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MKX Fight Pad is officially on Amazon for $50


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Pneuma: Breath of Life Out Today

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Aganos on Killer Instinct Out Today

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Ryuu96 said:

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Fruit Ninja Kinect 2 launches exclusively for Xbox One on March 18th. 


JayWood2010 said:

MKX Fight Pad is officially on Amazon for $50

I'm too noob at fighting games to even understand how that right there is in any way more helpful than a regular controller. So the bumpers are buttons....big deal, as if the bumpers aren't easy enough to use. Worse, I don't even see how one would hold this thing since the side with the buttons has no grip.


I mean fight sticks I get, but this....just looks useless to me lol

Angelus said:
JayWood2010 said:


I'm too noob at fighting games to even understand how that right there is in any way more helpful than a regular controller. So the bumpers are buttons....big deal, as if the bumpers aren't easy enough to use. Worse, I don't even see how one would hold this thing since the side with the buttons has no grip.


I mean fight sticks I get, but this....just looks useless to me lol

THe curve is to access the right trigger easily. For games like Killer insintct bumpers are aggravating because their rurther away and hitting the LB+RB at the same time isnt as easy as hitting lets say a+b at the same time

I actually prefer Fightpads > Controller > Fight Stick.  But its all preference.  A lot of people prefer controller, and a lot of people prefer fight stick.  YOull see different people use different things in tournaments if it is approved


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Bought Pneuma, damn thing is 10GB though. Any one here get it?">"><img src="

14 Days ^^^^


Slade6alpha said:
Bought Pneuma, damn thing is 10GB though. Any one here get it?

I bought if before i left this morning


Ori hype!!!!!

ugh 2 weeks I got a mid term, won't be able to play when it comes out">"><img src="

Weekly Hardware Chart 14th February 2015

PlatformN. AmericaEuropeJapanGlobal
174,767 157,610 56,740 423,122
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33,659 11,217 6,895 55,636
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19,371 6,076 30 28,839
5,548 4,614 12,168 27,674
2,324 1,170 29
