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I think Japanese game industry are really terrible when it comes to make business decisions.
They never seek to grow their market share and they're very closed within their border.
Is it really that expensive to translate games from Japanese to Western languages?
People say Xbox fans don't support JRPGs but Japanese devs never sought out to support Xbox.

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JayWood2010 said:
TiagoCosta said:
259 White Knight Chronicles: International Edition PS3 2008 Role-Playing Sony Computer Entertainment 0.30 0.16 0.36 0.08 0.90


Yup, I was right. Not that much bigger. Thanks for the compilation, you saved me time. 

TiagoCosta said:
JayWood2010 said:

Yup, I was right. Not that much bigger. Thanks for the compilation, you saved me time. 

Lol Two JRPG games sold more than 900k on X360, FF and Blue Dragon. i dont have any more time to waste on you, but here  take this $10 and turn it into $20

Statistics: When i bought these, these were the prices and how much i sold them back for

Apple: $3 - $1
Orange: $3 - $5
Watermelon - $6 - $10
Pear - $2 - $3


TiagoCosta said:
JayWood2010 said:
TiagoCosta said:

Those are 3 different userbases all together. kiddy 3d, adult 3d, sim.

Didnt know kiddy 3d and adult 3d was a genre.

You could always get mobile and play JRPG games if you can access them.  Thats what most Japanese devs are developing for now.  Not consoles in general

I'm talking about userbases there, not genres. 

I have mobile, I play LL! on it and that's it. Cause it works, true gaming doesn't.

No offense but I am commenting from "lurkers point of view". You complain too much about X1. Granted that fans will demand more and criticize lacking. But some of your demand is absurd. JRPGs aren't strong point of xbox and never will be. Playstation and Nintendo's system have JRPG support for obvious reasons. They are popular in Japan and they do sell well. Be happy what your system have.


PS: You look like a nerd when you wear glass.

daredevil.shark said:
TiagoCosta said:

I'm talking about userbases there, not genres. 

I have mobile, I play LL! on it and that's it. Cause it works, true gaming doesn't.

No offense but I am commenting from "lurkers point of view". You complain too much about X1. Granted that fans will demand more and criticize lacking. But some of your demand is absurd. JRPGs aren't strong point of xbox and never will be. Playstation and Nintendo's system have JRPG support for obvious reasons. They are popular in Japan and they do sell well. Be happy what your system have.


PS: You look like a nerd when you wear glass.

As you can imagine, your opinion is worthless for me. 

Well I'm a otaku of sorts. And I use glasses. 

Around the Network
TiagoCosta said:
daredevil.shark said:
TiagoCosta said:

I'm talking about userbases there, not genres. 

I have mobile, I play LL! on it and that's it. Cause it works, true gaming doesn't.

No offense but I am commenting from "lurkers point of view". You complain too much about X1. Granted that fans will demand more and criticize lacking. But some of your demand is absurd. JRPGs aren't strong point of xbox and never will be. Playstation and Nintendo's system have JRPG support for obvious reasons. They are popular in Japan and they do sell well. Be happy what your system have.


PS: You look like a nerd when you wear glass.

As you can imagine, your opinion is worthless for me. 

Well I'm a otaku of sorts. And I use glasses. 

Hey. I also wear glass and sort of otaku. Its a friendly stab.

shikamaru317 said:

Since you guys are arguing about it, here are the 360 JRPG's that sold fairly well:

Final Fantasy XIII: 2.1m
Blue Dragon: 900k
Lost Odyssey: 890k
Star Ocean: The Last Hope: 770k
Final Fantasy XIII-2: 730k
Tales of Vesperia: 710k
Infinite Undiscovery: 690k
The Last Remnant: 670k
Resonance of Fate: 320k
Eternal Sonata: 310k
Enchanted Arms: 210k

Those last 3 might not sound like they sold well, but they weren't exclusives, so they likely were profitable since porting costs aren't that high.

It's not a bad list really, would have been longer were it not for Don Mattrick largely cancelling 360's Japanese support halfway into the generation. With the decreased porting costs this gen, most JRPG's could be ported to Xbox One and be profitable, it's just up to MS to convince these devs to port their games. I've said it before, if MS created a small studio in Japan whose purpose was to provide porting assistance to Japanese devs, Xbox One would be getting alot more Japanese games and would be a much more well-rounded system than it is now. No need to spend money on exclusives that probably won't see a return, the operating costs of a small studio in Japan would be significantly cheaper than buying Japanese exclusives would be, a drop in the bucket compared to the many millions MS wastes on timed DLC each year.

Why doesn't any Western publisher own a Japanese studio? I read that a lot about MS but nobody asks really why don't other Western publishers never owned a Japanese studio.

MS wouldn't spend millions on DLCs if they hadn't seen return over the years.

And does MS have to hold Japanese devs hands to publish on Xbox? I mean Indie developers are flocking PS and Xbox but Namco and the likes are sitting with their thumbs up their butt waiting for a holding hand. That's how it seems to me.

shikamaru317 said:

Personally I think Tiago has every right to criticize the current state of Xbox. Like me he saved for quite awhile to buy a next-gen system, and like me he chose Xbox One because he likes some of Microsoft's western exclusives and because Phil Spencer promised plenty of Japanese support in a 2013 interview. Since that promise though, Phil Spencer has largely failed to deliver on the Japanese front, and now Tiago is stuck with a system that gets very few games that he likes, if he sold it used he'd maybe get $200 to put towards a PS4, which would mean saving up for quite awhile. It's a bad situation he's stuck in. He may be a bit overly negative in some people's eyes, but it's easy to be negative when you spent a significant amount of money on a console based on a broken promise. He may harp on Phil Spencer and Xbox a bit much, but people should try to understand his reasons and give him a bit of leeway imo.

The difference is, youre respectful and contribute in a positive and Intellectual way


shikamaru317 said:
daredevil.shark said:

No offense but I am commenting from "lurkers point of view". You complain too much about X1. Granted that fans will demand more and criticize lacking. But some of your demand is absurd. JRPGs aren't strong point of xbox and never will be. Playstation and Nintendo's system have JRPG support for obvious reasons. They are popular in Japan and they do sell well. Be happy what your system have.

PS: You look like a nerd when you wear glass.

Personally I think Tiago has every right to criticize the current state of Xbox. Like me he saved for quite awhile to buy a next-gen system, and like me he chose Xbox One because he likes some of Microsoft's western exclusives and because Phil Spencer promised plenty of Japanese support in a 2013 interview. Since that promise though, Phil Spencer has largely failed to deliver on the Japanese front, and now Tiago is stuck with a system that gets very few games that he likes, if he sold it used he'd maybe get $200 to put towards a PS4, which would mean saving up for quite awhile. It's a bad situation he's stuck in. He may be a bit overly negative in some people's eyes, but it's easy to be negative when you spent a significant amount of money on a console based on a broken promise. He may harp on Phil Spencer and Xbox a bit much, but people should try to understand his reasons and give him a bit of leeway imo.

We're just over a year into 8th gen. Japanese devs churn out games as fast as slowpokes.

The first next gen JRPG won't probably come out until 2016.

Versus_Evil said:
What the fuck it's with this poll bro, wait... One vote.. ONE VOTE!!! assholes and OMFG STFU ABOUT JRPGS!!!! You bought the wrong console so stop fucking going on about it.

You're right, I should have bought the Ouya. At least I'd get more JRPGs on there, then the Dudebro-DoritoesXMountain Dew- Shooterbox One.">"><img src="