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Ryuu96 said:

'Forza' Creators Revving up 'Fast & Furious' Video Game

LOS ANGELES — Feb 25, 2015, 9:00 AM ET
By DERRIK J. LANG AP Entertainment Writer

Ride or die. 

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Angelus said:
Ryuu96 said:

'Forza' Creators Revving up 'Fast & Furious' Video Game

LOS ANGELES — Feb 25, 2015, 9:00 AM ET
By DERRIK J. LANG AP Entertainment Writer

Sounds awesome. And free at that

Yes sounds good now lets hope free version does not comes with micro-transactions and other f2p shit.

Don't really like list wars (found them interesting though) but this twitter message will make some xbox fans happy..

GamechaserBE said:
Don't really like list wars (found them interesting though) but this twitter message will make some xbox fans happy..

it's just a shame that halo mcc would've been in the mid 90's if it wasn't for the online issues.  But I do agree that the xb1 has had a much better exclusives showing than the ps4 so far.

GamechaserBE said:
Don't really like list wars (found them interesting though) but this twitter message will make some xbox fans happy..

Where's TLOU? Seems a bit cherry picked though I agree that Xbox has the better exclusive for my tastes.

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GamechaserBE said:
Don't really like list wars (found them interesting though) but this twitter message will make some xbox fans happy..

Well the quality had defintely been pretty good on XB1. The problem with that graphic though, is that now review scores "don't matter" anymore.

Snippet trailer of the FH2 Fast and Furious DLC.

iceland said:
GamechaserBE said:
Don't really like list wars (found them interesting though) but this twitter message will make some xbox fans happy..

Where's TLOU? Seems a bit cherry picked though I agree that Xbox has the better exclusive for my tastes.

Well because you know people don't really feel you should get a PS4 for TLOU a PS3 game, not going in that discussion... With bloodborne coming soon the chart will look different soon but I just post it because Xone is certainly not doing that bad like some would say...

Stand alone... I wonder how the achievements will work :p

That is pretty cool bringing Fast and the Furious to Forza Horizon 2 xD I was debating on downloading the storm island first though