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JayWood2010 said:
Goatseye said:
I wish MS could get in conversation with Sammy for Sega acquisition now.
I think Platinum Games would be happy with that. Vanquish and Bayonetta are their babies.

Outside of Atlus i dont think they really make anything that great.  I did love Alien Isolation though.

I think they just need to focus on making smarter decisions and try expanding by releasing more on PC.  

I said buy Sega in a sense where MS would make use of their IPs.

Virtua Cop would be great for Kinect, Virtua Fighter as a 3D exclusive fighting game, Panzer Dragoon, Football Manager for PC, WP and Xbox.

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Looks like the Shenmue dream is well and truly dead.


wth -_- I order from Nvidia yestterday morning. I spend $40 on shipping & handling for Overnight shipping&handling. Fast forward 24 hours i finally get an email that theyre shipping it now and that it wont be here until monday -_______- Ugh


JayWood2010 said:
wth -_- I order from Nvidia yestterday morning. I spend $40 on shipping & handling for Overnight shipping&handling. Fast forward 24 hours i finally get an email that theyre shipping it now and that it wont be here until monday -_______- Ugh

I didn't see your name on the leadboard for the second level of Kalimba. Did you stop? Why?


I'm starting to love Press Play. Loved Max and Kalimba looks very good. Their games can be played by anyone and everyone well enjoy it.

Hopefully, we'll continue see a game a year from them.

JayWood2010 said:


Really? o.O  I beat the game actually so it should show.  I might have been offline at the time or something.

Kalimba was amazing though.  Some of the best designed puzzles in a platformer ive seen in a while.  It really gets tough at times to.  I enjoyed it a lot.  I hope to go back and beat the game without dieing at some point.  THough i dont know if il be able to do that.  The gravity thing makes it a little weird at times


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shikamaru317 said:
JayWood2010 said:
wth -_- I order from Nvidia yestterday morning. I spend $40 on shipping & handling for Overnight shipping&handling. Fast forward 24 hours i finally get an email that theyre shipping it now and that it wont be here until monday -_______- Ugh

That's the kind of luck I usually have with shipping. What did you get from Nvidia, a new graphics card or a Shield perhaps?

I ordered the Shield.  Im going to get Dragon Age and stream that to it, and ill prob stream Bloodborne to it as well.  Ive always liked handheld experiences for some reason.  Im going to try and figure out how to get Amazon Game Studios games to work on it as well.   first party on tablets  -_-

Ill be ordering Nvidia GPU from newegg though.


shikamaru317 said:

Since Sega is getting out of console games does that mean no Shenmue 3?

shikamaru317 said:
JayWood2010 said:

What are you planning on upgrading to?

GTX 960.  My friend wants me to get the 970 though so i may get that instead.  Gotta get a new router too so, fun stuff haha


shikamaru317 said:
Seece said:
Looks like the Shenmue dream is well and truly dead.

Not neccessarily. Yu Suzuki has mentioned in the past that he was considering crowd funding the game. He still could as far as I know. Shenmue 3 would likely break Kickstarter's record if he put it on there, lots of passionate Shenmue fans out there. He might not be able to receive the kind of budget that he had for the first 2 games through crowdfunding, but if he toned back his vision a bit he'd have enough to develop it I think. 

Shenmue cost 70 million to make.  Im not sure what the record is for the most funded game on kick starter but im assuming a good way away from that.  So SEGA would still have to invest a lot most likely


shikamaru317 said:
JayWood2010 said:



Oh my bad then. Yeah, it could happen then.  Hopefully he will try that.