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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

NobleTeam360 said:
iceland said:

I went to my local walmart, they had 2 PS4s and 0 Xbones

Xbox One demand higher?

I'm Joking lol

PS4 doomed confirmed?

I should've took some sexy stock photos and made a thread xD

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iceland said:
NobleTeam360 said:
iceland said:

I went to my local walmart, they had 2 PS4s and 0 Xbones

Xbox One demand higher?

I'm Joking lol

PS4 doomed confirmed?

I should've took some sexy stock photos and made a thread xD

Imagine the rage!

iceland said:

I went to my local walmart, they had 2 PS4s and 0 Xbones

Xbox One demand higher?

I'm Joking lol

Yeah i went to my local walmat again this morning, they still have those 2 ps4's i was talking about earlier this week.  There was originally three but yeah.  However there is also 7 Xbox Ones so neither one is selling at the moment in my area.

I also should state again that i live in a state that isnt that populated.  I believe were in the bottom 5 actually. Poverty is also an issue in my state so that doesnt help either.


I've heard great things about Code Geass, I guess I should go try it out.

NobleTeam360 said:
I've heard great things about Code Geass, I guess I should go try it out.

It is really good xD  The ending for the 2nd season is perfect.  It leaves me wanting a third though.

my only issue with the show is it over sexualizing their characters but im not sure if that is a thing you like or dislike. The story is phenomenal though.


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NobleTeam360 said:
Slade6alpha said:
The only anime I watched (watch) was/is Pokemon, DBZ, Yugioh, Naruto (Shippuden), and Bleach. Lot of mainstream :D
But for some (Naruto) it's so hard to keep track of it, especially since it's gone on for years and they keep doing that filler garbage.

I sent you a friend request and you declined it you're mean. 

What? lol.

We're friends on here xD

I never denied an online friend request from a stranger, only denied people I know in real life who annoy me...">"><img src="

JayWood2010 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
I've heard great things about Code Geass, I guess I should go try it out.

It is really good xD  The ending for the 2nd season is perfect.  It leaves me wanting a third though.

my only issue with the show is it over sexualizing their characters but im not sure if that is a thing you like or dislike. The story is phenomenal though.

It only gets to me if they make the characters stupid/dumb or whatever word you want to use for it. For example of of the girls on High School of The Dead. Just watch a trailer of that lol. 

iceland said:

I should've took some sexy stock photos and made a thread xD

LOL! Those threads got so annoying.">"><img src="

JayWood2010 said:
iceland said:

I went to my local walmart, they had 2 PS4s and 0 Xbones

Xbox One demand higher?

I'm Joking lol

Yeah i went to my local walmat again this morning, they still have those 2 ps4's i was talking about earlier this week.  There was originally three but yeah.  However there is also 7 Xbox Ones so neither one is selling at the moment in my area.

I also should state again that i live in a state that isnt that populated.  I believe were in the bottom 5 actually. Poverty is also an issue in my state so that doesnt help either.

Where you from? I'm in western NY, one of the top states in terms of population. 

shikamaru317 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
I've heard great things about Code Geass, I guess I should go try it out.

I wasn't a big fan personally. One of the lowest ranked anime on my list actually. But that's probably just me. 

:O I wish Netflix had it so I could watch it in HD though.