a hundred dollars from where it started last year.


20gb were always in short supply. For a time they were officially canceled without a drop on the 60gb. For that time at least, if not the time when they were in VERY short supply, the entry-level for the PS3 was $600. Shortly after the entry level was $500. Shortly after it was $400. Say whatever you want about SKU's and feature changes, it doesn't change those facts.

I do understand why their is ambiguity, and it certainly does come down to opinion. But there is just as much logic and validity to the expression that the PS3 received two price cuts as their is to saying it received one, and you really need to accept that.

Personally, I hadn't seen anyone talking about two price cuts this entire year until this thread.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

O rly? Guess you haven't been in this thread.

Or just go to the worldwide or american weekly comments section. You'll see it in there every week.

The ps3 launched with a $500 SKU and a $600 SKU. Now there are a $400 SKU on the market and a $500 SKU on the market. The price has been dropped by $100. You can cut it into 1, 2, 3, 571, or however many slices you want, but in the end the price has come down $100.

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But then your ignoring the period where there was shortages, and the period where the 20gb was canceled pre-price drop. Im sorry makingmusic but there really is just as strong a case for the two price cut comments. And I agree with Sqrl, at the time all the PS3 fanboys were telling us how great it was that there had already been two price cuts.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

DMeisterJ said:
@ sqrl

Where was I at when this happened. I have always acknowledged the Sixty and eight gig as the only real price points, and how it's only moved a hundred dollars from where it started last year.

 I  have no idea where you must not have been my week to keep track of you

Seriously though, if you want go back through the sales and gaming forums to those time periods feel free, there were plenty of threads with folks like Hus insisting that it had 2 price cuts and that anyone who thought/said otherwise was just jealous. 

To Each Man, Responsibility

makingmusic, that bares no relevance to anything though. I could reduce something in price 5 times in a year and by the end I could say "in the end the price has come down $100". The argument is used when talking about Sony trying to stimulate demand for their product. Since the price reductions of the SKU's were done at different points in time, each seperate one would generate demand and that is what the jist of the arguments using the "two price cuts" are.

Oy, I knew Sony fans were getting thin skinned but it's getting ridiculous. If this is the kind of thing that get them riled up, it's going to be a long ass year.

@ FishyJoe

Your comments just get better and better. Alienate a whole group of people and call them a name. What a great mod!