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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

Halo 5 by a not-so-easily vote, Wish I can vote for both.......................OH WAIT!!!!

Proud to be a Californian.

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Gears! Even though I know they will both be epic :)

It will be Halo for me. Gears hype is no existant for me but next year when they start rolling the teasers it will be different.

got to go with halo

Halo vs. Gears huh... Voting See Results">"><img src="

Around the Network

Halo 5.
Although Gears 4 follows very, very, verrrrry close.

I split on the witcher 3. Game looks gorgeous but I don't really like fantasy a whole lot. I didnt finish skyrim but I did like dragon age 3. Also worried about being lost with the story. But what concerns me the most is the gameplay. Hearing very mixed things about it.

I want to hear from people who didn't play the first 2 games. Is it good, what do u think of it?

Halo MCC will sell 5+ million copies(including digital)

halo 5 will sell 10 million copies(including digital)

x1 will pass ps4 in USA, and UK.

hudsoniscool said:
I split on the witcher 3. Game looks gorgeous but I don't really like fantasy a whole lot. I didnt finish skyrim but I did like dragon age 3. Also worried about being lost with the story. But what concerns me the most is the gameplay. Hearing very mixed things about it.

I want to hear from people who didn't play the first 2 games. Is it good, what do u think of it?

I own Witcher II but never could get into it personally.  I however did watch a walkthrough of Witcher II before buying 3.  Still wasnt that into it, but WItcher 3 is pretty amazing!  However it does talk about things that has happened in the past so i would recommend at least watching the previous game


Ryuu96 said:

If this month feels a little light, don’t worry – we are working on some planned *BIG* E3 announcements. In the meantime, we will be continuing to preview the items previously released to continue to get feedback and work towards making them available to everyone, so keep that feedback coming!

No joke xD  This month in news has been wow.  As slade said, its a crawl to E3 now lol  But at least nothing has leaked (or not too much)


This was posted on KI Forums by Gakamor so credit goes to him, but this is the KI schedule for Combo Breaker this weekend as well as a likely reveal for the final Season 2 character Aria.  

According to Twitter, it is looking like Saturday night for the ARIA reveal at the KI Saucey Suite. (Not 100% confirmed yet)


.@ThisyaboiRandy @KI_Central @ComboBreakerFGC Watch @IToTheG for info on the stream - Saturday night (central time) seems likely!

— Adam Isgreen (@Ishmae1) May 22, 2015



As for when and where to watch Combo Breaker KI events:



5:00PM CST

C1/C2 Pool



11:45PM CST

KI Saucey Suite



11:00AM CST

16 to Top 8


2:00PM CST

Top 8


Full Schedule: