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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

iceland said:
Does Titanfall hold the record for most threads for a game? lmao Seriously though I can't think of a game that has had more.


lol very possible.  Kind of ironic, but it got a lot of free advertising by people trying to spread hate, just as much as people hyping xD  By posting it everytday it was everywhere people looked, good or bad.  People WOULD know the name by the time it hit the market xD


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Man, seems like everyone with an X1 on my friends list has been playing Titanfall lol Gotta go to sleep before work tonight, be back soon!

It honestly does remind me of halo in many ways


Ryuu96 said:
JayWood2010 said:
It honestly does remind me of halo in many ways

Same, think if they tried and had enough time they could make a awesome single player/story mode since it's set in the future on multiple planets from the looks off it but obviously not as good as Halo's Story/single player ;) Lol

Yeah.  TitanFall 2 will likely have a pretty cool singleplayer :)


shikamaru317 said:
I see the Xbox Live problems still haven't been sorted out, I tried to sign-in on my Xbox One and it won't let me.

Just booted mine up and I can get on? Maybe try a cold boot? I had to do that the other day.


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shikamaru317 said:
I see the Xbox Live problems still haven't been sorted out, I tried to sign-in on my Xbox One and it won't let me.

hmm, i havent had any issues at all.  Well it should be up pretty soon.  MSFT is pretty good about these things


Funny how people try to convince otherwise folks trying to get Titanfall on X1.
Is it fear? Cause nothing makes people act that way. If they were confident in their box they would act with indifference.
I really find it amusing.

prayformojo said:
BloodyRain said:

I have seen Titanfall and I want it! If I had money, I would prob get the xbox one titanfall bundle! Seriously, it looks like tons of fun though.

Edit:Don't have a gaming pc either lol

Buy a used 360 and a copy. Same game, about the same resolution but a HELL of alot cheaper.

So, I've been playing TF for about....idk, 7 hours or so. No server issues no Live issues. Gotta say, this game is absolutely amazing. Unbelievably fun.

Time for some sleep now though

Ryuu96 said:
Keep forgetting that we have a Fable Legends Beta this year Lol, when do you guys think it will be? Want to test it out so much to see if it's good

I keep forgetting that Fable Legends exists, lmao. The franchise is pretty much dead to me, I hope it's a good game though.