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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

NobleTeam360 said:
Well this is off topic but I'm glad Fairy Tail (Anime) is coming back. Starts back up in April so I'll have two shows to watch come April (Fairy Tail and Game of Thrones).

What's fairtale?  I havent watched many anime shows but ive watched a few recently that i really like.  Steins;Gate is prob my favorite.  Ive been hearing a lot of good stuff about Attack of the Titans (I think thats what its called) but its only in japanese so im going to wait for the dub on it.


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Slade6alpha said:
JayWood2010 said:



I post outside this thread at times, but classes begin again and it's going to be less, so I figured I should try to confine myself to one community for the most part. Also, there are tons of other Sony and Nintendo forums out there on the webs. This is the only place I've found online where intelligent Xbox fans post without the constant trolling and immaturity.

I assume college courses?  Fun stuff lol  Ugh for real, without college id have soo much more time -_- Work and college.  

Yeah VGC has a lot of intelligent posters.  Youre kind of forced into being inteligent about games on this website lol  Ive always said it creates smart trolls xD Still better than the blatant ones though lol


JoeTheBro said:
Noble and Ryu.

Just stop responding to that guy in that one thread. Do you really think it's going to end with him having changed his opinion?


Ryuu96 said:
JoeTheBro said:
Noble and Ryu.

Just stop responding to that guy in that one thread. Do you really think it's going to end with him having changed his opinion?

I pretty much have said what I wanted to say and ended also it looks like it has ended with him >:) No reply so far Lol...

I really wonder if he's an alt. I mean he joined just the other day and already knows everyone.

Probably not the talk for here though.

shikamaru317 said:

I'd say there's a significant chance of some Mistwalker JRPG on the Xbox One, even if it's unrelated to Lost Odyssey:


  • Microsoft wants the Xbox One to sell in Japan. They know from last gen that the biggest sellers on the 360 in Japan were JRPG's, and Mistwalker's Blue Dragon is tied for the #1 spot with Star Ocean: The Last Hope with 210,000 copies sold each. 
  • Microsoft has very deep pockets, they could buy exclusivity agreements from most Japanese developers/publishers if they wanted to. 
  • Microsoft has already announced that they've signed several Japanese exclusives to the Xbox One which will be announced in 2014 (and presumably be launch titles when the Xbox One releases in Japan in late 2014). 
  • Mistwalker dislikes Sony and likely won't release on the PS4 or Vita for that reason. Mistwalker has already released games on iOS and Android, and it's my understand that they didn't do that well. 3DS is likely out too, Mistwalker released several games for the DS, none of which did very well. It's my understanding that PC gaming isn't that popular in Japan, so that's likely out too. That leaves the Wii U and Xbox One. Though Mistwalker has expressed interest in making an action-RPG for the Wii U in the past, that was before the Wii U's sales fell far below expectations, that may have turned them off the idea. Plus there's the fact that Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey on the 360 outsold The Last Story on the Wii, that's bound to make Xbox One look like the most attractive platform for Mistwalker to develop for.


All these points lead me to believe they should make a game for the One, but hasn't Wii U sales increased? Especially in Japan? I want them to develop for the One make no mistake.">"><img src="

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JayWood2010 said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Well this is off topic but I'm glad Fairy Tail (Anime) is coming back. Starts back up in April so I'll have two shows to watch come April (Fairy Tail and Game of Thrones).

What's fairtale?  I havent watched many anime shows but ive watched a few recently that i really like.  Steins;Gate is prob my favorite.  Ive been hearing a lot of good stuff about Attack of the Titans (I think thats what its called) but its only in japanese so im going to wait for the dub on it.

In a brief explanation, a lot of people compare it to One Piece. It has a lot of comedy which can sometimes ruin the serious parts of the story, but I still enjoy it. I tried watching Stiens Gate but got bored of it I'll probably try it again because the same thing happened with Game of Thrones (Hated it at first but then loved it). 

Ryuu96 said:


Uhh, When Mike said a rare look inside Insomniac games I thought he meant Sunset sneak peek =( Still that is a pretty awesome looking studio

looks like a museum xD


NobleTeam360 said:
JayWood2010 said:

In a brief explanation, a lot of people compare it to One Piece. It has a lot of comedy which can sometimes ruin the serious parts of the story, but I still enjoy it. I tried watching Stiens Gate but got bored of it I'll probably try it again because the same thing happened with Game of Thrones (Hated it at first but then loved it). 

I have no idea what One Piece is :(  I do however know that i like two pieces more ;P


LOL. Just saw that poster, reminds me of Iamdeath.">"><img src="

JoeTheBro said:

I really wonder if he's an alt. I mean he joined just the other day and already knows everyone.

Probably not the talk for here though.

Who are you guys talking about?  PM me if you all think it will bring in unneccessary drama as i apparently got banned for that a couple weeks ago.