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Linchpin said:
Jazz2K said:

You should definetely go for Max at 3$. Really good game, similar to Limbo if you played Limbo already.

I haven't played Limbo yet. I wasn't too sure if Max was more of a game better off with a kinect since I don't have that. But if it plays fine with a controller and isn't too difficult of a game than I'll buy it tonight or tomorrow when I buy a couple of other games that I'm deciding on :)

max is a pure controller game and plays good,

it´s not really hard,

i suck at platformers and had not that much trouble beating it

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got 1000gs in shadow of mordor.Cant wait for a sequel :D

Ltd predictions by the time 9th Gen comes out


Xbox one :75 million( was 65) 

Wii u: 20 milliion

Max is easy, did 1000/1000 in 2/3 days.

It's quite good, bought it on sale but I will buy the next one in full price.

shikamaru317 said:
Anybody want to help me out on this last achievement in IDARB? I just need somebody to stand there while I jump on their head a few times, won't take long. I tried to do it with Tiago last night but we couldn't connect.

Send me an invite now

Edit: I sent you one, lol. Then you sent me one, now it's just saying waiting for players...">"><img src="

shikamaru317 said:
Slade6alpha said:

Send me an invite now

Edit: I sent you one, lol. Then you sent me one, now it's just saying waiting for players... 

Yeah, thats the same problem I was having with Tiago. How in the world do you accept invites in this game?

I just go back home, and click the notification to accept the invite, but everytime I do it, it just doesn't take me to the game...">"><img src="

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@Shika: Do you have two controllers? That's what I did. I used one controller and then jumped on the other one while the other people racked up points. Was like 40-0 after I was done.">"><img src="

I also don't own a second one, still waiting for the white one.

Not sure why Microsoft isn't releasing it.

TiagoCosta said:
I also don't own a second one, still waiting for the white one.

Not sure why Microsoft isn't releasing it.

I got impatient and went for another black.

Ad yeah Shika, I'll try again, but this thing seems broken. You may have to just keep trying randoms. 

Edit: Just sent it!">"><img src="

I'll probably get the COD AW controller.

I'm guessing you got it Shika? Nice game I kept missing those easy points though">"><img src="