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JayWood2010 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
JayWood2010 said:

In a brief explanation, a lot of people compare it to One Piece. It has a lot of comedy which can sometimes ruin the serious parts of the story, but I still enjoy it. I tried watching Stiens Gate but got bored of it I'll probably try it again because the same thing happened with Game of Thrones (Hated it at first but then loved it). 

I have no idea what One Piece is :(  I do however know that i like two pieces more ;P

Lol, One Piece has over 600 episodes so I wouldn't advise watching it lol. One Piece is garbage anyway. 

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JayWood2010 said:
JoeTheBro said:

I really wonder if he's an alt. I mean he joined just the other day and already knows everyone.

Probably not the talk for here though.

Who are you guys talking about?  PM me if you all think it will bring in unneccessary drama as i apparently got banned for that a couple weeks ago.

NobleTeam360 said:

Lol, One Piece has over 600 episodes so I wouldn't advise watching it lol. One Piece is garbage anyway. 

600 episodes O.O  Holy mother of Batman! Yeah i think ill pass on it xD

As i mentioned i havent watched very much anime but i really liked a few like Steins;Gate, Lelouch of the Rebellion, Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, AnoHana, DeathNote, and Clannad


JoeTheBro said:
JayWood2010 said:

Oh yeah i noticed him last night.  I wont state my opinion on him as i dont want to be banned but you can guess based off id get banned :P


JayWood2010 said:

I assume college courses?  Fun stuff lol  Ugh for real, without college id have soo much more time -_- Work and college.  

Yeah VGC has a lot of intelligent posters.  Youre kind of forced into being inteligent about games on this website lol  Ive always said it creates smart trolls xD Still better than the blatant ones though lol

Yup, college courses. Math courses to be more precise.

It sometimes feels like a prison here, with everyone watching and especially the banning system.">"><img src="

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The only anime I watched (watch) was/is Pokemon, DBZ, Yugioh, Naruto (Shippuden), and Bleach. Lot of mainstream :D
But for some (Naruto) it's so hard to keep track of it, especially since it's gone on for years and they keep doing that filler garbage.">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
JayWood2010 said:


Yup, college courses. Math courses to be more precise.

It sometimes feels like a prison here, with everyone watching and especially the banning system.

I hate math -_-  Give me any class but math and im fine.  I like Psychology personally.

I like that VGC is strict.  I think theyre a little too lenient in many cases and i think they have some questionable bans and ugh not-bans though.  I use to try and talk with the mods to start acting on stealth trolling as it isnt hard to spot.  We know who the stealth trolls are.  They did ban a few people based off of numerous posts they made but it didnt really go anywhere i dont believe.  In order to do this youd have to file a report on multiple posts which i dont think the mods want to do, which is fine.  

I can imagine a lot of people file reports on things they simply disagree with which prob annoys the mods.  

Ill be the first one to admit i report a lot of people if i consider it trolling/baiting/flaiming.  I find it much more impacting to get someone banned rather than to pointlessly argue with them.  IN my case though, i still argue with a lot of them though so im far from perfect lol


Slade6alpha said:
The only anime I watched (watch) was/is Pokemon, DBZ, Yugioh, Naruto (Shippuden), and Bleach. Lot of mainstream :D
But for some (Naruto) it's so hard to keep track of it, especially since it's gone on for years and they keep doing that filler garbage.

I sent you a friend request and you declined it you're mean. 

I went to my local walmart, they had 2 PS4s and 0 Xbones

Xbox One demand higher?

I'm Joking lol

iceland said:

I went to my local walmart, they had 2 PS4s and 0 Xbones

Xbox One demand higher?

I'm Joking lol

PS4 doomed confirmed?