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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

ironmanDX said:

You watch the end credits?


I usually do just incase. I'm a bit paranoid though.

Yeah... all 20 plus minutes of it (may have exaggereated)

Replayed the last level, hard reset the Xbox, and went back to last checkpoint with that awesome ending, and nothing :(

Also googled the issue and only saw that one other person had the same issue, tried his solution, but nothing.

Not that big a deal, but to a whole like me... it's a little bothersome.">"><img src="

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shikamaru317 said:

I really hope that Sega makes Virtua Fighter 6 for Xbox One and PS4 within a year or two. 

Microsoft needs to buy Sega that's what it is. Exclusives list:

Virtua Fighter, Sonic, Football Manager (yes), Yakuza (seems fun), Shenmue, etc...

They would also get Hatsune Miku Project Diva games. That would help a lot in Japan.

All this Sega+MS talk, wish something would actually happen...

Ryuu96 said:

Check Smartglass and see if it tells you what levels you have completed (I'm kindaaa thinking it does) one level might of just no registered or something and then you just need to complete it again maybe

Ryse companion app on smartglass

It says 100% for eerything... but no dice :(

Oh well. But thanks for that tip, that companion app is really cool!">"><img src="

Around the Network
shikamaru317 said:
Goatseye said:

Microsoft needs to buy Sega that's what it is. Exclusives list:

Virtua Fighter, Sonic, Football Manager (yes), Yakuza (seems fun), Shenmue, etc...

I couldn't agree more, I'd love to see my old favorite Sega and my new favorite Microsoft join forces. Sega has a huge number of quality IP's both current and dormant, if Microsoft had them exclusively they'd be in a much stronger position in Japan and elsewhere, due to the popularity of Japanese games outside of Japan. It probably wouldn't even cost Microsoft all that much, Sega has practically mismanaged themselves into the ground.

If they were interested in buying Sega back in the day then I have to imagine today's Sega is even more enticing to a company like Microsoft. They'd get all of those beloved IPs everyone mentions plus the ones that Sega has been snapping up lately from other companies (Atlus' huge catelog, Aliens license, Relic's catelog, Creative Assembly, etc). 

I know I'm just on the outside looking in for the time being but it almost seems like a situation that makes too much sense not to revisit if I was Microsoft. 

  1. @VinceZampella Do you know what time Titanfall will be available to download via Xbox One?

@jashansen Midnight pst for north america.

jlmurph2 said:
  1. @VinceZampella Do you know what time Titanfall will be available to download via Xbox One?

@jashansen Midnight pst for north america.

Damn Canadians.









Lol JK.

That's 3am for me...
Sleep > Downloading Titanfall Early :D">"><img src="

shikamaru317 said:

Yeah, Microsoft and Sega are pretty much a perfect match. They have history with each other, Microsoft needs Japanese exclusives that can help sell the Xbox One in Japan as well as to fans of Japanese games worldwide, and Sega has a bunch of dormant franchises that they can no long afford to fund which Microsoft could afford to fund. Only a few of Sega's franchises are big sellers, but there are several that have considerable sales potential given big enough development and advertising budgets. I really feel like Microsoft needs to buy Sega. And I'm not the only one, I hear fans of both Sega and Microsoft say it frequently, and I've even heard gaming journalists and industry analysts say it. 

Agreed. I often think about how Microsoft's budget could help some of Sega's IPs get back to being top sellers. Imagine a downloadable Crazy Taxi 4 with a robust online component, a new Sonic game that is given proper development time since it doesn't need to be the money maker every year or a game(s) like Yakuza/Valkyria that actually gets a marketing budget so people know what they are....this is just making me want it to happen more and more.

It'd be nice to see if Sega could make a return to form if they were focusing exclusively on one console again like they used to. Maybe they could get back to experimenting with new IPs instead of focusing only on pillar titles like the last few years.