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Both Killer Instinct's Aganos and Pneuma is out tomorrow xD #Hype


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JayWood2010 said:
Both Killer Instinct's Aganos and Pneuma is out tomorrow xD #Hype



shikamaru317 said:

Yeah, they seem to have chosen pretty much the best F2P model out there. It's the same model that Smite uses which is highly praised. 

Fable Legends going to be F2P? Oi I'm starting to hate F2P more and more since it's really not actually free. I'd rather they just slap a price tag on it and have 100% unlocked content. F2P is more like a demo imo.

Can't really say the xbl price drops really going to effect me, i think ive only ever paid the rrp once in my life, year xblg prepaid cards can be snagged for around $32-35 if you know where to look.

Still nice though, even nicer if it stays that way and filters down to the services i already use and makes them even cheaper, sub $30 year subscriptions? yes please.

shikamaru317 said:
Tachikoma said:
Can't really say the xbl price drops really going to effect me, i think ive only ever paid the rrp once in my life, year xblg prepaid cards can be snagged for around $32-35 if you know where to look.

Still nice though, even nicer if it stays that way and filters down to the services i already use and makes them even cheaper, sub $30 year subscriptions? yes please.

Well, theoretically if the msrp goes down, the price of the special deals should be lower as well. If the $40 price is permanent, I could see 12 months cards hitting $25-30 on Black Friday for instance. Hopefully that $40 price is permanent and not a temporary special they're running.

I look forward to a day we can get a years subscription for both XBO and PS4 for $50 or less!

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shikamaru317 said:

That's why I said it's a good F2P model. You'll be able to unlock all content that is available at release for a reasonable price because they're apparently doing a retail release still. Or, if you're like me, you can play the free version and unlock things with in-game currency.

I'd probably rather just pay upfront than instead of getting bombed with stuff like "Want to go to this area? $ plz. Want more in game money? $ plz. Do you want to unlock achievements? $ plz lol.

hmm I never knew that Fable was normally planned as an Dreamcast game..

halo 5, tomb raider, qb are top of my xo buy lists this year.

I agree with tiago. I dont like AAA games turned to F2P model. The reason I am still playing games is because of good AAA games (Not ACreed or battlefield, but games like tlou or forza).

Given the current caliber of lionhead to make good games Fable legends might have sold horribly if it was normal $60 game. With F2P model this game will get something to fight back. Still Fable franchise was very special to me. Its sad to see to turn this F2P.

Tachikoma said:
halo 5, tomb raider, qb are top of my xo buy lists this year.

I'll def get QB. TR I'll have to see after I play the last one from GWG. I'm glad they released it for Gold although I was hoping for the DE version so I didn't have to whip out the 360 but at least I'll be able to check it out.