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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

I can see DR3 easily hitting 1 million after the Titanfall boost, also I expect the Meta to be around 86-91 imma guess 89.

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Sure there can be a comment war. But even if PS Nation has 1m comments and we have 15k im still proud of our small group here. You guys just keep posting because you guys are awesome xD


Ryuu96 said:

Doesn't look like anybody wants to watch videos early but incase anybody does =P


Yeah ive been avoiding all tf videos because as someone else has mentioned, i want it to be fresh when i play it.  However i like that youre posting them because im certain lots of people want to see :D


Watch Dogs Story Trailer


With the recent teases from having a 2nd party studio bringing back a classic Xbox Franchise two things came to mind.  Rare Ip's and Phantom Dust.  It also reminded me of the numerous Phantom Dust teases over the last year.  All this leads me to believe that Microsoft is preparing to reboot the critically acclaimed Phantom Dust.  SO would you all like this?  


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JayWood2010 said:
Runa216 said:
Runa216 said:
Alright guys, I plan on taking the plunge. Got a new job that means I can afford spare cash, and I want an Xbox One. Already have a PS4 and WiiU.

Thing is, I already have a PS4, which is marginally better for multiplatform games so I'll get them on there. I need to know some exclusives to go with my new Xbox One! Here's the list of games I currently intend on getting on Xbox:

1 - Titanfall (don't like the lack of singleplayer, but it still looks awesome and the roomies will eat it up)
2 - Dead Rising 3 (didn't like the first two, but this one looks great)
3 - Project spark (when it comes out)
4 - Sunset Overdrive (it's Insomniac and I have been on a Ratchet & Clank Binge)
5 - Forza Motorsport 5 (not usually into realistic racers, but everyone I know says it's one of the best)
6 - Quantum Break (because Remedy)

I don't like Halo, and Gears hasn't even officially been announced yet, so I can't add them.

Anyone know any other Xbox One exclusives that are on the horizon I might be interested in? Indie games? RPG's? generally unique games?

No suggestions, guys?  I'm serious, but I've never been a huge Xbox guy so I am not all that familiar with the One's offerings. 

I didnt see your previous comment.

Well we wont know most of the exclusives coming but Ill let you know about some that is being teased, already announced, and the ones that are good so far.

Good games already out

-Killer Instinct
-Ryse (Yes i enjoyed it, id recommend a rent)
-Dead Rising 3
-Forza 5
-Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
-Peggle 2
-Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
-And of Course TitanFall
-Zoo Tycoon

Games Coming Soon

-Project Spark(Beta Now)
-Kinect Sports Rivals
-Sunset Overdrive
-Quantum Break
-Fable Legends
-Gears of War
-And of course Halo

Games being hinted at

-Forza Horizon 2
-Old Ip being developed by 2nd party.  Possibility of it being a Rare ip
-Rare has hinted at Banjo, Perfect Dark, and Viva Pinata
-Phantom Dust

Then there is New Unnanounced Ip's coming as well as games coming from First parties that we know nothing about.  Alopng with a new Lionhead New ip.

So if you really want to buy an XBO now just judge off what you know because there is more coming that none of us can tell you about.  Only you know your preferences.

-Killer Instinct - Not really fond of the Free2Play model, and I never liked Killer Instinct. 
-Ryse - all my Nope on this one.  I've seen enough gameplay videos to know this is the opposite of what I want. short and shallow.  
-Dead Rising 3 - Definitely picking this one up.  didn't like the first two, but this one looks and sounds much better
-Forza 5 - usually not into racers, but I'm game, since it's free, at least for now. 
-Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare - I'll pass on this one, at least for now.  
-Peggle 2 - Not a puzzle game guy, even though peggle is one of the best.
-Max: The Curse of Brotherhood - Now this I can get behind. 
-TitanFall - This is my system seller, at least it would be if it had a singleplayer.  still getting it for my roomies, though. 
-Zoo Tycoon - Really not my kind of game at all.  

This is why I don't have an Xbox yet.  That said, the future looks GREAT!  

-Project Spark - Yeah, this is a must have!
-Kinect Sports Rivals - All of my nope.  fuck kinect.  
-Sunset Overdrive - Yeah, this is a must have, but the 'always on' thing is still prevalent from what I've heard.
-Quantum Break - Looks great!  Can't wait. 
-Fable Legends - Only the first fable was any good.  Waiting on reviews for this one. 
-Gears of War - Always loved Gears, so I'll have to get this.  
-And of course Halo - Naw.  Not likely to happen.  Do not like Halo and never have. 

Thanks for this!  Doesn't seem to be a lot of confirmed stuff I didn't know about.  So within the next year I'll have, I think, 6-8 games.  Maybe not enough to justify a purchase, but if I can afford it, I really don't see why not.  

As for the guy who said to get multiplatform games on Xbox for multiplayer:  I just don't care about multiplayer, and the PS4's online infrastructure is on par with Xbone's, and there are more of my friends on there, not to mention a larger userbase.  Xbox One will be almost entirely exclusives for me.  seems to be enough of those to keep me busy. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

Never played Phantom Dust. I'd love to, now :)

Runa216 said:
JayWood2010 said:

Thanks for this!  Doesn't seem to be a lot of confirmed stuff I didn't know about.  So within the next year I'll have, I think, 6-8 games.  Maybe not enough to justify a purchase, but if I can afford it, I really don't see why not.  

No Problem man!  Yeah Quantum Break does look great.  Cant wait to see more on it.   I havent decided on Sunset Overdrive though.  The main reason im interested is because i like Insomniac so im waiting to see more on it.

If you do end up getting it, hope you enjoy it.  Even if you dont get it come and post in here anytime you want :)


Wright said:

Never played Phantom Dust. I'd love to, now :)

Yeah, it only sold 110k according to  VGC.  One of the lost gems on an under-rated console. It seems like a franchise that would sell a lot more today than it did 9 years ago.  I really wish somebody would make a XBOX emulator though.


Temporary change in the XBO Nation theme to fit the poll. Phantom Dust OST - Memories. Will change it back to Ryuu's soon enough :)