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So does week 3 of the beta include all 5 slayer maps or only part like previous weeks

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Ryuu96 said:

Saw this pretty great post in Neogaf about Rare and thought i would post it here =P

So I've been looking at my list and I've decided its time to update it to reflect for more accuracy...

Studio size: 136 employees per Linkedin to combine with Craig Duncan the studio head of Rare on Major Nelsons podcast when discussing Kinect Sports Rivals launch said the studio size is 120 at the time of shipping. Since then 15 people were laid off and Eurogamer says it was a 150 person project, adding in any outside help they got you can get a pretty decent idea of their size and they are current hiring for quite a few full time positions and a large amount of 12 month contract positions too. Now lets look at my lists:

Ive checked every name on this list to the best of my ability I can't see based on their Linkedin profiles that they have moved on.

Chris Marlow - Senior gameplay engineer (joined in 1996)
Robin Beanland – Head of Music – 1994 onwards
Gregg Mayles – Designer – 1989 onwards
Nick Burton – New Technology Development Lead – 1998 onwards
Louise Ridgeway – Art Director – 1999 onwards
Andy Wilson – Producer – 1997 onwards
Steve Mayles – Principal Artist – 1992 onwards
Peter Hentze – Lead Concept Artist – 2000 onwards
Ryan Stevenson – Senior Concept Artist – 2001 onwards
Dave Rose – Principal Environment Artist – 1997 onwards
Paul Cunningham – Assistant Art Director – 1995 onwards
Brent Poynton – Producer – 2001 onwards
James Thomas – Gameplay Engineer Supervisor – 2002 onwards
Gary Talbot – Animator – 2000 onwards
Huw Ward – Test Principal – 1983 onwards 
David Wong – Senior Test Lead – 1997 onwards
Paul Machacek – Test Manager – 1988 onwards
Mark Wilson - Infrastructure Engineer - 1989 onwards
Andrew Betts - Principal Artist - 1996 onwards
Rich Cousins - Live Operations Manager - 2000 onwards
Justin Cook - Principle Designer - Joined in 1999, left in 2009 to BigBig then SEGA and came back in 2012
Mark Stevenson - Lead designer - 1995 onwards
Stephen Hall - Principle Artist - 1997 onwards
Paul Mountain - Software Engineer - 1996 onwards

The people above all started before 2003 and I deliberately narrowed that list to try and focus on pre-Microsoft Rare, but Microsoft have owned Rare now for 13 years its time to expand the list to represent other long-term Rareites:

Dean Wilson - Art Principle - 2005
Katherine Gibson - Principal Rigger - 2003
Ben Miller - Lead Tools Engineer - 2004
Andrew Preston - Principal Designer - 2005
Shelley Preston - Senior Designer - 2006
Simon Gerges - Software Engineer - 2004
Nilless Sonnemans - UI & Game Flow Engineer Supervisor - 2007
Mark Lucas - Software Engineer - 2003
Eoin O'Flynn - Senior Software Development Engineer - 2004
Robert Masella - Software Development Engineer - 2005
James Thomas - Gameplay Engineer Supervisor - 2002
Peter Campbell - Presentation Lead Engineer - 2006
Eike Umlauf - Senior Software/Gameplay Engineer - 2005
Adam Park - Lead Producer - 2007
Ryo Agaries - Artist - At least 2003

So, 1/3 of the studio has been there for at least 10 years except for 2 guys who are at 8 and 9 a piece, not factoring in any I can't see due to Premium locks or not on Linkedin etc...

Dat Rare, just a name!


More old Rare staff than 343 has ex-bungie and Black Tusk has ex-Epic.....

Great find, next time when people claim that "Microsoft killed Rare" this will prove them wrong.

Proud to be a Californian.

maximrace said:
So does week 3 of the beta include all 5 slayer maps or only part like previous weeks

Truth and Pegasus in Slayer

The 2 breakout maps in said mode

Empire and Regret in Stronghold

Versus_Evil said:
Slade6alpha said:
LMAO! Versus Evil is this month's cheevo whore ladies and gents

Although Kapi's going to usurp that title this month.

:3 you've earned 925gs in the last 30 days if the leaderboards are to be believed..... What happened man?? Thought you where in some super serious competition.

December was Persona 4 Golden time. Also... most of my cheevo whore games come after the 11th, so it's kinda on kapi at this point">"><img src="

There is always that one review dragging down the meta score. 3/10 for Sunset Overdrive from Czech


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JayWood2010 said:
There is always that one review dragging down the meta score. 3/10 for Sunset Overdrive from Czech

Part of the reason I can't respect metacritic. They let sites on there that simply have no objectivity. 3/10 is an unplayable mess of a game

So nomore eden ☹. Meh really liked that map

maximrace said:
So nomore eden ☹. Meh really liked that map

Ya, aside from blue team being like half cloaked it's a great map 

True, Eden and Truth are the best maps Imo ( haven't played pegasus yet)

Regret is on the objective mode. No idea about a grenade launcher tho, certainly didn't notice it :P