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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox Empire - New thread up soon!

crissindahouse said:
TiagoCosta said:
Such a waste of resources, all working on the same tech.

MS needs more third party exclusives imo, not enough first party studios yet. Shenmue comes to mind lol

Why is it a waste of resources? Just because they aren't Xbox teams (which would be btw even more teams working on the same tech ) doesn't mean that the work of these people in these teams is a waste of resources. people should really have more respect for the work of others...

I would also like to see many more Xbox teams but that doesn't make the work of other people useless^^

Why? Everything I say is with my personal interest in first, remember kinect? Since kinect reveal 360 got worse for me, instead of exclusive games for the hardcore gamer we started to get kinect games, it was a success for Microsoft but why should I care? They didn't use that money to give me more games, and we are even losing Jp support, to make things worse..

You are reading way too much into it, wow. Respect the work of the others, I want my money respected as well then(aka phil promises) lol over here most go jobless after studying a whole lot, they should feel lucky.

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What's up nation?

I think those studios mentioned above are creating Xbox related content for Holo Lens.

Ryuu96 said:
Btw the Lester Speight thing was not a Gears announcement

You know this type of stuff aggravates me.  Its on thing to hype up an announcement but wasnt he retweeting Cole Train stuff?


JayWood2010 said:
Ryuu96 said:
Btw the Lester Speight thing was not a Gears announcement

You know this type of stuff aggravates me.  Its on thing to hype up an announcement but wasnt he retweeting Cole Train stuff?

Well, he is Cole. He gets like that when he's running on whole grain.

The witcher 3 interview:

It was exclusive for eurogamer pt, so is Portuguese only

Google translator should work probably, any question just ask.

Around the Network

Why is it bad news if those studios are working on Hololens stuff? They could end up making something really cool.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

I'm actually more psyched for hololens than Kinect at this point.
I can actually see myself using hololens for long periods of time at my home, just toying around with stuff, especially minecraft.

maximrace said:
MoHasanie said:

That's disappointing There were a lot of people playing the Halo 5 beta so I thought they'd come back to the MCC once the beta was done but I guess they didn't. I mean, I was finding games in Halo 4, in playlists with less than 500 people faster than I am in this game. 

IMO, if the game was fixed people would have returned after the beta. Now they played a game, saw it was still the same shit and moved on. This makes me really really sad, Halo is my favourite franchise. This was it's chance to show new people how awsome the games are, but they fucked up so big. I'm more sad about this than the initial Xbox One DRM reveal tbh

its okay as long as they don't mess up Halo 5. MCC's multiplayer problems are similar to Halo 4 and nobody returned to playing that game after they left. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

roborad said:
I'm actually more psyched for hololens than Kinect at this point.
I can actually see myself using hololens for long periods of time at my home, just toying around with stuff, especially minecraft.

Me too although it depends on how it turns out. The video MS showed made it look really cool but I doubt it will turn out that great. Google glass had a similar vision and nothing has happened with that. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

roborad said:
I'm actually more psyched for hololens than Kinect at this point.
I can actually see myself using hololens for long periods of time at my home, just toying around with stuff, especially minecraft.

BTW it might be expensive. More than VR. People are guessing $1000 range.