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I hate people comparing it to COD... To me saying TF is COD with mechs is like saying lost planet is gears of war with mechs.... About as retarded from people making that stupid comparison... I loath COD and BF and yet I love TF and find nothing comparable to both games beside the color of concrete of the buildings... Then again what did they expect purple concrete so it doesn't look like COD... Bunch of retarded lemmings I'm telling you... And I'm betting you half of those lemz are people who never played the game or don't have access to it on their console of choice... How can you compare a Sci FI fps to COD is beyond me... Some peole have been drinking some dude bro coolaid for too long

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endimion said:
I hate people comparing it to COD... To me saying TF is COD with mechs is like saying lost planet is gears of war with mechs.... About as retarded from people making that stupid comparison... I loath COD and BF and yet I love TF and find nothing comparable to both games beside the color of concrete of the buildings... Then again what did they expect purple concrete so it doesn't look like COD... Bunch of retarded lemmings I'm telling you... And I'm betting you half of those lemz are people who never played the game or don't have access to it on their console of choice... How can you compare a Sci FI fps to COD is beyond me... Some peole have been drinking some dude bro coolaid for too long

1.yes you are right but people will compare it they will say titanfall has lesser player count.

2.No soldier customisation.

3. Lesser weapons

But their is no need of all this 6vs6 is perfect with ai though I wanted a 8vs8 also but most of the time I will be hoping in attrition only. Guns should be less just provide different guns we don't need same smg's one with high fire rate other with higher accuracy. Soldier customisations is nice but if it is not their it is not going to worry me disturb my gameplay eperience.

I never used player customization.... It's useless imo... Now weapons count is like car count in racers... What's the point of putting a shit load of them if 90% will never be used by anyone anyway beside gamers pissing contest... And player count is one of the reasons it can't be compared to COD...

and COD has been shit for half a decade almost... I'm glad they didn't try to do a clone of that pile of crap that dares to call itself a game...

endimion said:
I never used player customization.... It's useless imo... Now weapons count is like car count in racers... What's the point of putting a shit load of them if 90% will never be used by anyone anyway beside gamers pissing contest... And player count is one of the reasons it can't be compared to COD...

and COD has been shit for half a decade almost... I'm glad they didn't try to do a clone of that pile of crap that dares to call itself a game...

Correct halo=>Titanfall>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>cod.

Cod is awful same game every year. It is game that requires no skill. Even my cousin at the age of 8 was able to get a kd of 0.8 in tdm who barely plays console games. When he played halo he was only able to kill 1 person and died 21times. LOL

So about those Ryse achievements...
Installed the game again after deleting it and started to beat the game over, went to the achievements and they were all there, all 3 of them. Guss re-installing did it.
All is well :)">"><img src="

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Runa216 said:
Alright guys, I plan on taking the plunge. Got a new job that means I can afford spare cash, and I want an Xbox One. Already have a PS4 and WiiU.

Thing is, I already have a PS4, which is marginally better for multiplatform games so I'll get them on there. I need to know some exclusives to go with my new Xbox One! Here's the list of games I currently intend on getting on Xbox:

1 - Titanfall (don't like the lack of singleplayer, but it still looks awesome and the roomies will eat it up)
2 - Dead Rising 3 (didn't like the first two, but this one looks great)
3 - Project spark (when it comes out)
4 - Sunset Overdrive (it's Insomniac and I have been on a Ratchet & Clank Binge)
5 - Forza Motorsport 5 (not usually into realistic racers, but everyone I know says it's one of the best)
6 - Quantum Break (because Remedy)

I don't like Halo, and Gears hasn't even officially been announced yet, so I can't add them.

Anyone know any other Xbox One exclusives that are on the horizon I might be interested in? Indie games? RPG's? generally unique games?

No suggestions, guys?  I'm serious, but I've never been a huge Xbox guy so I am not all that familiar with the One's offerings. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

And if you play MP get them on XBox even the multiplat... MP on XBox one is where it's at... Unless you have a community of friends on PS4 of course... But even with lower graphics I'd take a big MP game on XBox nation ver any competing console any day... Especially on the long run, MS infrastructures will always be one step ahead if not more from Sony's...
there is actually a reason why we don't mind nd paying for Xbox live ;) but psssshhhh don't tell anyone they'd be jealous :p

Xbox one over* not Xbox nation ver damn auto correct on the phone

Runa216 said:
Runa216 said:
Alright guys, I plan on taking the plunge. Got a new job that means I can afford spare cash, and I want an Xbox One. Already have a PS4 and WiiU.

Thing is, I already have a PS4, which is marginally better for multiplatform games so I'll get them on there. I need to know some exclusives to go with my new Xbox One! Here's the list of games I currently intend on getting on Xbox:

1 - Titanfall (don't like the lack of singleplayer, but it still looks awesome and the roomies will eat it up)
2 - Dead Rising 3 (didn't like the first two, but this one looks great)
3 - Project spark (when it comes out)
4 - Sunset Overdrive (it's Insomniac and I have been on a Ratchet & Clank Binge)
5 - Forza Motorsport 5 (not usually into realistic racers, but everyone I know says it's one of the best)
6 - Quantum Break (because Remedy)

I don't like Halo, and Gears hasn't even officially been announced yet, so I can't add them.

Anyone know any other Xbox One exclusives that are on the horizon I might be interested in? Indie games? RPG's? generally unique games?

No suggestions, guys?  I'm serious, but I've never been a huge Xbox guy so I am not all that familiar with the One's offerings. 

I didnt see your previous comment.

Well we wont know most of the exclusives coming but Ill let you know about some that is being teased, already announced, and the ones that are good so far.

Good games already out

-Killer Instinct
-Ryse (Yes i enjoyed it, id recommend a rent)
-Dead Rising 3
-Forza 5
-Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
-Peggle 2
-Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
-And of Course TitanFall
-Zoo Tycoon

Games Coming Soon

-Project Spark(Beta Now)
-Kinect Sports Rivals
-Sunset Overdrive
-Quantum Break
-Fable Legends
-Gears of War
-And of course Halo

Games being hinted at

-Forza Horizon 2
-Old Ip being developed by 2nd party.  Possibility of it being a Rare ip
-Rare has hinted at Banjo, Perfect Dark, and Viva Pinata
-Phantom Dust

Then there is New Unnanounced Ip's coming as well as games coming from First parties that we know nothing about.  Alopng with a new Lionhead New ip.

So if you really want to buy an XBO now just judge off what you know because there is more coming that none of us can tell you about.  Only you know your preferences.


DirectX12 Majorly Hinted for Xbox One 

A few days ago, Microsoft posted up a teaser site that announced the company will be unveiling the next version of DirectX at Game Developer Conference on March 20.

Today, the company added the Xbox One logo to the site and tweeted a second tease, saying that the new version of DirectX will also work on its flagship console.

The Xbox One shares a kernel with Windows, which means it’s likely much easier for the company to port such innovations across to the console quickly. It’s not yet clear what changes DirectX 12 will bring, but if Microsoft is making a fuss like this it probably has something big to show off.

Headline image via Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images